The cover still hilarious. Cudi gave no f***s
Nigga was really self destructing and it shows wit the cover
I don’t like it as a full album but the title track is classic and probably would be my pick of song if i got to play one last song before i died
Cudi is my fav artist of all time but I would say this is his only bad album. WZRD is wayyyy better
As a full album it's trash but there's a few really good songs in there that I love. Lotta Cable Guy influence in there too
I did my best to enjoy this s*** but it actually makes me mad knowing Cudi thought this sounded good
Just shows how f***ed in the head he was at the time. Dude was back on coke and pissed tf off
I loved this album but I was also at my lowest point in life during that time so maybe that’s why I connected to it so easily
Will always hold a special place in my heart fs
I feel like he knew it sounded bad and that was his point
Other artists would try to make their sad songs beautiful but the man was so sad the best he could put out were these miserable, apathetic tracks.
SB2H is fr what depression feels like, you don't have the energy to put out anything good and I feel like that was his point here
But atleast it was justified for why it was terrible. Dude was in a personal hell.
No its not the s*** stinks and sometimes I still watch needle drops review of it cus its the only time he's ever been right on the money and ban thread lock op
Ill say its not that bad like its not a 0/10 or anything at all it has some good tracks not even my least fav cudi album tbh but the narrative that its really good i cant get witj
soo many good songs on that tape
85% dope s***, 15% Cudi trolling
Fantano just made everyone believe its 95% trolling