yeah this is embarassing. this is like one of those 'men invented phones so that women can complain about patriarchy online' s***s from ten years ago
on a separate note our chess match is on hold because i got busy reading this report on the soviet resettlements
gives me time to practice with some puzzles man I've been playing like garbage. i think i sent u a daily invite so u could make the initial move and leave it so we have the game out there but either way
So the human drive to be creative magically came to only Americans in the past 100 years for no reason which gave you all the tech you're using to communicate this but for some reason no Soviets got those ideas. Dang bro I wonder why China completely dismantle their communistic economy and introduced market competition and THEN started booming
soviets invented zip codes, lasers, kalashnikov, submarines, satellites, and early frameworks for mobile phones and the internet so i just gotta wonder where those ideas came from
soviets invented zip codes, lasers, kalashnikov, submarines, satellites, and early frameworks for mobile phones and the internet so i just gotta wonder where those ideas came from
Crodie had that fox news on full volume this morning
Crodie had that fox news on full volume this morning
more like radio free europe or some s***
more like radio free europe or some s***
This just reminded me apparently SC schools trying to use prageru s*** now in their curriculum. its over for real
soviets invented zip codes, lasers, kalashnikov, submarines, satellites, and early frameworks for mobile phones and the internet so i just gotta wonder where those ideas came from
Bro stop acting like this isn't statistically obvious to you youre just trying to use confirmation bias, Soviets created those "innovations" because of COMPETITION with the UNITED STATES which is literally the EXACT SAME AS A COMPETITIVE MARKET FORCE and ALL OF THOSE WERE MILITARY ARMS RACES from an elite class of subsidized (but still equally threatened to get killed for noncompliance) people working in the "luxury" areas that them and the politicians pocketing everyone's resources lived in while.the rest of the country starved to death. There are 1ST HAND ACCOUNTS you can find of most groceries in the non-politician housing areas were EMPTY WEEKLY but you choose to ignore this.
and they STILL COULDNT COMPETE WITH US WITH ESSENTIALLY TENS OF MILLIONS OF FORCED SLAVE LABOR THREATENED BY DEATH. Again COMPETITION drove it and they even CAPITALISTICALLY sold those resources to other countries. And the Internet was by ARPANET in the US. It is STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT FACT that China and Russia combined, with a greater pool of talent and literally a SLAVE POLULATION WORKING UNDER THREAT, had shortages of food, required full surveilance state and basically require in a "1984" type world to enforce it, still have produced 0.01% of significant creations you and everyone in Africa and everyone in Europe use and they instead benefit from our technology
Bro essentially said "North Korea created nukes like us obviously they're successful and innovative" well duh SO THEY CAN SCARE THE REST OF THE WORLD THROUGH MILITARY COMPETITION TO LET THEM STILL EXIST while their entire populace outside the capital city they wont let tourist visit eats rats . Even with the ENTIRE POPULATION OF NK CURRENTLY WORKING FROM AGE 4 AS SLAVES ESSENTIALLY PUSHED TO DEVELOP IN MATH AND SCIENCE AND WEAPONS, what innovation has come not driven by the US competition?
Communists be like everyone deserves equal but ironically I have never seen a single one of you so passionate to donate a miniscule $300 of your wage to send to help a family in the currently crumbling communistic state of Venezuela. Their yearly salary is $300 a year you all can feed a family for a whole year where's your sacrifice? Oh yeah it's all utopia talk that Venezuela thought they could do different from googles 20 countries that tried it and all ended in disaster.
There's a reason conservatism is necessary and people get less radical as they age, they realize they're being too idealistic. Conservatism counters that so dumb idealist communists that just came out of college thinking they understand macroeconomics dont run the only beacon of freedom in the world into a s***hole.
By the way I'm actually an anarchocommunist and I can tell you the only way communism WOULD work. it's just I like to annoy communists bc theyre are too stupid to have EVER STATED THIS MECHANISM IN THE HUNDREDS OF DEBATES IVE HAD. Communists are the type that will lead to the country's collapse be instating a stupid ass regime that started out saying everything they want to hear then end up pushing centralized power further and further to enforce it and killing everyone like Mao. Oh waiit apparently that's all fake but even the modern Chinese and Russians don't deny it nor want to go back I wonder why
"By the way I'm actually an anarchocommunist" excellent powerfully crafted bait
Communists be like everyone deserves equal but ironically I have never seen a single one of you so passionate to donate a miniscule $300 of your wage to send to help a family in the currently crumbling communistic state of Venezuela. Their yearly salary is $300 a year you all can feed a family for a whole year where's your sacrifice? Oh yeah it's all utopia talk that Venezuela thought they could do different from googles 20 countries that tried it and all ended in disaster.
There's a reason conservatism is necessary and people get less radical as they age, they realize they're being too idealistic. Conservatism counters that so dumb idealist communists that just came out of college thinking they understand macroeconomics dont run the only beacon of freedom in the world into a s***hole.
