This is chop seems so random. Like you just take bits and pieces and stick em together and call it a day. Like it was no thought process behind it. Like the first thing that came out was a done deal
As a producer myself I think It‘s quite fascinating to see how this "random" chop sounds so good in the end product tho
This is chop seems so random. Like you just take bits and pieces and stick em together and call it a day. Like it was no thought process behind it. Like the first thing that came out was a done deal
i dont think it sounds bad though. Its not amazing either though
This is chop seems so random. Like you just take bits and pieces and stick em together and call it a day. Like it was no thought process behind it. Like the first thing that came out was a done deal
A lot of your favorite music has a lot of elements that where just randomly created. Often the best ideas are not premeditated but just come from hitting random buttons.
F***ing genius. This how you flip a sample
facts way more refreshing this horrible label trend of biting 90s-2000s rap songs
fire… ngl 2024 is easily my fav song from cartis current run
It’s by far the best song he dropped
facts way more refreshing this horrible label trend of biting 90s-2000s rap songs
This trend kills me
I blame Pitbull for showing artists you can take a catchy 2000’s hit and then sample the whole thing as your hook
i don't usually care about this kinda thing but it was eye opening seeing that ye didn't do the sample on follow god. i always thought that was the one beat on that album that really had his imprint
!, Drake could never
Tbh I could totally see Ye searching "Ye" on Soundcloud and Yeo popping up for him
I’m 100% convinced now dead serious
Tbh I could totally see Ye searching "Ye" on Soundcloud and Yeo popping up for him
specifically yeo jvolta on soundcloud
This is chop seems so random. Like you just take bits and pieces and stick em together and call it a day. Like it was no thought process behind it. Like the first thing that came out was a done deal
let's see you do it champ
It’s 3 producers on that song. I’m giving the credit to the other 2. Kanye probably barely did anything
the song can be basically broken down to 3 stems
3 producers for 3 stems, everyone can draw their conclusions
the song can be basically broken down to 3 stems
3 producers for 3 stems, everyone can draw their conclusions
drums -earl
sample -oj
horns -ye
This is chop seems so random. Like you just take bits and pieces and stick em together and call it a day. Like it was no thought process behind it. Like the first thing that came out was a done deal
da da da darkness falls
da da da darkness falls
da da da darkness falls...
every little once in awhile
the musical mind to pull the two "falls"/"-alls" to create the melody is so f***ing galaxybrained