And working while in school doesn't mean you don't have to take out loans lol
working before you go...
people can work a year or two and save enough money for college
working before you go...
people can work a year or two and save enough money for college
What job would you find that would pay for you to go to a community college, then transfer to a four year college and get that degree without taking loans or working WHILE in school?
Especially WITHOUT a college degree
What job would you find that would pay for you to go to a community college, then transfer to a four year college and get that degree without taking loans or working WHILE in school?
Especially WITHOUT a college degree
you can work at mcdonalds on minimum wage for a year or two and save enough to go to college
you can work at mcdonalds on minimum wage for a year or two and save enough to go to college
Public two-year (in-district): $17,580
Public four-year (in-state): $12,645 ($25,290 / 2)
$30,225 if you go to a two-year and then finish the last two years at a four-year, correct?
You will not have $30,225 if you work at most places for "one or two years" lol. You have life expenses. Even if you didn't, after taxes and benefits, you would be hard pressed to save up near $30,225 in two years to "go to college"
Public two-year (in-district): $17,580
Public four-year (in-state): $12,645 ($25,290 / 2)
$30,225 if you go to a two-year and then finish the last two years at a four-year, correct?
You will not have $30,225 if you work at most places for "one or two years" lol. You have life expenses. Even if you didn't, after taxes and benefits, you would be hard pressed to save up near $30,225 in two years to "go to college"
the numbers you pulled is including room and board 🙄
average in state tuition for a 4 year is 10k
work for two years and you should be able to save 15-20k which would pay for two years at community college plus still have some saved.
then while you are in community college work and then transfer to a 4 year for the last two years and continue to work.
you can work at mcdonalds on minimum wage for a year or two and save enough to go to college
Minimum wage is 14k a year before taxes. You expect that to pay for four years of college, along with living expenses in that year?????? Lol
how much money do you think someone could make if they worked two years then worked while they were in school for the next 4 years?
Minimum wage is 14k a year before taxes. You expect that to pay for four years of college, along with living expenses in that year?????? Lol
how much money do you think someone could make if they worked two years then worked while they were in school for the next 4 years?
how much money do you think someone could make if they worked two years then worked while they were in school for the next 4 years?
Where are you living? Who is paying for your food? Who is paying for your other bills? Your expecting people to live off their parents completely and save every single dollar they make. And then that wouldn’t even cover 1 year of college expenses.
the numbers you pulled is including room and board 🙄
average in state tuition for a 4 year is 10k
work for two years and you should be able to save 15-20k which would pay for two years at community college plus still have some saved.
then while you are in community college work and then transfer to a 4 year for the last two years and continue to work.
You literally said last page people need to stop thinking they need to go out state and stay in a dorm
how much money do you think someone could make if they worked two years then worked while they were in school for the next 4 years?
I am telling you this as someone who went to a community college, didn't dorm, and transferred to a four year (and I'm still not dorming).
I would not be able to pay for school if I took a two year gap and worked full time regardless.
Where are you living? Who is paying for your food? Who is paying for your other bills? Your expecting people to live off their parents completely and save every single dollar they make. And then that wouldn’t even cover 1 year of college expenses.
if you are living at home...
how much money do you think someone could make if they worked two years then worked while they were in school for the next 4 years?
Just confirmed he WILL run for re election in 2024
I won’t trust a word that he says about re-election before the midterms.
if you are living at home...
how much money do you think someone could make if they worked two years then worked while they were in school for the next 4 years?
Why do you have this crazy idea in your head that living at home means you don't have expenses or anything regardless lol
You literally said last page people need to stop thinking they need to go out state and stay in a dorm
the average instate tuition for a 4 years is 10k times 4 = 40k
average tuition for a 2 year is 4k
4k + 4k + 10k + 10k = 28k
Why do you have this crazy idea in your head that living at home means you don't have expenses or anything regardless lol
you're still avoiding the question
the average instate tuition for a 4 years is 10k times 4 = 40k
average tuition for a 2 year is 4k
4k + 4k + 10k + 10k = 28k
do you remember think that if you work two years while staying at home then continue to work while in school you cant get 28k?