Sonemic Interview: Slauson Malone 1
out on Warp Records October 6
video for second single co-directed with Parker Corey of Injury Reserve
video for first single directed by Ryusuke Tanzawa
(second edition cover is a pic of Jasper holding the first edition)
Some Info...
Slauson aka Jasper Marsalis (son of the legendary and notorious Wynton Marsalis, part of the Marsalis jazz family which also provided a lot of Spike Lee film scores...) was initially part of the slums network thread this whole time, but more and more I think he deserves his own thread since he provides so much content for deepdiving into the theory behind his music (on his twitter alone)...
His two masterpieces A Quiet Farwell and Vergangenheitsbewältigung (top 3 project of last year for me) all have page references to his art catalog / collage of writings Crater Speak, which is currently sold out, however you at least get scans of the pages referenced when you buy the albums on bandcamp (that's a 60 page pdf for AQF).
Mixes (essential!)
2016 peace, d****, jesus, love, hate, and solitude for Tiny Mix Tapes
2018 (1) The Diffusion of Terror (2) Spaceways and Fugitivity (3) Resistance of Objecthood for NTS
2018 Slauson Malone & reallynathan - Raise the Flag (2 Episodes) for NTS
2019 Pink Siifu & Slauson for NTS
2019 Flaneur guest mix for NTS
2019 Sunday Mix for Crack
2021 O.K. / Not O.K. for NTS
final mix? (Edit 2022: nope)
2022 Flo Breakfast Show guest mix for NTS
More Work
Formerly (until 2018) part of the original Standing On The Corner line-up, he played guitar in the band
on their masterpiece Red Burns u can already hear him flexing his mind-boggling production which would become his trademark solo sound
additionally he recently co-produced and sequenced the masterful album Fatigue by L'Rain, for my thread for that click here --->
also there is of course the Medslaus album... one of the most amazing experimental hip hop albums of the 10s imo, but pulled from all streaming because Slauson publicly distanced himself from Med after rape allegations (still unclear situation but well it's solidarity with women first)
2021 w/ A Song Called Life Podcast
2020 w/ Bandcamp
2019 w/ Passionweiss
2019 w/ Spin
2018 w/ Pitchfork (as part of SOTC)
2017 w/ Fader (as part of SOTC)
Medslaus rhythm roulette + interview for Mass Appeal
Live Recordings
Slauson Malone 1 (live band) October 2021 in Hollywood
Slauson Malone solo February 2020 (opening for Jadasea, Voldy Moyo, MIKE, Medhane) in London (thx to my friend Justus for recording - some new tracks in here)
real ones assemble 🤝🤝🤝
@Soupvillain @sinexter404 @Biginthegame @mothership @pneumonia @neuneu @BD32 @marcusg @DwindlingSun @9thWonderful @Troyavestannigga @MikesVeryOwn @itanimulli @putney_swope @innuendo @fiveprestos @viscera @JitJuvenile @proper @EuroNymous @baella @Yolko @reptxn @Drain_Cook @deepsleep @Martian @voke @Sig9 @Andre_Mackonen @kilihn @mets @Barcelona @Mama_Sweatshirt @Sir_Swagalot @kenneth_branagh @Untitled @cosmogramma @Misfit @perry
In af
He worked on Fatigue by L’Rain right?
co-produced and sequenced that u new to his s***?
Also used to be part of SOTC and produced Red Burns, forgot to even put that in op damn
co-produced and sequenced that u new to his s***?
Also used to be part of SOTC and produced Red Burns, forgot to even put that in op damn
Red Burns is a masterpiece
yesssss the mixes!!! I'm so glad they are replayable, never was able to tune in for one
Trabul is literally a top 10 intro OAT (might be top 5) and 01/01/09, My feet’s hurt is one of my favourite songs OAT too
aight tagging more ppl from the SOTC threads 🤝
@pimp @Kopium @voodoo @ElHaitch @Goo @localblaccmane @Midds @stillness @2words @knova @Vox @sentient_sherm_bag @Clock @Baby_Beats @REALTALKMYNIGGA @Skydweller @THE_FILLMORE @peduxe @aaron_xx_ @gawpers @Numbuh_One @Campari
In and I'm excited to see how SOTC grows more ever since they got the Solange plug
aight tagging more ppl from the SOTC threads 🤝
@pimp @Kopium @voodoo @ElHaitch @Goo @localblaccmane @Midds @stillness @2words @knova @Vox @sentient_sherm_bag @Clock @Baby_Beats @REALTALKMYNIGGA @Skydweller @THE_FILLMORE @peduxe @aaron_xx_ @gawpers @Numbuh_One @Campari
Thank you sir
In and I'm excited to see how SOTC grows more ever since they got the Solange plug
u mean since Solange got that Gio plug? :]
SOTC thread already exists btw
u mean since Solange got that Gio plug? :]
SOTC thread already exists btw
She been getting plugged alright
my friend who lived in NYC during the pandemic is back in Germany now, soon I'll finally have my copy of Crater Speak I sent him hope I get a chance to buy the second edition too at some point
my friend who lived in NYC during the pandemic is back in Germany now, soon I'll finally have my copy of Crater Speak I sent him hope I get a chance to buy the second edition too at some point
I have to check this out
If you're thinking - what the hell is a Vergangenheitsbewältigung?
Basically it means "coping with the past", very loaded term but being German myself I think it's actually brilliant to utilize it in a context of reckoning with the generational trauma of being Black in the US... the USA could in general def make use of some more Vergangenheitsbewältigung....
props to Slauson for not just using a fancy German word to be pretentious but actually to deliver a very clever message
I have to check this out
easiest way to check the footnotes rn is to buy the Crater Speak projects (AQF, V) on bandcamp, download comes with a pdf :)
yesssss the mixes!!! I'm so glad they are replayable, never was able to tune in for one
always replayable on NTS :)) extremely worthwhile too, his Diffusion of Terror mix was actually the first thing Slauson I've ever listened to and it already blew me away, brilliant stuff. The OK / Not OK mix this year was really special too. Honestly every single one I've heard so far was special (only missing the Siifu and Flaneur ones I think)
aight tagging more ppl from the SOTC threads 🤝
@pimp @Kopium @voodoo @ElHaitch @Goo @localblaccmane @Midds @stillness @2words @knova @Vox @sentient_sherm_bag @Clock @Baby_Beats @REALTALKMYNIGGA @Skydweller @THE_FILLMORE @peduxe @aaron_xx_ @gawpers @Numbuh_One @Campari
In yessirr
Thank you
I have to check out more when im free
Work got me busy