You will never be a real anarchocommunist. You have no theory, you have no idol, you have a hundred revisionism accusations. You are a reactionary twisted by Chomsky and Kropotkin into a crude mockery of communism’s perfection.
All the “support” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your pathetic revisionism behind closed doors.
Orthodox AnComs are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed Marxists to sniff out revisionists with incredible efficiency. Even revisionists who “pass” look revisionist and dumb to a AnCom. Your disagreement with me is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk AnCom home with you, they will turn tail and bolt the second they get a whiff of your diseased, infected revisionist ideas.
You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it’ll be too much to bear – you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a cryptofascist is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably reactionary.
I rest my case. Anyone else have a single practical idea on how they 'd properly instill communism beyond reading Marx once thinking you can solve the world but offer absolutely nothing but jokes and namecalling? Because I'm apparently a dumbass who does and you all just like and quote eachothers virtue projections then hide from a real question with 0 ideas
Okay give me 1 mechanism you'd instill that would bring communism to magically work different than all its past and current failures and I'll tell you mine and we'll see who the dumbass is. This will be funny. Matter of fact any of you can jump in and answer since youre so smart and liking eachother's projections of moral superiority thinking "everyone should and can magically be equal thats obvious but i cant tell you 1 way how youre so wrong".
Then tell me 1 thing you're ACTUALLY working on to get there and I'll tell you mine
0 ideas of substance between a whole GROUP of people that can only resort to namecalling let's see grabs popcorn
Demilitarisation and occupation of America by a coalition for at least 50 years
the condition to end occupation would be to break up the country in at least 10 different states, maybe give some land to canada and mexico while we're at it. And of course trade agreements to make it mandatory to buy from foreign companies instead of letting them re-develop a local economy more sophisticated than an agrarian one
all charismatic leaders would be eliminated and candidates would have to be cosigned by south american presidents at least. Once this is done we can think about establishing a better economic system in the rest of the world
If not a single one of all you that ganged up on the "dumbass" can seriously answer my question by the time I come back home from this show at night,
I will hang this thread on my wall and send a picture to the Dunning Kruger Hall of Fame of 5-6+ geniuses that collectively can't come up with a single idea on how they'd practically implement an ideology they swear by differently than its 20+ tragic failures run to the ground by similarly clueless ideologues
but call the only one that can retort with any actual facts and examples names yet I can STILL come up with the only idea AND am literally building in the field of actual applications/solutions that all of you TOGETHER couldnt come up with to argue your own side for you
while you virtue projecting "equality for all" folks wouldnt even be willing to sacrifice $300 of your weekly salary which would pay the YEARLY bills of a family in Venezuela who is now suffering because of ideologues like you thinking you can just spread vapid statements of utopia with 0 ways to make it work and then just give the space for a terrible regime (20+ times in history) to take advantage of your stupidity
If not a single one of all you that ganged up on the "dumbass" can seriously answer my question by the time I come back home from this show at night,
I will hang this thread on my wall and send a picture to the Dunning Kruger Hall of Fame of 5-6+ geniuses that collectively can't come up with a single idea on how they'd practically implement an ideology they swear by differently than its 20+ tragic failures run to the ground by similarly clueless ideologues
but call the only one that can retort with any actual facts and examples names yet I can STILL come up with the only idea AND am literally building in the field of actual applications/solutions that all of you TOGETHER couldnt come up with to argue your own side for you
while you virtue projecting "equality for all" folks wouldnt even be willing to sacrifice $300 of your weekly salary which would pay the YEARLY bills of a family in Venezuela who is now suffering because of ideologues like you thinking you can just spread vapid statements of utopia with 0 ways to make it work and then just give the space for a terrible regime (20+ times in history) to take advantage of your stupidity
are u gon send like a framed picture?
