  • stanciu 🔆
    Jul 5, 2022

    they hold hearings just to say to everybody else "well something might be out there but we dont know what and their technology" when they sure know whats up and might have their hands on some stuff.

    hardest thing to swallow is them holding s*** so secret that for all these years it hasnt leaked or another country not knowing about it especially in these modern era

    as for something out there, no doubt we aren't alone

  • Jul 5, 2022
    1 reply

    maybe they dont know s***
    they know aliens do come visit earth, but aliens dont communicate with them so they got 0 information

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Jul 5, 2022
    1 reply

    maybe they dont know s***
    they know aliens do come visit earth, but aliens dont communicate with them so they got 0 information

    yeah, you really know that, don't you

  • Jul 5, 2022
    1 reply
    lil ufo

    yeah, you really know that, don't you

    i wouldve beat ET’s ass with a shovel

  • Ezio 🎰
    Jul 5, 2022
    2 replies

    I don't wanna sound like a crackpot and I feel like most ppl on this site who know me know that im not crazy and just gonna sit here and feed you bullshit

    but let me just make sure I give enough background for anyone who hasn't payed attention to this whole UFO thing over the last couple years - there's a ton more detail but I just wanna give enough to make my point

    in 2004 something happened w a US aircraft carrier called the Nimitz. the gist of it is that fighter jets got scrambled after objects were being tracked in the sky doing things that did not seem possible - like dropping 80,000 feet in seconds. the fighter jets were told it was a real exercise and were filled with very highly respected pilots. these pilots saw and filmed an object that they said was shaped like a tic tac but with no visible control surfaces or means of propulsion. it hovered above the water zig zagging around before matching their movements then accelerating away at speeds that are far beyond the capacity of military tech. it then arrived at their rendezvous point - somehow knowing ahead of time that they would be there.

    this sounds a little crazy already but all of this info is publicly available and came to light largely in 2017 when the videos were released by an ex CIA employee. the video is only short and doesn't show the craft bending physics or anything but the US acknowledges multiple times that this was legitimate - from Obama to the Pentagon.

    there's something about this that is bizarre to me

    the US military has the capacity to know for sure whether this was legitimate. whether there was a physically present, intelligent craft that was defying laws of physics and clearly represents technology beyond our own. they have the radar data which is not released, full videos of the craft also not released among other data (infrared, thermal, etc). undoubtedly they know more about this than is publicly available.

    so that leaves three options and all of them to me are insane and should be receiving a massive amount more attention than they are

    • there are physical crafts beyond the scope of humans that are on this planet and the US government/military is hiding information

    • the US government owns this vehicle and it's a black-ops project. in this case the US government has technology far far beyond the current known capabilities of human vehicles and again is hiding it

    • the US government is currently hosting congressional hearings, getting Obama to go on air and discuss this, having NASA investigate the UFO phenomenon and releasing reports on UFOs despite knowing that there is no credence to them existing. what is the reason for this?

    Come on man. You know exactly why the third option would be.

  • Jul 5, 2022

    Why is it terrifying? It doesn't do anything really of course the government knows things everyone else doesn't.

    damn such good writing

  • Jul 5, 2022
    1 reply

    Come on man. You know exactly why the third option would be.

    If it's a psyop i would say it's kinda failing tho not as many people as you would think are talking about it

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Jul 5, 2022

    i wouldve beat ET’s ass with a shovel

    ET just has to post your avy and you're done

  • Jul 5, 2022
    1 reply

    but if they are Navy black ops projects then the US military legitimately knows things about physics and the way the universe works that are not public knowledge

    im not saying that you're wrong thats just terrifying to me if its true

    pentagon has trillions in projects that nobody knows about. It can very easily be from the US with the rest of the government, including the President, not knowing about it

  • Ezio 🎰
    Jul 5, 2022
    1 reply
    Scratchin Mamba

    If it's a psyop i would say it's kinda failing tho not as many people as you would think are talking about it

    they're building up to something

  • Jul 5, 2022

    they're building up to something

    Spooky hrs

  • Jul 5, 2022

    If they’re hiding something why would they release a little bit of it in 2017? Why not hiding the whole thing?

  • Jul 5, 2022

    either a foreign actor or some deep US military project

    i believe in aliens, but in our immediate galactic “neighborhood”, i believe there are only primitive aliens like bacteria and microorganisms

  • Jul 5, 2022

    Lowkey it’s stuff like that that makes me think there’s a higher power in the US gov because no chance they’re trusting Biden with that information

    been a theory for awhile and wouldn’t be that surprising to me tbh.

    always thought the president was just a face of the machine. the country/world is ran by powerful rich people, always has been

    rothschild did say something along the lines of

    if you control the money, you control the laws

  • Jul 5, 2022
    1 reply

    It’s does not belong to the United States

    The tech we see is the tech they have. If the USA had the tech to dominate the world then it would’ve done that already

    It’s a legit UFO that they can’t explain

  • Jul 5, 2022

    not any stranger than living on a ball magically floating in infinite empty space

  • Jul 5, 2022

    China also have their hands to it whether they’re testing jet propulsion or new ways to spy. They emphasize more on military though. As per something extraterrestrial, the chances are slim given how expansive the distance between one star to another.

  • Jul 5, 2022
    1 reply

    It’s us tech, it’s a better deterrent than nukes.

    Showing the world they got it, but not saying they got it.

    Unless you wanna find out

  • Jul 5, 2022

    It’s us tech, it’s a better deterrent than nukes.

    Showing the world they got it, but not saying they got it.

    Unless you wanna find out

    Got the tech from Roswell, they reverse engineered them joints

  • Jul 5, 2022
    1 reply

    the next decade is gonna be crazy thats all i can say

  • Jul 5, 2022

    @Op just look up some DARPA projects and chill out

  • Jul 5, 2022

    Government couldn’t even handle COVID and y’all think they can keep extra terrestrial invasions out of public sight.

  • Jul 5, 2022

    the next decade is gonna be crazy thats all i can say

    Economy bad, environment worse, divisive politics leading to a world war, and aliens making everything wors

  • Jul 5, 2022
    2 replies

    The fact that people who normally don’t pay attention to these types of topicd are actually beginning to get invested in said topics, tells me that were undergoing a psy op

    Why, after decades of secrecy, is there a sudden push by the US govt to slowly reveal the presence of ufos? Because there’s an agenda. There’s always an agenda

  • Jul 5, 2022

    It’s does not belong to the United States

    The tech we see is the tech they have. If the USA had the tech to dominate the world then it would’ve done that already

    It’s a legit UFO that they can’t explain

    I don’t know if that’s necessarily true. Military tech has to be trialed for decades before actually being implemented. Once the enemy knows that a military possesses that tech, there is no longer that ace in their sleeve. Aside from that, some of this tech could have cataclysmic implications if any military were to unveil it to the world.

    I think the military slowly drip feeds advanced tech. Imagine if they just popped out with fully functioning iron man suits and aircrafts that defy the laws of physics. Other nations would freak
