  • Sep 17, 2020
    sam bridges

    oh my bad I misunderstood

    No worries lol

  • Sep 17, 2020
    1 reply

    I rarely ever buy games when they release. But it does suck now, $50 is gonna be considered "on sale"

  • Sep 17, 2020

    just got the email from sony too if i wanna order from there

  • Sep 17, 2020

    Facts yo

    Lets sell all our games and end world hunger

    Yeah like I get why people get games and stuff, but at that prices at least you should spend sparingly lol

  • Sep 17, 2020
    Mr Motion

    I rarely ever buy games when they release. But it does suck now, $50 is gonna be considered "on sale"

    I just realized that...that’s horrible

  • Sep 17, 2020

    70$ is too much. Imagine if you didn't even like the game in the end

  • Sep 17, 2020

    I'm not paying $70 for a video game. That's like calling another man daddy.

  • Sep 17, 2020

    $70 for standard edition

  • Sep 17, 2020

    2 games gonna run you $150

  • Sep 17, 2020

    PC niggas win again. I’ll get a PS5 when some fire exclusives drop.

    Till then I’m Gucci

  • Sep 17, 2020
    1 reply

    Pretty sure my parents paid like $75 when they got me Hey You Pikachu lmao

    Bruh my dad deadass bought me that game an it aint even have the mic

  • Sep 17, 2020

    I'm not paying $70 for a video game. That's like calling another man daddy.

  • Sep 17, 2020

    Streets sayin that the prices of DLC goin up too

  • Sep 17, 2020

    So whats stopping me from buying all the ps4 games at 60 and then just getting them upgraded for free?

  • Sep 17, 2020
    sm artnigga

    Bruh my dad deadass bought me that game an it aint even have the mic

    Pops gotta do better

  • Sep 17, 2020

  • Sep 17, 2020

    Well looks like I won't get that PS5 I wanted so much :/

  • Sep 17, 2020

    $100CAD for a video game

  • Sep 17, 2020
    1 reply

    game development has become more and more expensive
    but i haven't spent full price on a game in years

  • Sep 17, 2020
    2 replies

    Mfs really thought this was Sony only lmao. I do hope yall know this will be standard price for XSX, PC, and whatever Nintendo’s next system is as well.

    Honestly I’m surprised it took this long to go up. We been stuck at $60 since ‘05/‘06. Games are more advanced and cost more to make, so the price was bound to go up. Sucks but it is what it is.

  • Sep 17, 2020

    I hardly ever finish a game. Looks like I will not be buying newly released games

  • JayS 🦄
    Sep 17, 2020
    1 reply

    game development has become more and more expensive
    but i haven't spent full price on a game in years

    Yeah and companies make more and more money off its customers. Sell more and more copies than 10 years ago. More and more micro transactions. More and more paid dlc. I mean...

  • Sep 17, 2020
    1 reply

    Yeah and companies make more and more money off its customers. Sell more and more copies than 10 years ago. More and more micro transactions. More and more paid dlc. I mean...

    I think it was reported that they have like a 120M+ budget for Cyberpunk. That's development and marketing.

    I think GTA V was something completely nuts.

    What about games that get continued support like Tekken? They continue improving the gameplay and adding more characters since it's release. The game came out in 2015....Those people still need to be paid because they are still working on the s***. $2 DLC won't hurt.

    Between the work, time and the cost it takes to make these games $70 is pretty reasonable. Entertainment is a luxury. Date night at AMC costs like $80 lol for a couple hours.

    Furthermore, the practice of micro transactions is not something that's been adopted by all video games. It's literally here and there. DLC on the other hand is additional content lol if you don't want the extra s*** then don't pay for it. If you(I don't mean you personally) are tight on money literally don't play games that have micro transactions, don't buy DLC and don't buy new games. Those things are really not that hard to do. It's that simple. People deserve to be compensated for their work though.

  • Sep 17, 2020

    Mfs really thought this was Sony only lmao. I do hope yall know this will be standard price for XSX, PC, and whatever Nintendo’s next system is as well.

    Honestly I’m surprised it took this long to go up. We been stuck at $60 since ‘05/‘06. Games are more advanced and cost more to make, so the price was bound to go up. Sucks but it is what it is.

    They already make more money then they ever have before

    Even xbox was somehow profitable this gen

  • Sep 17, 2020

    I'm not gonna be buying games day 1 then