Never met a communist with any real ideas other than
"billionaires are inherently bad let's completely disincentivize innovation and productivity and we'll magically enforce it peacefully without all our entrepreneurs and jobmakers moving to Canada and we'll need centralized authority to do so but it can never corrupt like the 30 past examples because this isn't corruptible trust me I'm not just dreaming of utopia this is real and we'll use a genie to somehow produce an abundance of resources produced from our magically incentivized labor force without ending up like every country that has ever tried it because all those 20+ countries' failures were fake according to other college kids I heard repeat the same thing" -tweeted from iPhone 16 pro and edited from Macbook Pro on an app and 5g that only came to me and everyone I know by incentives to profit in a competitive market structure but like I said all those guys that created them are evil now"
nice bait
Not a copypasta I wrote that. All communists under 40 are stupid idealists who think virtually every invention, technology, and franchise that has spread as far as even seeing our food chains in Japan
all of those creators in the past 100 years have come from and lived in America but I can't guess why maybe it's because of our weather
xenophobia and americanism, ban
bro came in this thread to get embarrassed so he can maintain an erection later today, you hate to see it
If not a single one of all you that ganged up on the "dumbass" can seriously answer my question by the time I come back home from this show at night,
I will hang this thread on my wall and send a picture to the Dunning Kruger Hall of Fame of 5-6+ geniuses that collectively can't come up with a single idea on how they'd practically implement an ideology they swear by differently than its 20+ tragic failures run to the ground by similarly clueless ideologues
but call the only one that can retort with any actual facts and examples names yet I can STILL come up with the only idea AND am literally building in the field of actual applications/solutions that all of you TOGETHER couldnt come up with to argue your own side for you
while you virtue projecting "equality for all" folks wouldnt even be willing to sacrifice $300 of your weekly salary which would pay the YEARLY bills of a family in Venezuela who is now suffering because of ideologues like you thinking you can just spread vapid statements of utopia with 0 ways to make it work and then just give the space for a terrible regime (20+ times in history) to take advantage of your stupidity
i lowkey love you dawg
Project your own idea of online communists to get out frustration while championing american exceptionalism/hegemony and conservatism while also claiming to be an anarchocommunist and asking why we don’t come out of our own personal pockets to help venezuela
Asking for magical communist solutions and saying you’re going to print the whole convo and put it on your wall
This is riddler/ebony prince tier s*** lowkey
bro came in this thread to get embarrassed so he can maintain an erection later today, you hate to see it
guilty pleasure was reading some of that s*** but i feel wrong for enabling someone’s mentally ill episode
all of Cuba is without electricity rn. this what the US does to small countries only 90 miles away.
Never met a communist with any real ideas other than
"billionaires are inherently bad let's completely disincentivize innovation and productivity and we'll magically enforce it peacefully without all our entrepreneurs and jobmakers moving to Canada and we'll need centralized authority to do so but it can never corrupt like the 30 past examples because this isn't corruptible trust me I'm not just dreaming of utopia this is real and we'll use a genie to somehow produce an abundance of resources produced from our magically incentivized labor force without ending up like every country that has ever tried it because all those 20+ countries' failures were fake according to other college kids I heard repeat the same thing" -tweeted from iPhone 16 pro and edited from Macbook Pro on an app and 5g that only came to me and everyone I know by incentives to profit in a competitive market structure but like I said all those guys that created them are evil now"
Okay give me 1 mechanism you'd instill that would bring communism to magically work different than all its past and current failures and I'll tell you mine and we'll see who the dumbass is. This will be funny. Matter of fact any of you can jump in and answer since youre so smart and liking eachother's projections of moral superiority thinking "everyone should and can magically be equal thats obvious but i cant tell you 1 way how youre so wrong".
Then tell me 1 thing you're ACTUALLY working on to get there and I'll tell you mine
0 ideas of substance between a whole GROUP of people that can only resort to namecalling let's see grabs popcorn
We don’t believe in magic itt
I rest my case. Anyone else have a single practical idea on how they 'd properly instill communism beyond reading Marx once thinking you can solve the world but offer absolutely nothing but jokes and namecalling? Because I'm apparently a dumbass who does and you all just like and quote eachothers virtue projections then hide from a real question with 0 ideas
Bro is asking us to transform complex social relationships in opposition to a vehemently violent status quo in one fell swoop liberalism apparent
are you gonna come with something of substance or just copypasta from reddit
Worker exploitation does not drive innovation. If your claiming that nothing productive can be achieved under anything other than capitalism then why did the soviet union lead in so many innovations? Objectively you must admit this. Your trying to fear monger that the country will go down the s***ter the second a CEO isn't allowed to make billions while his workers live in poverty but what exact proof do you have for that other than blatant propaganda
Worker exploitation does not drive innovation. If your claiming that nothing productive can be achieved under anything other than capitalism then why did the soviet union lead in so many innovations? Objectively you must admit this. Your trying to fear monger that the country will go down the s***ter the second a CEO isn't allowed to make billions while his workers live in poverty but what exact proof do you have for that other than blatant propaganda
i think you responded to the wrong person
I rest my case. Anyone else have a single practical idea on how they 'd properly instill communism beyond reading Marx once thinking you can solve the world but offer absolutely nothing but jokes and namecalling? Because I'm apparently a dumbass who does and you all just like and quote eachothers virtue projections then hide from a real question with 0 ideas
If your genuinely curious and not just mud slinging there is no shortage of theory out there regarding the implementation of socialism across various different countries with different material conditions.
But seriously I want you to explain why private ownership as opposed to public ownership by workers somehow disincentivizes productive labor? Do you think the private owners are the ones creating the technology?
Worker exploitation does not drive innovation. If your claiming that nothing productive can be achieved under anything other than capitalism then why did the soviet union lead in so many innovations? Objectively you must admit this. Your trying to fear monger that the country will go down the s***ter the second a CEO isn't allowed to make billions while his workers live in poverty but what exact proof do you have for that other than blatant propaganda
I meant to reply too @nicobarret