Mine just looks like this
its horrible bruh,
if they were gonna do that, why wouldn't they put a album view or play queue on the left and then a big library view on the right
hmm not ideal then but I’ll have to try it later
that's the biggest view of your library you can get with the new update
its horrible bruh,
if they were gonna do that, why wouldn't they put a album view or play queue on the left and then a big library view on the right
that's the biggest view of your library you can get with the new update
oof I didn’t realize that I feel you now
at least Apple Music has a decent apple tv app..
i hate the look of the left side and how they ruined the way the playlists were ordered
oof I didn’t realize that I feel you now
and its not like the album view utilizes that space effectively
i hate the look of the left side and how they ruined the way the playlists were ordered
yo i didnt even realize about the playlists... this make sorting the folders ways more annoying wow
half of the f***ing screen isn't even used while browsing and then u got the random album cover jutting out unless you minimize it...
woah this is way different. hasn't updated on my end
hopefully they leave the browser version alone to give people some semblance of an option
what the f*** !!!!
f*** u spotify
“program or be programmed” was just a lie for people who can’t think two steps ahead. we can’t all work at spotify!
what is this bs lmaooo
I can see this improving if they stick with it as a new direction but let’s face it, it will probably look completely different again a year from now
Spotify's mission is to make the app so unusable that you just shuffle random playlists they make