  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Jan 28, 2022


  • Jan 28, 2022
    3 replies

    So you’d rather humanity self sabatoge itself than improve? Are you sick in the head?

    It's not self sabotage. It's the natural way of life. People die everyday. They need to push eating healthy and looking after your body the same way they been pushing their medicine. You got people mad that you ain't getting vaccines but they eat like total s***. When covid is over with people are still going to be dying because of a terrible food and exercise culture in these western countries. Maybe because these deaths are not as immediate as a virus we ain't giving it much attention but we should be.

  • Jan 28, 2022


  • Jan 28, 2022
    1 reply

    Hippocratic Oath.

  • Jan 28, 2022
    Very Based

    life has surpassed music as worst sxn on this site

    Its impressive

  • Jan 28, 2022

    you don't trust the doctors in the first place so why are you getting medical treatment at a hospital if you won't get a vaccine.

    You can trust doctors overall and not want to get a vaccine some of y'all are conflating unvaccinated to anti vax to calling them dumb or something else. Many of the "anti vax" people you speak of would get chemo if a nuke went off or go through whatever necessary. Its also cost, liability and even if the vaccine does negatively affect them they have no power to sue or place any responsibility on pharmaceutical companies making record profits who posses immunity

  • Jan 28, 2022
    2 replies

    It's not self sabotage. It's the natural way of life. People die everyday. They need to push eating healthy and looking after your body the same way they been pushing their medicine. You got people mad that you ain't getting vaccines but they eat like total s***. When covid is over with people are still going to be dying because of a terrible food and exercise culture in these western countries. Maybe because these deaths are not as immediate as a virus we ain't giving it much attention but we should be.

    Fam you know nothing about viral infections if you think a healthy diet and “natural medicine” is the way to combat a viral infection youre obviously someone with very little education in biology

  • Jan 28, 2022

    yknow what maybe we should cancel joe rogan cus we dont need another big wave of dese vaccine threads

  • Jan 28, 2022
    1 reply

    what the f*** is wrong with you people don't you get tired of arguing about the same thing every day

  • Jan 28, 2022
    1 reply

    Fam you know nothing about viral infections if you think a healthy diet and “natural medicine” is the way to combat a viral infection youre obviously someone with very little education in biology

    Didn't say all of that but aite champ, you got it.

  • Jan 28, 2022

    Vax enthusiasts doing everything they can to bother other people

    Vax deniers doing far worse

  • Jan 28, 2022
    1 reply

    Didn't say all of that but aite champ, you got it.

    Eating healthy does nothing to protect your body against things that the vaccine protects against

  • Jan 28, 2022

    99% survival rate.

    900k Americans dead from one virus is unprececented in the modern era

  • Jan 28, 2022
    Very Based

    life has surpassed music as worst sxn on this site

  • Jan 28, 2022

    It's not self sabotage. It's the natural way of life. People die everyday. They need to push eating healthy and looking after your body the same way they been pushing their medicine. You got people mad that you ain't getting vaccines but they eat like total s***. When covid is over with people are still going to be dying because of a terrible food and exercise culture in these western countries. Maybe because these deaths are not as immediate as a virus we ain't giving it much attention but we should be.

    You could do all of these and still get vaccinated

  • Jan 28, 2022
    1 reply

    Niggas act like you can only do one thing at a time in life

    You could live a healthy lifestyle while also taking 5 minutes out of your day to get vaccinated

  • Jan 28, 2022

    It is what it is

  • americana

    Fam you know nothing about viral infections if you think a healthy diet and “natural medicine” is the way to combat a viral infection youre obviously someone with very little education in biology

    He is a big picutre kinda guy
    We are idea men

  • math fifty

    Niggas act like you can only do one thing at a time in life

    You could live a healthy lifestyle while also taking 5 minutes out of your day to get vaccinated

    They made me wait twenty minutes after getting jabbed

  • Jan 28, 2022
    1 reply

    Eating healthy does nothing to protect your body against things that the vaccine protects against

    Strengthening your immune system does nothing against a viral disease? Is this what you are saying?

  • Jan 28, 2022
    1 reply

    Strengthening your immune system does nothing against a viral disease? Is this what you are saying?

    COVID can damage the body more than just being sick lmao

    Theres only so much ur immune system can do

  • Jan 28, 2022
    2 replies
    math fifty

    COVID can damage the body more than just being sick lmao

    Theres only so much ur immune system can do

    Well speaking from experience, the worst it did was give me a 2 day headache. I doubt that would be the case if I had a weaker immune system. What other factors are there that explain why some people recover quicker/easier from covid? Educate me please. Now is your chance to make some good points.

    And what else can Covid do "more than making you sick"? Educate me on that one too please

  • Kengi 💭
    Jan 28, 2022
    1 reply

    It's not self sabotage. It's the natural way of life. People die everyday. They need to push eating healthy and looking after your body the same way they been pushing their medicine. You got people mad that you ain't getting vaccines but they eat like total s***. When covid is over with people are still going to be dying because of a terrible food and exercise culture in these western countries. Maybe because these deaths are not as immediate as a virus we ain't giving it much attention but we should be.

    You know that people are born with lung problems, heart diseases, blood diseases, down syndrom etc. and can do nothing to protect themselves against a serious covid infection? What good will eating healthy do for them?

    Sidenote I saw your other posts and you come accross as incredibly spoiled. Now I dont care this is a forum but I hope you arent like that irl

  • Jan 28, 2022

    You know that people are born with lung problems, heart diseases, blood diseases, down syndrom etc. and can do nothing to protect themselves against a serious covid infection? What good will eating healthy do for them?

    Sidenote I saw your other posts and you come accross as incredibly spoiled. Now I dont care this is a forum but I hope you arent like that irl

    Literally everything you named are things that would cause someone to also have a weaker immune system.

    So in terms of someone without these underlying diseases, why isn't eating healthy and regular exercise being promoted as much as the vaccine for them?
