And your favorite would never take such a daring chance.
While not as polished as his previous releases Cudi is the rawest he’s ever been. Painting vivid pictures of his warped mental state of the time of recording/writing.
It’s not a pretty album but Cudi’s mental state at that time wasn’t pretty.
A perfect compliment to the MotM trilogy
Title track
Need this meme to die. I’ve got to say in all honesty, it’s the biggest piece of dogshit that I have ever heard.
s/o the Rock
I love Cudi, but this album was easily one of the worst first listens I've ever had in my life
Judgemental C***, Seance Chaos, and Return of Chip Douglas are all horrendous songs
And the album is like 26 songs
Cudi is my fav artist of all time but I would say this is his only bad album. WZRD is wayyyy better
I don’t like it as a full album but the title track is classic and probably would be my pick of song if i got to play one last song before i died
Yeah I like melting
Cudi is my fav artist of all time but I would say this is his only bad album. WZRD is wayyyy better
if you enjoy majority of this album, you actually have bad taste in music lmfao like idk what else to tell you