Both, of their primes were huge. Snoop doesn’t get enough credit though. Back in the early 90’s when hip hop was still teetering on the edge of mainstream, rappers were only doing like 100-200k first week. Snoop came outta nowhere pulling 800k, eclipsing pop and rock stars at the time. Pac was on another level in 95-96 though. Big album sells, #1 hits and he was one of the few rappers that could sell out arenas back then. Either way, both played a big part in the hip hop takeover
snoop still the most recognizable rap figure worldwide to this day too
Snoop has what? One good album and then scarce hit singles?
From what I hear from die hard Tupac stans is he has hits on hits and every album is a classic
doubt anyone in this forum was alive for it
OP is a ktt og legend. Used to work under Suge
Snoop has what? One good album and then scarce hit singles?
From what I hear from die hard Tupac stans is he has hits on hits and every album is a classic
snoop has more hits and a majority of pacs catalogue isn't classic
lmfao embarrassing take, not even Snoop himself would say that.
This guy has no clue, just because he's black and talks like an old head does not make him knowledgeable.
This site is truly laughably ignorant.
Tupac was a culture, flown out to Italy to model Versace before it was in Rap, changed everything
All we can do is Google first week sales and s***
Ask The Coli or Boxden they were there when it happened