If gangster rap disappeared tomorrow would the conditions that created it disappear?
Both, it's definitely glorifying it and just about anything can push a person over the edge which includes music/gangsta rap.
What else am I supposed to be listening to during the long foretold prophecy of the Armageddon?
if you end up killing people and trying hard d**** due to music, im inclined to say that’s natural selection at work
Do you have a mental disability by any chance? What you said doesn’t negate Gangsta rap (actually ALL ENTERTAINMENT) having both positive and negative influences on people
Are you a baby? Are you a child? Art isn't a contagion that alters your behavior on a whim. If so, I'd be more worried about the first person shooter video games. The ones children actually play. They're way more popular than "gangster rap" in 2023 with a far more impressionable audience.
Violent art comes out of violent times. The toothpaste doesn't go back in the bottle. You guys are ignorant in general and thinking you're an authority on the social sciences or public policy is an extension of that. The biggest decider of a child's life is the zip code they are born in.
if you end up killing people and trying hard d**** due to music, im inclined to say that’s natural selection at work
Future saw that he directly influenced Juice WRLD to start doing hard d****, had a conscience for 2 minutes and then went right back to making songs about d****
Future saw that he directly influenced Juice WRLD to start doing hard d****, had a conscience for 2 minutes and then went right back to making songs about d****
Love this example
Turns out growing up in Chicago is a bigger factor than your media diet! Who knew
Everyone. Everyone knew that.
so according to that logic all actors portraying criminals are to blame too? lock up Al Pacino then, no more movies about the mafia, gangsters, cartels, corrupt politicians, murders
oh also lets start banning video games too
and books
and theatre plays
if the people can't separate between art and real life, nobody is to blame but them
its the parents responsibility to teach kids basic morals, if you can't do that don't have kids
I want to respond to this, but this is a logical fallacy, bringing up an emotionally charged by bringing up soultions that OP never mentioned or cosigned as a means to shut down the conversation of "does the media influence us" which yea, it does on a very subliminal state.
Love this example
Turns out growing up in Chicago is a bigger factor than your media diet! Who knew
Everyone. Everyone knew that.
Chill fam
Juice WRLD legit told Future he influenced him to get into lean as a teenager when he finally met Future for the first time
Make it easier for people in the inner city to better themselves and own a home without turning to the streets
People in places like NYC get priced out of welfare programs making $20k of legal money and still can’t afford s*** until they crack 6 figures
Of course,especially now,being a rapper is right next to p***stars on my totem pole at this point.
Are you a baby? Are you a child? Art isn't a contagion that alters your behavior on a whim. If so, I'd be more worried about the first person shooter video games. The ones children actually play. They're way more popular than "gangster rap" in 2023 with a far more impressionable audience.
Violent art comes out of violent times. The toothpaste doesn't go back in the bottle. You guys are ignorant in general and thinking you're an authority on the social sciences or public policy is an extension of that. The biggest decider of a child's life is the zip code they are born in.
Whose you guys? You’re making a crazy amount of assumptions and you’re reaching like crazy to try to prove me wrong
Stop it. You’re confusing yourself. People get influenced in good and bad ways by entertainment. Yeah real life influenced the entertainment but it works both ways
Even if initially life influenced the art the point is people do get influenced by art
Everyone else seems to understand so I’m not gonna respond anymore.
If gangster rap disappeared tomorrow would the conditions that created it disappear?
Chill fam
Juice WRLD legit told Future he influenced him to get into lean as a teenager when he finally met Future for the first time
Wait so you're telling me despite being raised how childless KTT conservatives wanted
He experimented with d**** as a teenager?
Unheard of. Rap is to blame. No fan of rock music would ever have done that. A successful artist struggling with addiction? Also just a rap thing. Doesn't happen in any other field.
Young black men are more likely to die or get locked up in general in this country. That's been true long before they started making money rhyming words together.
The one other outlet they are presented with is sports and look at all the clean, milquetoast athletes they have to look up to. Is that changing their material conditions? Maybe if they're a top percentile athlete and a dozen other variables line up
Wait so you're telling me despite being raised how childless KTT conservatives wanted
He experimented with d**** as a teenager?
Unheard of. Rap is to blame. No fan of rock music would ever have done that. A successful artist struggling with addiction? Also just a rap thing. Doesn't happen in any other field.
Young black men are more likely to die or get locked up in general in this country. That's been true long before they started making money rhyming words together.
The one other outlet they are presented with is sports and look at all the clean, milquetoast athletes they have to look up to. Is that changing their material conditions? Maybe if they're a top percentile athlete and a dozen other variables line up
Calm down fam
I was giving a very reductionist take on it, pen that didn't look at all the facts but still looked at one of the facts which was a factual link between the two people
Calm down & have a nice day
I'm not saying rap is worse than any other genre or more impactful than socioeconomic factors for influencing folks, I'm not your enemy.
Calm down fam
I was giving a very reductionist take on it, pen that didn't look at all the facts but still looked at one of the facts which was a factual link between the two people
Calm down & have a nice day
I'm not saying rap is worse than any other genre or more impactful than socioeconomic factors for influencing folks, I'm not your enemy.
If you actually cared about dead or locked up black kids you wouldn't sound like a DJ Akademiks video from 2013.
If you actually cared about dead or locked up black kids you wouldn't sound like a DJ Akademiks video from 2013.
alright have a good day fam
Rap in these days and times is so negative and vulgar,it literally adds nothing of value to the youth and culture as a whole. And the internet/social media made the negativity worse cause now,you can get your debauchery fix at an assembly line paced rate. You can say "its up to the parents and the environment you live in" but s*** is getting thrown at the wall at a persistent pace now.
Me and my friends/fam been saying this but,Rap is pretty much an advertisement for private prisons at this point. Labels and private prisons have to be working together.
sure the same way American psycho and fight club have dudes thinking there Patrick Bateman and tyler durden
They very obviously do. It’s blatant
I know the norm is to make ppl who say games have negative consequences look rehtaded but nah that ain’t the narrative anymore
We have common sense. All entertainment can influence in good or bad ways. People know this subconsciously whether they acknowledge it or not
they literally dont
blaming the art instead of the material conditions which the art is a reflection of is prime bootlicker s***