Skincare Thread 🧖🏼‍♀️

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  • Oct 28, 2019

    Lactic acid really is the GOAT

  • Oct 28, 2019
    2 replies

    homies with oily skin whats your routine?

  • Oct 28, 2019
    Not first

    i hear about exfoliation all the time but i still dont know what it is or what it does

    It’s essentially the process of removing dead skin cells off the surface of your skin/pores. It helps prevent dry patches of flaky skin on your face and helps minimize clogged pores, which helps prevent breakouts

  • Oct 28, 2019
    1 reply

    Please @ me if you need an expert opinion or if y’all are bout to buy some product or if you need fact checking on what someone says. It just takes a lot of energy to be the main source of information )-:

    Fam do you have any knowledge of bakuchiol? I was reading an article a couple weeks ago about the hottest new skincare ingredients and they were saying that bakuchiol basically functions the same as retinol but isn’t as harsh and better for sensitive skin. I’ve been wanting to try retinol but am terrified of potential purging period lol

  • Oct 28, 2019
    1 reply

    Fam do you have any knowledge of bakuchiol? I was reading an article a couple weeks ago about the hottest new skincare ingredients and they were saying that bakuchiol basically functions the same as retinol but isn’t as harsh and better for sensitive skin. I’ve been wanting to try retinol but am terrified of potential purging period lol

    Idk much about bakuchiol — ive always sticked to retinols. Baluchiol looks legit, but IMO I would reccomend BHA if you’re lookin for an anti-acne solution and are afraid of the purging process.

  • Oct 28, 2019

    i needa get on this s*** no cap

  • Oct 28, 2019
    1 reply

    Idk much about bakuchiol — ive always sticked to retinols. Baluchiol looks legit, but IMO I would reccomend BHA if you’re lookin for an anti-acne solution and are afraid of the purging process.

    Hmmm, ok thanks. I already have a BHA exfoliator I use in my routine, was moreso looking at retinol to help with some forehead lines/light scarring in addition to my vitamin C serum more than for acne removal

  • Oct 28, 2019

    Gonna cop a vitamin c serum and Paula’s BHA soon.

    Rn just use cerave cleanser and moisturizing cream. Also have this Aesop exfoliatiant that works pretty well but it’s mad expensive so prob not gonna re up when I’m out

  • Oct 28, 2019
    1 reply

    If you want clear skin all you gotta do is eat clean, take cold no warmer than lukeworm showers, and drink water

    S***ty diet = breakouts
    Hot showers = breakouts

  • Oct 28, 2019

    If you want clear skin all you gotta do is eat clean, take cold no warmer than lukeworm showers, and drink water

    S***ty diet = breakouts
    Hot showers = breakouts

    Leave this thread now

  • Oct 28, 2019

    Hmmm, ok thanks. I already have a BHA exfoliator I use in my routine, was moreso looking at retinol to help with some forehead lines/light scarring in addition to my vitamin C serum more than for acne removal

    TBH go for it but usually for me things listed as an “alternative” are never as good as the real thing (differin or tretinoin)

    Purge is worth it, I never get acne anymore! It’s not as bad as ppl make it out to be. Short term suffering for long term happiness !

  • Oct 28, 2019

    Been using that Aztec Clay for the past week. Works great.

    You'll break out the first day you use it but that's because it's digging out all of the dirt and s*** in your pores. Keep rolling with it and your skin clears up and gets smooth in no time

  • eclass ⛓️
    Oct 28, 2019

    homies with oily skin whats your routine?

    cetaphil, aveeno moisturizer, and drink mad water

    dassss it

  • Oct 28, 2019

    Good sunscreen for a dark skin dude?

  • Oct 28, 2019

    im kinda on that path of oil and alcohol free products, but i do need to drink more water than i already do

  • bar soap.



  • Oct 28, 2019

    these clearacil wetpads everyday keep my skin smooth af

  • Oct 28, 2019

    recommend me products that are good to treat acne. Like give me the names of them

  • Nov 1, 2019

    I'm on a tight budget at the moment, so I'm going to keep my skincare minimal.

    Two cleansers on rotation.
    A toner that my friend gave me.
    I still need to buy a new moisturizer because I ran out.

    That's all. I won't be that picky either since I can only do so much with a limited budget.

  • Nov 1, 2019

    Help, my forehead dry and sorry of scaly to the touch, how do I fix this?

  • Nov 5, 2019
    1 reply

    Please @ me if you need an expert opinion or if y’all are bout to buy some product or if you need fact checking on what someone says. It just takes a lot of energy to be the main source of information )-:

    Question, how exactly should I store the 100% L-Ascorbic acid from TO? Also, how much should I apply? I've just been using a scoop of the tiny spoon they include and there is some tingling but I haven't had any bad reactions.

  • Nov 5, 2019

    Lackin on my night routine

    not going to bad though

  • Nov 5, 2019

    1/4 - 1/2 scoop

    A lot of ppl seem to be mixing it with hyaluronic acid or some type of toner. Sounds like a great idea to do

    Storing it in on your bathroom counter is fine

  • Nov 5, 2019
    1 reply

    why does the pigment of your skin necessitate different skincare routines?

    you white or black?

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