Sometimes niggas just don't feel like reading
exactly. i'd rather watch the damn action, f*** reading a tv screen.
I tried dubs and i think its the same voice actors that did the money heist dub voice acting terrorists fr
on that note. Is money heist worth watching? i've heard so much bout that show
On ep 5. Fun watch so far
u gotta watch ep 6 right after bro don’t stop till 6
On ep 5. Fun watch so far
Not enough harem tho tbh
Not enough harem tho tbh
I woulda made a group with 9 girls in tug of war tbh
What’s the point of main guy going back at the airport when the entire show explains every facet of it? The game and purpose isn’t a mystery anymore. Also makes a second season useless.
Also the entire cop subplot was pointless lmao
I woulda made a group with 9 girls in tug of war tbh
the nonpareil nonuplets
This was aight, certainly overhyped
Fell off in the last three episodes, the vips ending was also
Best scene for sure episode 6 with the two girls. S\*\*\* had me a little emotional ngl. That other girl deserved better, she a real one.
The brown guy speaking urdu on the phone
Does Korea have a population of south Asians like Indians, Pakistanis, Bengali’s?? That like speak Korean and have children there etc?
How long until squid game usa gets greenlit
Feel like way too many ppl in USA have seen this for it to get remade w white ppl.
Whenever a Korean movie gets remade it’s usually a movie that was huge in Korea/overseas but went under the radar or was only cult status in the USA.
How long until squid game usa gets greenlit
hopefully never, but with this success, its probably gonna happen
How long until squid game usa gets greenlit
Would be so dumb, no one would toon in except boomers that can’t keep up with captions
Would be so dumb, no one would toon in except boomers that can’t keep up with captions
couple of them itt
The brown guy speaking urdu on the phone
Does Korea have a population of south Asians like Indians, Pakistanis, Bengali’s?? That like speak Korean and have children there etc?
Yes and I believe in China too there are communities of brown people.
hoyean just became the most followed korean actress on ig of one role lmfao