Has anyone watched Carl Sagan break down the 4th dimension and the tesseract video?
I can’t help but think about it whenever I think about UFO sightings and the tic tac video in particular.
Basically, he says that since we are trapped in 3D we can only see things in 3D, and if a 4D being tried to communicate with us in the 3D world, we would only see a 3D version, a shadow, or some sort of projection of it since we are trapped in 3D we sacrifice some.
He compares this to if an object lived in 2D, and we entered its world and then walked out, it would only see bits and pieces of us every second until we left, never the full visual itself. Because they are trapped in 2D, they can’t see things in 3D.
I can’t help but apply this with UFOs. Who’s to say that tic tac object wasn’t actually a being from a higher dimension, and that what we see as a tic tac shaped object defying physics, is just a small sliver that we can see of a much bigger vessel/vehicle/being that is moving around in what would seem as normal motion to it, but defying physics to us in 3D and only allowing us to see a small portion of itself (ie the 3D shadow in 2D world)
Come on man. You know exactly why the third option would be.
Just would be a kinda wild way to do so
pentagon has trillions in projects that nobody knows about. It can very easily be from the US with the rest of the government, including the President, not knowing about it
Oh yea for sure
Just crazy if it is
The fact that people who normally don’t pay attention to these types of topicd are actually beginning to get invested in said topics, tells me that were undergoing a psy op
Why, after decades of secrecy, is there a sudden push by the US govt to slowly reveal the presence of ufos? Because there’s an agenda. There’s always an agenda
The answer is
B. The US government owns this vehicle and it's a black-ops project. in this case the US government has technology far far beyond the current known capabilities of human vehicles and again is hiding it
It’s aliens
Million percent aliens
If it was a top secret government project, why would they show their hand and reveal that they have this kind of technology? Whether it’s American or any other country’s, flying a top secret project into restricted airspace and running the risk of getting shot down and having your tech exposed? If it’s supposed to be a flex, then why not claim responsibility for it?
Unless they’re pulling an ozymandias and creating an “alien threat” as an excuse for world peace (or world war) lol. But still - aliens.
The answer is
B. The US government owns this vehicle and it's a black-ops project. in this case the US government has technology far far beyond the current known capabilities of human vehicles and again is hiding it
Then why fly it in restricted airspace, set up a department to investigate it, and release footage of it publicly? If it’s a secret, why reveal it - if it’s a flex, why not claim it?
Then why fly it in restricted airspace, set up a department to investigate it, and release footage of it publicly? If it’s a secret, why reveal it - if it’s a flex, why not claim it?
Cuz theres above top secret/ black projects the govt even hides from other parts of the govt. like theres s*** even the president doesnt know about and im guessing this is something like that.
1 + 2
the government is decades ahead of the public & has been suppressing several technologies deemed “undesirable”
but also yeah there are forces n stuff beyond humanity
end of transmission
Life is so inherently boring that I truly do wish that whatever they saw is not of this world
Cuz theres above top secret/ black projects the govt even hides from other parts of the govt. like theres s*** even the president doesnt know about and im guessing this is something like that.
I get that concept, but why would they fly their top secret project into an area they know it will be seen and potentially shot down?
ngl i lean more towards these ufo sightings being secret U.S tech. the government playing into the UFO narrative only helps them because they don't want other rival countries to know about their capabilities.
ngl i lean more towards these ufo sightings being secret U.S tech. the government playing into the UFO narrative only helps them because they don't want other rival countries to know about their capabilities.
Yeah I don’t buy this, sounds like he’s hyping up his work. Why does NASA’s shuttle suck compared to SpaceX’s Starship if the govt has next gen tech? Why did the US get whooped In Afghanistan and now Russia? Why invest so much in aircraft carrier and F-35s? Doesn’t add up at all
I don't wanna sound like a crackpot and I feel like most ppl on this site who know me know that im not crazy and just gonna sit here and feed you bullshit
but let me just make sure I give enough background for anyone who hasn't payed attention to this whole UFO thing over the last couple years - there's a ton more detail but I just wanna give enough to make my point
in 2004 something happened w a US aircraft carrier called the Nimitz. the gist of it is that fighter jets got scrambled after objects were being tracked in the sky doing things that did not seem possible - like dropping 80,000 feet in seconds. the fighter jets were told it was a real exercise and were filled with very highly respected pilots. these pilots saw and filmed an object that they said was shaped like a tic tac but with no visible control surfaces or means of propulsion. it hovered above the water zig zagging around before matching their movements then accelerating away at speeds that are far beyond the capacity of military tech. it then arrived at their rendezvous point - somehow knowing ahead of time that they would be there.
this sounds a little crazy already but all of this info is publicly available and came to light largely in 2017 when the videos were released by an ex CIA employee. the video is only short and doesn't show the craft bending physics or anything but the US acknowledges multiple times that this was legitimate - from Obama to the Pentagon.
there's something about this that is bizarre to me
the US military has the capacity to know for sure whether this was legitimate. whether there was a physically present, intelligent craft that was defying laws of physics and clearly represents technology beyond our own. they have the radar data which is not released, full videos of the craft also not released among other data (infrared, thermal, etc). undoubtedly they know more about this than is publicly available.
