in before didn't read etc etc
I really couldn't care less if you're reading or not I just want someone to give me a reason why what I said is untrue so I can know what to think
cause otherwise it just seems insane to me that more people don't seem to care
As far as UFOs, nothing we’re told on that front matters anymore. They lied too much and contradicted themselves too much for anything they say to be believed. Roswell was a really interesting one tho because apparently those UFOs were actually Russian and the “aliens” were people the Russians had been experimenting on physically. According to an official interviewed, it was a tactic used during the Cold War to scare Americans
Also it’s a known fact that US government tech is at the very least 50+ years ahead of public tech
you overestimate the benevolence of your capitalist overlords
end of transmission
This falls right in line with capitalism though?
They would make trillions off of this technology being repurposed for the idea of commercialism.
It certainly isnt f***ing greed stopping America from plundering and draining the populace of it's resources lmao
Also it’s a known fact that US government tech is at the very least 50+ years ahead of public tech
Is it though
could you say more? (Safely)
End of Transmission
David Jacobs is a researcher who's interviewed thousands of abductees from all different walks of life (doctors, teenagers, etc) His research is the most reliable s*** i've seen. Hes got guys with PHDs telling him this s***.
Check this video out. Skip to 2:30. It sounds crazy and I once laughed at the thought of this but after hearing all the testimonies gathered. I believe it's real.
Is it though
I mean everyone I’ve ever spoken to about tech seems to be aware. Area 51 is a black ops site where the military tests new tech (not some alien prison) and the security measures to get inside alone since the 20th century have been beyond top of the line.
Abductions are the key. Literally millions of people report abductions. They are purposely practicing covert activities to acquire our DNA and create hybrids. Sounds crazy but i've dived deep into this s***. A consistent theme in abductions is that abductees are used in a hybridization program run by these gray looking beings with big heads. They then take these hybrids and put them into our population to live amongst humans. For what purpose? idk but thats what i've found after researching this subject for 2 years.
Bro you cannot just say this s*** without some sources my guy.
I have gotta see some information to understand where you're coming from.
Bro you cannot just say this s*** without some sources my guy.
I have gotta see some information to understand where you're coming from.
check out the reply i wrote above.
I mean everyone I’ve ever spoken to about tech seems to be aware. Area 51 is a black ops site where the military tests new tech (not some alien prison) and the security measures to get inside alone since the 20th century have been beyond top of the line.
Let's just take a look at what DARPA and Lockheed has going on and you'll essentially see the basis of all black site and area 51 s***.
Let's just take a look at what DARPA and Lockheed has going on and you'll essentially see the basis of all black site and area 51 s***.
I’m familiar but as a strategist you’re not publicly releasing your most advanced or useful military tech unless you’re using it. Not saying Lockheed doesn’t make advanced tech but it wouldn’t be advantageous to openly show the world what you have in the tuck
I think that the us government or some rich people are having fun
This is such a good listen
This is what we need, large capital being used to investigate the evidence we have
Why would jinn use crafts to fly around in lol? Classifying all these being under 1 umbrella term like Jinn or demons gets us nowhere as far as understanding what they are
The US is adamant they didn’t create these crafts. If we take them at their word then it has to be a different type of being. Russia and China aren’t going to be hundreds of years ahead of the US in tech like this. Also out of the four types of Jinn there is an exclusively flying type. Personally I think it’s both. In some cases it’s jinn and in some cases it’s the US testing advanced aircrafts
I don't wanna sound like a crackpot and I feel like most ppl on this site who know me know that im not crazy and just gonna sit here and feed you bullshit
but let me just make sure I give enough background for anyone who hasn't payed attention to this whole UFO thing over the last couple years - there's a ton more detail but I just wanna give enough to make my point
in 2004 something happened w a US aircraft carrier called the Nimitz. the gist of it is that fighter jets got scrambled after objects were being tracked in the sky doing things that did not seem possible - like dropping 80,000 feet in seconds. the fighter jets were told it was a real exercise and were filled with very highly respected pilots. these pilots saw and filmed an object that they said was shaped like a tic tac but with no visible control surfaces or means of propulsion. it hovered above the water zig zagging around before matching their movements then accelerating away at speeds that are far beyond the capacity of military tech. it then arrived at their rendezvous point - somehow knowing ahead of time that they would be there.
this sounds a little crazy already but all of this info is publicly available and came to light largely in 2017 when the videos were released by an ex CIA employee. the video is only short and doesn't show the craft bending physics or anything but the US acknowledges multiple times that this was legitimate - from Obama to the Pentagon.
there's something about this that is bizarre to me
the US military has the capacity to know for sure whether this was legitimate. whether there was a physically present, intelligent craft that was defying laws of physics and clearly represents technology beyond our own. they have the radar data which is not released, full videos of the craft also not released among other data (infrared, thermal, etc). undoubtedly they know more about this than is publicly available.
so that leaves three options and all of them to me are insane and should be receiving a massive amount more attention than they are
there are physical crafts beyond the scope of humans that are on this planet and the US government/military is hiding information
the US government owns this vehicle and it's a black-ops project. in this case the US government has technology far far beyond the current known capabilities of human vehicles and again is hiding it
the US government is currently hosting congressional hearings, getting Obama to go on air and discuss this, having NASA investigate the UFO phenomenon and releasing reports on UFOs despite knowing that there is no credence to them existing. what is the reason for this?
It is likely the hidden tech option or the whole story is designed to get reactions like yours.
While technically possible the chances of intelligent life other than us are incredibly small considering how many conditions there needs for it to develop to the point of getting intelligent
Also it’s a known fact that US government tech is at the very least 50+ years ahead of public tech
Most modern tech is comes out of the military cause that's how society is organized
Most modern tech is comes out of the military cause that's how society is organized
Right and that doesn’t mean all modern tech is up to par. What’s modern for us may very well be outdated for the high level military. And that’s understandable. I don’t need a blackbird in my every day life
Right and that doesn’t mean all modern tech is up to par. What’s modern for us may very well be outdated for the high level military. And that’s understandable. I don’t need a blackbird in my every day life
That quantum computer goes crazy lol.whats possible on earth is often far more crazy sounding than conspiracy theorists come up with
That quantum computer goes crazy lol.whats possible on earth is often far more crazy sounding than conspiracy theorists come up with
The thing about conspiracy theories is they used to be grounded in some sort of evidence based ideologies. Then over time got clumped up with idiotic nonsense. I’m sure that was intentional to discredit the phrase altogether but I’m only ever moved by the theories that seem irrefutable.
Those mostly end up being politics based but isn’t that the groups of people most likely to conspire on a major level in the first place?
The thing about conspiracy theories is they used to be grounded in some sort of evidence based ideologies. Then over time got clumped up with idiotic nonsense. I’m sure that was intentional to discredit the phrase altogether but I’m only ever moved by the theories that seem irrefutable.
Those mostly end up being politics based but isn’t that the groups of people most likely to conspire on a major level in the first place?
Love idiotic nonsense
Most modern tech is comes out of the military cause that's how society is organized