I love Cudi but this album was outstandingly bad, especially compared to the 3-4 albums that preceded it
I did my best to enjoy this s*** but it actually makes me mad knowing Cudi thought this sounded good
@giorno_giovanna thought this was gon be your thread fam
How can you hate on this?
this song sounds like some buff persian dude wearing a daniel johnston t shirt
I don’t like it as a full album but the title track is classic and probably would be my pick of song if i got to play one last song before i died
You be sad as hell huh
U know it
Same I like songs on it too I be bumping it like
this song sounds like some buff persian dude wearing a daniel johnston t shirt
In other words GREATNESS
I love Cudi, but this album was easily one of the worst first listens I've ever had in my life
Judgemental C***, Seance Chaos, and Return of Chip Douglas are all horrendous songs
And the album is like 26 songs
P much the exact take I had however many years ago when it dropped
It’s really not that bad
Not good either but not that bad really
How can you hate on this?
This is like a college guy on coke trying to be Kurt Cobain
Man in the Night
Fuchsia Butterflies
Title Track
All very good songs
An album cannot be the worst album of a decade if there are good songs on it