  • Feb 10, 2021
    1 reply

    Well yeah, I’m sure it was a big part of the mixing. The mastering engineer probably deserves a lot of credit too

    I wonder what was used for Compton, because I think that sounds even better than the Chronics

    Compton is a product of our modern time so it's definitely mastered better than Chronic, but it's a time perspective thing here. I like how the funk samples for Chronic doesn't sound dirty like other hip hop at the time

  • Feb 10, 2021
    Yung Dagger D

    the only producers who still pro tools for beats are the ones who grew up using it lol. most of them would admit that abelton and fl studio are better for making beats though.

    making beats sure but pop producers who know their stems and tracks will be going to pro tools engineers anyway, like how their effects/plug ins/automation can be kept within the project file and touched up by the mastering people so they use pro tools.

    rather than automation, effects, plug in chains etc being locked into the audio of the stems

  • Feb 10, 2021
    1 reply

    Compton is a product of our modern time so it's definitely mastered better than Chronic, but it's a time perspective thing here. I like how the funk samples for Chronic doesn't sound dirty like other hip hop at the time

    Exactly,I really can’t judge Compton cause I barely listened to it after it dropped but I’m pretty sure the mastering is better. But to be able to compare an album from 1992 to an album from 2015 is an accomplishment within itself.

  • Feb 10, 2021
    1 reply

    No lie,I wonder if a modern day producer would know what to with this? I wanna say Travis would but I don’t even trust him lol.

    Trav dont produce like you think he does cowboy

  • Feb 10, 2021

    Trav dont produce like you think he does cowboy

    Yea,I know it,that’s why I said I wouldn’t trust him,he’d have his assistance trying to work that s***.

  • Feb 10, 2021
    Jerry Seinfeld

    Always thought it was made with this

    Psych, Eazy and snoop brought that loud

  • Feb 10, 2021

    y’all this is just a mixing console, it’s a particularly nice one but it’s not like the mega secret sauce or anything

  • Feb 10, 2021
    1 reply
    Jerry Seinfeld

    Always thought it was made with this


  • Feb 10, 2021

    Exactly,I really can’t judge Compton cause I barely listened to it after it dropped but I’m pretty sure the mastering is better. But to be able to compare an album from 1992 to an album from 2015 is an accomplishment within itself.

    Facts Dre is so amazing at mastering.

  • Feb 10, 2021
    1 reply

    Nah,he just didn’t mix and sequence on it,he made the beats on them as well.

    nah man that board is just used for mixing. more than likely they would use some synths and some drum machines like an mpc. they’d run all that s*** through nice hardware eqs and compressors and s*** record that and then put it back through the desk to sum everything back to tape. same process for vocals

  • Feb 10, 2021
    1 reply


    I know it was a joke about the weed bag

  • Jerry Seinfeld

    I know it was a joke about the weed bag

    I know I was just saying how amazing that project was and that mixer

  • Feb 10, 2021
    1 reply

    ngl haven’t played the chronic in like 12+ years

    Ngl the chronic and 2001 are both overrated

    Classics without a doubt but I said what I said.

  • Feb 10, 2021
    Mark Moschino

    nah man that board is just used for mixing. more than likely they would use some synths and some drum machines like an mpc. they’d run all that s*** through nice hardware eqs and compressors and s*** record that and then put it back through the desk to sum everything back to tape. same process for vocals

    Yep,gotta lil carried away but I promise,this thing is probably complex enough to the point that everyone that uses it,uses it completely different. Then you have Dre and his team that have damn near created their own signature within the mixing and mastering game on this thing.

  • Feb 10, 2021

    Ngl the chronic and 2001 are both overrated

    Classics without a doubt but I said what I said.

    Use to think the same thing about both albums when I was younger cause of how familiar the territory both albums explore are. But then you really dissect those albums and realize there’s nothing else like both of them,only imitators. Dre production is so meticulous,you can enjoy the s*** on a very surface level or decide to dissect the s*** and you’ll come out satisfied both ways.

    So yeah,it’s very easy to underrate Dre’s work cause of how pioneering and imitated it is.