Idk if this makes any sense or if anyone else hears this cause this album is clear way weirder and way more ~experimental, but at times this reminds me of like a weirder Endless??
i can see that, the sounds of both albums are both kind of alien and refractive, but still bound to our experience if that makes any sense
Considering the better version of Voir Dire came out a month ago, this is the best album to come out today. And it's disrespectful that it's not stickied
if anyone was wondering what the creepy voice on track 7 is saying, it's old Welsh
Er gwaetha pawb a phopeth
Er gwaetha pawb a phopeth
Ry’ni yma o hyd
Ry’ni yma o hyd
Despite everyone and everything
Despite everyone and everything
We are still here
We are still here
Considering the better version of Voir Dire came out a month ago, this is the best album to come out today. And it's disrespectful that it's not stickied
Life changing album
if anyone was wondering what the creepy voice on track 7 is saying, it's old Welsh
Er gwaetha pawb a phopeth
Er gwaetha pawb a phopeth
Ry’ni yma o hyd
Ry’ni yma o hyd
Despite everyone and everything
Despite everyone and everything
We are still here
We are still here
Welsh rym user gave some good context that it's basically the Welsh nationalist hymn! I'm not even a sports head but damn this song is beautiful
Slauson beyond real for saying f*** the Brits ngl
This is his blonde its stunning challenging and immaculate the more i listen the better it gets in a few years this will be considered an experimental classic i cant wait for whatever is instore next for jasper
This is his blonde its stunning challenging and immaculate the more i listen the better it gets in a few years this will be considered an experimental classic i cant wait for whatever is instore next for jasper
I’m glad I’m not the only person to get Frank vibes
Real version of voir dire, drake, and my GOAT dropping his second album tonight this is huge
and sufjan and nines, was a historical day fo sure
I’m glad I’m not the only person to get Frank vibes
definitely also feeling some Blonde/Endless in the way this album flows. he acknowledged in his interview w yns that Smile #6 was very much him trying to rap like Frank on In My Room
I'm not seeing him release any other interviews which is crazy 👀 looks like I actually got the exclusive
I'm not seeing him release any other interviews which is crazy 👀 looks like I actually got the exclusive
dude this is so sick, congrats!!!!
This is not receiving the love it deserves
They never do sadly