By the way I'm actually an anarchocommunist and I can tell you the only way communism WOULD work. it's just I like to annoy communists bc theyre are too stupid to have EVER STATED THIS MECHANISM IN THE HUNDREDS OF DEBATES IVE HAD. Communists are the type that will lead to the country's collapse be instating a stupid ass regime that started out saying everything they want to hear then end up pushing centralized power further and further to enforce it and killing everyone like Mao. Oh waiit apparently that's all fake but even the modern Chinese and Russians don't deny it nor want to go back I wonder why
Thats nice. I hope things are getting better for u fam this world can be a very draining place and it seems like it's taken a toll on u, i can relate, but you've made it this far.
Never met a communist with any real ideas other than
"billionaires are inherently bad let's completely disincentivize innovation and productivity and we'll magically enforce it peacefully without all our entrepreneurs and jobmakers moving to Canada and we'll need centralized authority to do so but it can never corrupt like the 30 past examples because this isn't corruptible trust me I'm not just dreaming of utopia this is real and we'll use a genie to somehow produce an abundance of resources produced from our magically incentivized labor force without ending up like every country that has ever tried it because all those 20+ countries' failures were fake according to other college kids I heard repeat the same thing" -tweeted from iPhone 16 pro and edited from Macbook Pro on an app and 5g that only came to me and everyone I know by incentives to profit in a competitive market structure but like I said all those guys that created them are evil now"
you cant think billionaires are smart and at the same time think they'd willingly move to canada
"By the way I'm actually an anarchocommunist" excellent powerfully crafted bait
one man theatre aint dead
Stop engaging with dumbasses like that in here
Yes I'm the dumbass but you can't retort anything I said with fact nor can you give any methodology you would use to magically make communism a success because you reading Marx at age 20 made you so much smarter than the tens of millions of people in actual failed communist states, which I can list 20
And neither can the person who liked your comment.
I love when ppl gang up on me with 0 facts so they just use whatever cognitive dissonance or confirmation bias that comes 1st HAPPENS EVERYTIME
I literally study and manage decentralized governance structures you twat neither you or him are onto anything revolutionary by just by thinking "everyone equal". Actually the cryptographers and blockchainers are the ones putting in the actual work communists will benefit from in 20 years when theyre smart enough
Yes I'm the dumbass but you can't retort anything I said with fact nor can you give any methodology you would use to magically make communism a success because you reading Marx at age 20 made you so much smarter than the tens of millions of people in actual failed communist states, which I can list 20
And neither can the person who liked your comment.
I love when ppl gang up on me with 0 facts so they just use whatever cognitive dissonance or confirmation bias that comes 1st HAPPENS EVERYTIME
I literally study and manage decentralized governance structures you twat neither you or him are onto anything revolutionary by just by thinking "everyone equal". Actually the cryptographers and blockchainers are the ones putting in the actual work communists will benefit from in 20 years when theyre smart enough
Correct, you are the dumbass
one man theatre aint dead
Problem with communism is that everyone will pick the job they want and choose one man theater
And what's the deal with that Operation Gladio stuff and the stay behind missions? Am I right people?
Correct, you are the dumbass
Okay give me 1 mechanism you'd instill that would bring communism to magically work different than all its past and current failures and I'll tell you mine and we'll see who the dumbass is. This will be funny. Matter of fact any of you can jump in and answer since youre so smart and liking eachother's projections of moral superiority thinking "everyone should and can magically be equal thats obvious but i cant tell you 1 way how youre so wrong".
Then tell me 1 thing you're ACTUALLY working on to get there and I'll tell you mine
0 ideas of substance between a whole GROUP of people that can only resort to namecalling let's see grabs popcorn
Okay give me 1 mechanism you'd instill that would bring communism to magically work different than all its past and current failures and I'll tell you mine and we'll see who the dumbass is. This will be funny. Matter of fact any of you can jump in and answer since youre so smart and liking eachother's projections of moral superiority thinking "everyone should and can magically be equal thats obvious but i cant tell you 1 way how youre so wrong".
Then tell me 1 thing you're ACTUALLY working on to get there and I'll tell you mine
0 ideas of substance between a whole GROUP of people that can only resort to namecalling let's see grabs popcorn
You will never be a real anarchocommunist. You have no theory, you have no idol, you have a hundred revisionism accusations. You are a reactionary twisted by Chomsky and Kropotkin into a crude mockery of communism’s perfection.
All the “support” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your pathetic revisionism behind closed doors.
Orthodox AnComs are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed Marxists to sniff out revisionists with incredible efficiency. Even revisionists who “pass” look revisionist and dumb to a AnCom. Your disagreement with me is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk AnCom home with you, they will turn tail and bolt the second they get a whiff of your diseased, infected revisionist ideas.
You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it’ll be too much to bear – you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a cryptofascist is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably reactionary.