He probably still begged for money from people, hence why he begged the banker in the beginning.
I think the color Red has some sort of representation throughout the show. We've normally seen the color red represent the people in those jumpsuits. They had power over the people in the green jumpsuits during the entirety of the games. I guess maybe he dyed his hair red as some sort of symbolic thing to represent he has the power now.
It seemed like his original intention was to see his daughter but I guess he couldn't live with the fact that the games are continuing and needed to do something about it before being at peace with him and his daughter.
The last part I'm not exactly sure of. Maybe it's something that can be explained next season?
I really like that explanation for red
Plan to watch is it subtitles?
i watched it with dubs and then my friend had it on at her place after i finished with subtitles. way better with subs i regret being lazy and not doing it like that
i was praying on it i know they wanted to
HBO wouldve got it popping. the moment was right there
Tried watching this English dubbed and niggas sound like they doing voice work for a damn ANIME
need to find me a north korean shorty
Remember in the beginning of the show when the face slap guy said choose blue or red? If the main character would of chose red, he would of been on the other team with the masks and the guns.
Tried watching this English dubbed and niggas sound like they doing voice work for a damn ANIME
Didn't even know there was a dub.
Can only watch dubbed anime and old Chinese kung fu movies.
cop bout to get raped
bro tryna win the game and get some North Korean P after it’s over too I see what he doing
did they say that it would be possible to have multiple winners cause everyone keep saying “we gonna win this together” but it looking like the type of game w only one winner/last man standing tbh.
series was pretty enjoyable. not mad at how it ended. glad lots of people are bringing their theories out, makes it a lot more interesting even if some are reaches
girl with the freckles can get it
yo this hard af