so that leaves three options and all of them to me are insane and should be receiving a massive amount more attention than they are
there are physical crafts beyond the scope of humans that are on this planet and the US government/military is hiding information
the US government owns this vehicle and it's a black-ops project. in this case the US government has technology far far beyond the current known capabilities of human vehicles and again is hiding it
the US government is currently hosting congressional hearings, getting Obama to go on air and discuss this, having NASA investigate the UFO phenomenon and releasing reports on UFOs despite knowing that there is no credence to them existing. what is the reason for this?
good write up
no matter what it really is its still insane. but it won't change the way I live my life. I remember waiting for those documents to be released last summer. my friend was super hype over it. Ngl I started to get kinda excited too. then the day came and the public got confirmation that either aliens or insanely advanced technology exists. and nobody gave a s***. I still went to work the day after.
Yeah I don’t buy this, sounds like he’s hyping up his work. Why does NASA’s shuttle suck compared to SpaceX’s Starship if the govt has next gen tech? Why did the US get whooped In Afghanistan and now Russia? Why invest so much in aircraft carrier and F-35s? Doesn’t add up at all
Maybe they don't want to show their entire hand just yet? Honestly that is the best move because once it's revealed you know everyone is going to try and reverse engineer it or they can figure out a way to counter it.
Yeah I don’t buy this, sounds like he’s hyping up his work. Why does NASA’s shuttle suck compared to SpaceX’s Starship if the govt has next gen tech? Why did the US get whooped In Afghanistan and now Russia? Why invest so much in aircraft carrier and F-35s? Doesn’t add up at all
nasa shuttle hasn't been something they've really given a s*** about for a reeeeaaal long time so there's that one
idk enough abt Afghanistan to really speak on that but I think US air power was pretty solid there no?
idk what ur referring to w Russia afaik we aren't sending US planes to fw russia rn
investing THAT much in weird ass aircraft is fishy asf tho. there's this one weird ass hybrid plane helicopter thing they've been working on for like DECADES and they've spent like a billion dollars on it no cap...
Its either some sort of scheme on the manufacturers part, or some accounting fudging on the gov't side. hiding spent money by filing it under some other acct.
The fact that people who normally don’t pay attention to these types of topicd are actually beginning to get invested in said topics, tells me that were undergoing a psy op
Why, after decades of secrecy, is there a sudden push by the US govt to slowly reveal the presence of ufos? Because there’s an agenda. There’s always an agenda
F*** you’re right
I remember feeling like COVID lockdowns and everything may have been partly preparing us for something else (not that the measures weren’t the right thing)
We’re gonna get an alien panic next and shelter in place and all the uncertainty of COVID times a million
what does this thread have to do with bbl's ? @op
idgi if its a black ops project and theyve had the technology since 2004 thats damn near 20 years since, i wonder the improvements since then
but for what purpose do they use it for, why arent they traveling across the universe with that technology to make insane discoveries. are they playing Star Trek and keeping people safe under wraps or something
I don't wanna sound like a crackpot and I feel like most ppl on this site who know me know that im not crazy and just gonna sit here and feed you bullshit
but let me just make sure I give enough background for anyone who hasn't payed attention to this whole UFO thing over the last couple years - there's a ton more detail but I just wanna give enough to make my point
in 2004 something happened w a US aircraft carrier called the Nimitz. the gist of it is that fighter jets got scrambled after objects were being tracked in the sky doing things that did not seem possible - like dropping 80,000 feet in seconds. the fighter jets were told it was a real exercise and were filled with very highly respected pilots. these pilots saw and filmed an object that they said was shaped like a tic tac but with no visible control surfaces or means of propulsion. it hovered above the water zig zagging around before matching their movements then accelerating away at speeds that are far beyond the capacity of military tech. it then arrived at their rendezvous point - somehow knowing ahead of time that they would be there.
this sounds a little crazy already but all of this info is publicly available and came to light largely in 2017 when the videos were released by an ex CIA employee. the video is only short and doesn't show the craft bending physics or anything but the US acknowledges multiple times that this was legitimate - from Obama to the Pentagon.
there's something about this that is bizarre to me
the US military has the capacity to know for sure whether this was legitimate. whether there was a physically present, intelligent craft that was defying laws of physics and clearly represents technology beyond our own. they have the radar data which is not released, full videos of the craft also not released among other data (infrared, thermal, etc). undoubtedly they know more about this than is publicly available.
so that leaves three options and all of them to me are insane and should be receiving a massive amount more attention than they are
there are physical crafts beyond the scope of humans that are on this planet and the US government/military is hiding information
the US government owns this vehicle and it's a black-ops project. in this case the US government has technology far far beyond the current known capabilities of human vehicles and again is hiding it
the US government is currently hosting congressional hearings, getting Obama to go on air and discuss this, having NASA investigate the UFO phenomenon and releasing reports on UFOs despite knowing that there is no credence to them existing. what is the reason for this?
They’ve been interacting with aliens since probably the 60’s maybe even before
Something probably happened in the mid 2010’s that made it unavoidable that the public was going to find out about alien existence
That unavoidable thing is probably coming closer and closer the more they just “randomly” decide to confirm that aliens exist and give the public more info
Just my take