yall act like we can only either praise these guys without criticizing anything theyve done or cancel them once and for all
why cant we acknowledge what they did but still call them out for being racist and sexist
As other people stated, p much everyone was like that back then because that’s just how it was.
So to criticize them for being something like a racist or a sexist I’d kinda stupid.
As other people stated, p much everyone was like that back then because that’s just how it was.
So to criticize them for being something like a racist or a sexist I’d kinda stupid.
this is like giving columbus giving a pass for his heinous crimes.
Mf was even called out by a young priest at this time. His name was Bartolomeo de las Casas and defended the native people in south america.
Probably the oldest text in which the trade with African slaves is described as a sin and a crime is handed down from Las Casas
Philosophy is inherently a white supremacy - particularly white male - occupation. Very few non white people are deemed philosophers, let alone women in general.
this is like giving columbus giving a pass for his heinous crimes.
Mf was even called out by a young priest at this time. His name was Bartolomeo de las Casas and defended the native people in south america.
Probably the oldest text in which the trade with African slaves is described as a sin and a crime is handed down from Las Casas
No it’s not.
Colombus did some actual f***ed up s***.
Being a racist or a sexist on its own is not the same considering it was the normal mindset to have and people were likely raised into thinking that way.
Philosophy is inherently a white supremacy - particularly white male - occupation. Very few non white people are deemed philosophers, let alone women in general.
i guess Chinese and Indian Philosophers didnt exist.
i guess Chinese and Indian Philosophers didnt exist.
Don’t be pedantic. Doesn’t change the fact that it’s white male dominated.
Don’t be pedantic. Doesn’t change the fact that it’s white male dominated.
b, it really doesnt take that much to search who Confucius or Buddha was.
people dont even know that without the arab philosoph ibn rushd (europeans named him averroes to make him look like a european lol) there would be no renaissance in europe
Yeah you heard it right an arab is the father of the european renaissance
Philosophy is inherently a white supremacy - particularly white male - occupation. Very few non white people are deemed philosophers, let alone women in general.
This must be bait.
No it’s not.
Colombus did some actual f***ed up s***.
Being a racist or a sexist on its own is not the same considering it was the normal mindset to have and people were likely raised into thinking that way.
I was trying to say that even in this time there were people like De Casas who werent full blinded of racist.
To say being racist is ok because he was born in this time and society is a rather week argument, especially if you (kant) trie to morally legitimize an international law and world civil law.
b, it really doesnt take that much to search who Confucius or Buddha was.
White. Male. Dominated.
Revolutionary thread. This is something that has never been talked about anywhere in the world.
I was trying to say that even in this time there were people like De Casas who werent full blinded of racist.
To say being racist is ok because he was born in this time and society is a rather week argument, especially if you (kant) trie to morally legitimize an international law and world civil law.
I didn’t say it was ok
I said criticizing them for that given the time they lived it is kinda stupid
If we are to make moral judgements, they must be based on the culture at that time. The opinions are abhorrent but not in that context
Not just philosophers, a lot of historical figures who are admired today were huge pieces of s***
Rumi the OG tho