f*** him for that
Didn't he admit that some of them are true. What a dumbass
His team, manager or lawyer probably told him his statement admitting to the s*** he's done is a liability since anyone he's abused and even people didn't abuse can come forward and use that against him court. He's just covering his ass imo
Do you understand what context is?
Twigs: He abused me
Shia: I am abusive
Put two and two together
She wasn't the only one to make claims at that time- another woman made claims too about him sleeping with them and then not calling them back (or something to that extent)
His initial statement was a general message and not addressed to anyone directly.
People are ASSUMING the original one was to twigs- when we don't know
not hard to put 2 and 2 together
You can't just assume things in a serious situation like this.
That's not an admission of guilt to her individual claims you know?
He literally said he was “abusive to everyone else around me for years”
and he admitted he was a drunk
No way he remembers half the s*** he did to people
My dad was the same way, would get drunk and abuse my mom and sister and I felt hopeless. I will never unhear the screams or forget the fear I felt, but he barely remembers it because he was so drunk
Lock him up already
Jail for a white man putting hands on a black woman?
Nah hang that nigga
She wasn't the only one to make claims at that time- another woman made claims too about him sleeping with them and then not calling them back (or something to that extent)
His initial statement was a general message and not addressed to anyone directly.
People are ASSUMING the original one was to twigs- when we don't know
You can't just assume things in a serious situation like this.
No one's assuming, this is all based on things he has said or did
Jail for a white man putting hands on a black woman?
Nah hang that nigga
He never addressed her directly until the this new statement.
What reason would twigs have to lie
Just answer me that
He never addressed her directly until the this new statement.
nigga he put a statement out right after hers, you are being dense on purpose
How are you upset that I stated facts
Mad how innocent until proven guilty is only acceptable to some.... But there you go. People and their agendas.
Didn’t he admit to it tho? Man I hope someone beat the f*** out this b**** made ass cac.