  • safe 🪩
    Sep 16, 2020

    "They have given me one of the greatest situations in hip-hop," Drake, 22, said of his team.

    Under the unusually lucrative agreement he struck with Aspire/Young Money/Cash Money Records distributed through Universal, Drake received a $2-million advance. He retains the publishing rights to his songs and cedes only around 25% of his music sales revenues to the label as a "distribution fee," his managers said . By contrast, the overwhelming majority of new artists sign financially restrictive "360 deals" that sap their touring and merchandise income and offer much more restrictive profit-sharing.

    A dissection of how the rapper was able to drive such a hard bargain underscores an evolution in the music industry. At a time when CD sales have declined by 15% over last summer's numbers and major labels remain more fixated on scoring hit singles than sustaining artist rosters, managers such as those working with Drake have stepped into the void to become king-makers in urban music.

    "The record company doesn't have any ownership of Drake," Bryant said. "The label does not have participation on profits. They don't have ownership of his masters. We control his entire career. Those deals don't happen anymore."

    ohhhhhh Drake

    from what I know that article is kinda bs and Aspire f***ed him
    theres court documents later saying that drake got 0 royalties until at least 2012 and doesnt own the masters

    what im not sure about is how much that article is true about the deal and he just got f***ed over by his people or whether that article is just blatantly false

  • safe 🪩
    Sep 16, 2020
    1 reply

    Damn that contract extension is wild

    It’s like if the cavs could keep on picking the team option on lebrons rookie deal

    this is a great way of putting it lol

  • Sep 16, 2020

    Imma hire @op when I sign (to Cash Money)

  • safe 🪩
    Sep 16, 2020
    OVHoe Freight

    Yeah, this is my understanding 100%. Labels are essentially taking gambles on artists. I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of artists actually end up losing money for the label. But then every so often you get lucky and sign a superstar and make so much money that it covers all the losses from everyone else.

    plus im sure a lot of artists that you lose money on you can find a way to get a fair amount of it back from them

  • safe 🪩
    Sep 16, 2020
    2 replies
  • Sep 16, 2020

    The GOAT @safe

  • Sep 16, 2020
    5 replies

    Reported for misleading title. Not interesting

  • safe 🪩
    Sep 16, 2020
    Whats up

    Reported for misleading title. Not interesting


  • Sep 16, 2020


  • Sep 16, 2020
    1 reply


    Now this s*** is crazy What do u think his contract looked like then if they got all the money?

  • Sep 16, 2020
    2 replies

    Honestly I don't think the label game at its core is inherently unfair. The label provides services and capital and takes on all the risk and by doing so takes back most of the profits. But there's also definitely unfair and predatory tactics within the game.

    The biggest issue for me in 2020 is that the services the label provides are no longer worth as much as they once were. Music can be recorded cheap now. You don't need studio time or fancy equipment. You don't need the label to market you and get you on MTV and the radio. You can 100% market yourself on the internet. You don't need a label to press and distribute CDs. All you have to do is upload it Spotify or AM yourself.

    There's almost nothing the label provides that hasn't been democratized by the internet

  • Sep 16, 2020
    1 reply

    nahh its all done he just never released it beyond one showing

    Why did he not release it? So mamy people would pay to go see this at a festival of some kind

  • Sep 16, 2020
    1 reply
    OVHoe Freight

    Honestly I don't think the label game at its core is inherently unfair. The label provides services and capital and takes on all the risk and by doing so takes back most of the profits. But there's also definitely unfair and predatory tactics within the game.

    The biggest issue for me in 2020 is that the services the label provides are no longer worth as much as they once were. Music can be recorded cheap now. You don't need studio time or fancy equipment. You don't need the label to market you and get you on MTV and the radio. You can 100% market yourself on the internet. You don't need a label to press and distribute CDs. All you have to do is upload it Spotify or AM yourself.

    There's almost nothing the label provides that hasn't been democratized by the internet

    Agreed but feel like for most artists a label deal will at least put food on the table if their music doesnt sell

  • safe 🪩
    Sep 16, 2020
    1 reply

    Now this s*** is crazy What do u think his contract looked like then if they got all the money?

    I think the actual contract is above

    But basically I think it’s not an unusual contract. It’s just that Aspire basically misled him and Cash Money basically inflated costs so that they were constantly “recouping the advance” and therefore didn’t owe him royalties

    So it was more that the label was breaching or at least being really shady with the contract and that’s why Drake went to court with them

  • Sep 16, 2020
    1 reply

    What I never understood is how they say they spent millions on advertising, like wtf? Advertise in what? Lol

    And also when they would spend millions on music videos, like literally why 💀

  • safe 🪩
    Sep 16, 2020

    Why did he not release it? So mamy people would pay to go see this at a festival of some kind

    I’m guessing because the label will take most if not all of what it earns

  • Sep 16, 2020

    Agreed but feel like for most artists a label deal will at least put food on the table if their music doesnt sell

    Yeah, the one thing the label can still provide is that big advancement. I feel like that's why the majority of young rappers still sign. That plus the fact being independent is a lot more hard work

  • safe 🪩
    Sep 16, 2020
    Troy Ave Stan

    What I never understood is how they say they spent millions on advertising, like wtf? Advertise in what? Lol

    And also when they would spend millions on music videos, like literally why 💀

    Yea I always wonder how true this is
    Seems like it conveniently lets them recoup those costs instead of paying royalties to the artidt

  • Sep 16, 2020
    2 replies

    I think the actual contract is above

    But basically I think it’s not an unusual contract. It’s just that Aspire basically misled him and Cash Money basically inflated costs so that they were constantly “recouping the advance” and therefore didn’t owe him royalties

    So it was more that the label was breaching or at least being really shady with the contract and that’s why Drake went to court with them

    that s*** sound illegal af

  • safe 🪩
    Sep 16, 2020
    OVHoe Freight

    Honestly I don't think the label game at its core is inherently unfair. The label provides services and capital and takes on all the risk and by doing so takes back most of the profits. But there's also definitely unfair and predatory tactics within the game.

    The biggest issue for me in 2020 is that the services the label provides are no longer worth as much as they once were. Music can be recorded cheap now. You don't need studio time or fancy equipment. You don't need the label to market you and get you on MTV and the radio. You can 100% market yourself on the internet. You don't need a label to press and distribute CDs. All you have to do is upload it Spotify or AM yourself.

    There's almost nothing the label provides that hasn't been democratized by the internet

    Labels are useful in that they provide everything you need in one place
    The issue is that the leverage and power of artists to do it without a label hasn’t caught up to what label deals look like

    As in labels are still locking artists up when actually artists don’t realize they now have other options and can leverage better deals

    A correction is needed

  • Sep 16, 2020
    1 reply

    that s*** sound illegal af

    Movie studos do it all the time from my understanding. They'll fix the numbers in a way that a film will never make a profit and they don't have to pay out profit cuts

  • safe 🪩
    Sep 16, 2020

    that s*** sound illegal af

    I mean yea it went to court and everything

    That’s where the whole “the Ms count different when Baby (Birdman - Drakes label owner) divides the pie” line came feom

  • Sep 16, 2020
    2 replies
    OVHoe Freight

    Movie studos do it all the time from my understanding. They'll fix the numbers in a way that a film will never make a profit and they don't have to pay out profit cuts

    Who gets profit cuts in movies? I always thought the studio pays fixed amounts and takes profit

  • Sep 16, 2020
  • Sep 16, 2020
    1 reply

    definitely in my top 50 posters

