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  • May 13, 2023

    Short answer; Just like music has the ability to inspire and motivate it also has the power to influence people to do negative things

    Longer answer; . “Oh we’re just rapping about what we saw growing up” that’s why they’ve killed 150 people and sold kilos of coke in their records right?
    That’s why 50 cent who didn’t drink or smoke at the time was rapping about being high all the time and sipping a bottle full of Bub
    Sure some do rap about what they saw and the negative aspects of it. But to act like the vast majority of these rappers aren’t trying to make gangsta s*** look cool is stupid
    Almost as stupid as thinking music doesn’t influence people to do dumb s***, just like how music inspires and motivates, it also influences negatively.

    There’s also a difference between characters in movies and rappers who swear up and down that this isn’t an act. This is who they are/were

  • May 13, 2023
    1 reply

    Sure, there’s a correlation. But it’s a lil more nuanced than just the music.
    anyone denying that Street rap doesn’t influence violence and decadence is delusional.

  • May 13, 2023
    8 replies

    if you end up killing people and trying hard d**** due to music, im inclined to say that’s natural selection at work

  • May 13, 2023
    1 reply

    i never killed one person or did d**** because of a rap song (i did it for other reasons)

  • Rap was made for me so I can use it against Evil

  • May 13, 2023
    4 replies

    so according to that logic all actors portraying criminals are to blame too? lock up Al Pacino then, no more movies about the mafia, gangsters, cartels, corrupt politicians, murders
    oh also lets start banning video games too
    and books
    and theatre plays
    if the people can't separate between art and real life, nobody is to blame but them
    its the parents responsibility to teach kids basic morals, if you can't do that don't have kids

  • Nayuta 🐯
    May 13, 2023
    2 replies

    Only if you believe movies, shows, books, plays, and video games influence people to murder and do d**** too

  • Rap is a gift from the Most High

  • No

  • May 13, 2023
    1 reply

    What else am I supposed to be listening to during the long foretold prophecy of the Armageddon?

  • May 13, 2023

    It influences me to workout harder

  • May 13, 2023
    1 reply

    Go watch ye second visit to drink champs.

    All this trauma p*** shoot ‘em up music can influence certain people to behave irrationally just like some people can’t smoke weed without going into psychosis. It doesn’t make weed bad it’s just not for certain people.

    You can watch The Games drink champs interview with him explaining how he “thought rap was real” because of what he heard in the songs growing up.

    Rap fans and most promoted rap artist these days are brain dead.

    I literally just saw someone wish death on nba young boy for mentioning drake in a song in another thread.

    “I hope drake puts a hit on him like he did X”

    “Gangsta rap” ain’t even real nowadays. It’s just some weird fetish other races love seeing black men engage in and unfortunately impressionable people mimic that behavior because they think it’s cool.

  • May 13, 2023
    1 reply

    Only if you believe movies, shows, books, plays, and video games influence people to murder and do d**** too

    They very obviously do. It’s blatant

    I know the norm is to make ppl who say games have negative consequences look rehtaded but nah that ain’t the narrative anymore

    We have common sense. All entertainment can influence in good or bad ways. People know this subconsciously whether they acknowledge it or not

  • May 13, 2023
    1 reply


    Responsibility ultimately lies on the parents tho

  • May 13, 2023


    Responsibility ultimately lies on the parents tho

    The music influenced grown ass men to do s*** too. Obviously that’s not the artists fault completely. It’s 90% the individuals fault

    I’d say these artists need to have some accountability tho. All the glorification from these dudes make it more socially acceptable to talk about smoking on x pack etc

  • May 13, 2023

    if you end up killing people and trying hard d**** due to music, im inclined to say that’s natural selection at work

    Perfect example even if people dont like it its Juice Wrld, he started drinking lean and s*** cause of Future and that man hasnt even tasted it probably

  • May 13, 2023
    Amir Karim

    Sure, there’s a correlation. But it’s a lil more nuanced than just the music.
    anyone denying that Street rap doesn’t influence violence and decadence is delusional.

  • May 13, 2023

    if you end up killing people and trying hard d**** due to music, im inclined to say that’s natural selection at work

    yea but what about the dead people...

  • May 13, 2023


  • May 13, 2023
    1 reply

    Crime and urban poverty declined while gangster rap exploded. You're dumb. The argument is dumb.

  • May 13, 2023

    if you end up killing people and trying hard d**** due to music, im inclined to say that’s natural selection at work

    That’s years of listening to music hinting that the best way to resolve a conflict is to hurt or kill or the best ways to make money is to sell d**** or to feel good is to take d****.

    Imagine listening to this kind of music all through middle school to college.

    Everyone has Situations that occur where they can choose this/ from that but if you are prone to listening to a certain type of music , it may say you to react in the way of what you’ve been hearing

  • May 13, 2023

    does your mama suck a fat one?

  • May 13, 2023

    It’s part of their contracts generally.

    You have to buy certain things, have certain people around you and have lyrics about certain things as well.

    For example, some artists are homosexuals but back in the early 00s that wasn’t cool/popular/trendy at all so they had to surround themselves with women even if they didn’t know these women or like them as friends or sexually.

  • May 13, 2023
    1 reply
    Block Muteson

    Crime and urban poverty declined while gangster rap exploded. You're dumb. The argument is dumb.

    Do you have a mental disability by any chance? What you said doesn’t negate Gangsta rap (actually ALL ENTERTAINMENT) having both positive and negative influences on people

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