kanye literally has producers doing production refs for him, he's not the one finding that s***. i just found out the other month producer boogz found the sample for 530
Yeah thats what huge artists do
We know he can do that s*** himself too if he wants tho
How the hell did the people find that this was the sample
googled the lyrics and the song came up.
A lot of sample diggers are using Google assistant AI to find samples also
listen to all the wyoming session leaks
the one thing Ye is still hands on with is sample chops
a lot of his sample chop files have leaked through out the years
At this point Ye def found it cofirmed right
Yeo = “Ye” search typo
“Jacob’s Ladder” = Story in bible
2 things, first, JIK is so fire and underrated. I think people just dont like because of the religious stuff. But its incredible. second, It’s interesting for sure he operates more like a director on a movie set than someone playing all of the roles in a one man show. It’s still his ear that puts together the album and chooses the sounds and a lot of these musicians are probably really influenced by him and he probably has more oversight in aspects of it all than we realize. Like on a movie set every decision is made with the director in mind u know
I legit listened to JIK every single morning for like 2 months after it dropped. so short and sweet. actually beautiful ass album.