What if it was some sort of graphical glitch or some birds lmao
It would have to be an Epstein situation where the pilots eyes were f***ed up the sensor data was glitched and the camera malfunctioned all at the same time.
And just like epstein killing himself, not likely. The Nimitz situation is the most credible UFO sighting of all time and the govt can't even f***ing deny it
And they definitely would if they could.
It would have to be an Epstein situation where the pilots eyes were f***ed up the sensor data was glitched and the camera malfunctioned all at the same time.
And just like epstein killing himself, not likely. The Nimitz situation is the most credible UFO sighting of all time and the govt can't even f***ing deny it
And they definitely would if they could.
Idk mane I feel like if aliens are real why would they bother trolling us with ufos when they could just take us over or ignore us
Idk mane I feel like if aliens are real why would they bother trolling us with ufos when they could just take us over or ignore us
Again, You're compartmentalizing a species of unknown origin, unknown evolution that could be thousands of years more advanced than our civilization.
There is absolutely no way we can understand their logic and reasoning in any way.
I think that's what many people keep missing. You,'re comparing the first off world species that could've came about from an unthinkable amount of ways and trying to to attach human traits and rationale to it.
I understand that's how we make sense of the world around us but you have to think outside of that when you're trying to seize up a species that has nothing to do with humans or Earth or our understanding of it.
Idk mane I feel like if aliens are real why would they bother trolling us with ufos when they could just take us over or ignore us
You are anthropomorphizing aliens
Oh s*** yeah that's actually my favorite one
S*** looks straight out of anime lmfao
We didn't make that
It's GONNA BE HILARIOUS if in the end BOB LAZAR is proven right
Listen man I'm all in on the aliens s*** but I refuse to believe that guy.
I have a limit to my rabbit hole. It stops ant any dumb s*** like satanic creatures, Atlantis, and I'm 50/50 on any interdimensional theories until we see any evidence of it.
Idk mane I feel like if aliens are real why would they bother trolling us with ufos when they could just take us over or ignore us
Abductions are the key. Literally millions of people report abductions. They are purposely practicing covert activities to acquire our DNA and create hybrids. Sounds crazy but i've dived deep into this s***. A consistent theme in abductions is that abductees are used in a hybridization program run by these gray looking beings with big heads. They then take these hybrids and put them into our population to live amongst humans. For what purpose? idk but thats what i've found after researching this subject for 2 years.
What if it was some sort of graphical glitch or some birds lmao
here's one of the confirmed ufo pictures taken by one of the pilots. It was presented in front of congress so its legit. These aren't jsut glitches.
Abductions are the key. Literally millions of people report abductions. They are purposely practicing covert activities to acquire our DNA and create hybrids. Sounds crazy but i've dived deep into this s***. A consistent theme in abductions is that abductees are used in a hybridization program run by these gray looking beings with big heads. They then take these hybrids and put them into our population to live amongst humans. For what purpose? idk but thats what i've found after researching this subject for 2 years.
Das the plot 2 de X-Files
Das the plot 2 de X-Files
Wow lol it was probably inspired by abductee accounts. Same way the gray aliens with big heads you see in movies were inspired by real accounts as well.
We got vehicles that can bend the laws of physics but nothing from that gigantic leap in technology has dripped down to the common public or transportation industry?
See that's where you losing me. They could make billions handing even the s***tier versions of that kind of tech out, potentially trillions.
But nah we gon waste it on insane black ops projects that never see the light of day.
And we've been doing it since....2004?
Nigga we had vehicles that could bend The laws of physics before we had the iphone nigga?
F*** no. It's goddamn aliens.
Obviously people can't actually come to grips with that s*** but it's just the truth.
And no I don't know why another species does wtf it does and why it does it.
They evolved completely separate from us, our culture, our language, way of life and understanding of the reality around us.
So there's most likely quite a bit of a disconnect between two advanced species, one most likely having been evolved thousands of years before our civilization began. How could we begin to know wtf they're doing without interacting with them
you overestimate the benevolence of your capitalist overlords
end of transmission
Listen man I'm all in on the aliens s*** but I refuse to believe that guy.
I have a limit to my rabbit hole. It stops ant any dumb s*** like satanic creatures, Atlantis, and I'm 50/50 on any interdimensional theories until we see any evidence of it.
yea but he doesnt f*** with none of that dumb s*** either. Never mentioned any of that.
I'm really skeptic about that stuff but dude really might be telling the truth lol.
He doesn't care about none of that extra s***. He just cares about the technology.
The technology of the craft doesn't sound far fetched at all. Especially today.
More people including highly regarded physicists are starting to believe him.
Again, You're compartmentalizing a species of unknown origin, unknown evolution that could be thousands of years more advanced than our civilization.
There is absolutely no way we can understand their logic and reasoning in any way.
I think that's what many people keep missing. You,'re comparing the first off world species that could've came about from an unthinkable amount of ways and trying to to attach human traits and rationale to it.
I understand that's how we make sense of the world around us but you have to think outside of that when you're trying to seize up a species that has nothing to do with humans or Earth or our understanding of it.
U right, theyre probably a lot more sophisticated with their methods of infiltration and espionage so this is probably child's play to them
Well f*** I guess I have to confront the reality that aliens are likely aware of our existence
Abductions are the key. Literally millions of people report abductions. They are purposely practicing covert activities to acquire our DNA and create hybrids. Sounds crazy but i've dived deep into this s***. A consistent theme in abductions is that abductees are used in a hybridization program run by these gray looking beings with big heads. They then take these hybrids and put them into our population to live amongst humans. For what purpose? idk but thats what i've found after researching this subject for 2 years.
could you say more? (Safely)
End of Transmission
here's one of the confirmed ufo pictures taken by one of the pilots. It was presented in front of congress so its legit. These aren't jsut glitches.
Nigga that's a blimp
Abductions are the key. Literally millions of people report abductions. They are purposely practicing covert activities to acquire our DNA and create hybrids. Sounds crazy but i've dived deep into this s***. A consistent theme in abductions is that abductees are used in a hybridization program run by these gray looking beings with big heads. They then take these hybrids and put them into our population to live amongst humans. For what purpose? idk but thats what i've found after researching this subject for 2 years.
Absolutely terrifying
They ain't abducting my ass tho
OP biasing yourself by not including the possibility that 4) it was just instrument error or an extremely rare natural phenomenon. Obviously if you only list those three extremely specific explanations then it seems obvious that there’s a conspiracy but you should do yourself a credit and include everything
That’s a good point however there’s video evidence (obviously not released) where they military got such a close shot they could see inside of the “cockpit” of the UFO.
Which is terrifying in its own right because it draws parallels with Illuminati type organizations
Like in doctor strange 2??? :pog: