  • They bickering itt

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Dec 1, 2023
    2 replies
    Oscar Winner

    Ok and it didn't come back to hurt her, Mai tried to use that as a reason to target her and it didn't work.

    It's a INDIVIDUAL game for 4.6 million dollars, ya'll talking about teamwork as if they playing basketball

    Tbh I understand why Mai did it, she saw what we the viewer saw and thought everyone would support her. But I think people had tunnel vision and forgot

    But in hindsight. Mai calling out Ashley legit HELPED her in circle of trust cause Ashley couldn’t place her box on Mai cause it would be way too obvious,

  • Dec 1, 2023

    nobody but Mai cared that Ashley "did that"....which is dumb because Mai as was #20 sitting pretty, AND she was saved twice by the dude she was hating on heavy saying how untrustworthy he is....Iun see ya'll going crazy on her old ass

  • Dec 1, 2023
    1 reply

    Tbh I understand why Mai did it, she saw what we the viewer saw and thought everyone would support her. But I think people had tunnel vision and forgot

    But in hindsight. Mai calling out Ashley legit HELPED her in circle of trust cause Ashley couldn’t place her box on Mai cause it would be way too obvious,

    Ok but it still makes your "point" invalid....Ashley didn't have any's an individual why are you trying to force "teamwork" onto people??

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Dec 1, 2023
    1 reply
    Oscar Winner

    Ok but it still makes your "point" invalid....Ashley didn't have any's an individual why are you trying to force "teamwork" onto people??

    Because of the implication that because she didn’t follow the team, the people who did will call her out and vote her off? Ain’t that hard.

    One of them did call her out but the others weren’t following.

  • Dec 1, 2023
    1 reply

    Tbh I understand why Mai did it, she saw what we the viewer saw and thought everyone would support her. But I think people had tunnel vision and forgot

    But in hindsight. Mai calling out Ashley legit HELPED her in circle of trust cause Ashley couldn’t place her box on Mai cause it would be way too obvious,

    and Mai couldn't place her box on Ashley desk, lmao it goes both ways. The Phill dude was somehow good at picking out two the two women in a row which is another story

  • Dec 1, 2023
    1 reply

    Because of the implication that because she didn’t follow the team, the people who did will call her out and vote her off? Ain’t that hard.

    One of them did call her out but the others weren’t following.

    but....they didnt'?? So are you speaking about hypotheticals that didn't happen? I'm confused

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Dec 1, 2023
    Oscar Winner

    and Mai couldn't place her box on Ashley desk, lmao it goes both ways. The Phill dude was somehow good at picking out two the two women in a row which is another story

    Then when phill did it he had the best poker face ever couldnt Beleive it

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Dec 1, 2023
    Oscar Winner

    but....they didnt'?? So are you speaking about hypotheticals that didn't happen? I'm confused

    I’m speaking hypotheticals cause I think half the team brain dead and somehow didn’t see what Ashley did lol

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Dec 1, 2023

    This reality show is more kino than most movies and shows that came out this year

    But that’s a discussion for another day

  • Dec 1, 2023
    3 replies

    This my point...Ashley pulled the move she did, it lead to Trey (a strong player) getting out....she survived. And it had no consequences.

    I'm assuming ya'll are die hard Trey fans or something and that's why ya'll are mad? But from the perspective of the contestants, that's a smart move....the name of the game is be the last person standing by any means

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Dec 1, 2023
    1 reply
    Oscar Winner

    This my point...Ashley pulled the move she did, it lead to Trey (a strong player) getting out....she survived. And it had no consequences.

    I'm assuming ya'll are die hard Trey fans or something and that's why ya'll are mad? But from the perspective of the contestants, that's a smart move....the name of the game is be the last person standing by any means

    I’m more mad about the white dude who couldn’t agree on marbles

  • Dec 1, 2023

    I’m more mad about the white dude who couldn’t agree on marbles

    NOW THAT is a real discussion....cus even ol girl said he did way more that they didn't show

  • Dec 1, 2023
    1 reply

    In regards to that white dude if the only 2 options were:
    We both lose and go home
    I lose, and you continue on

    I would let ol girl continue on, cus I loss either way.....she had a valid reasoning to break the tie, he didn't....accept the L

  • Dec 1, 2023
    2 replies

    I hate that b**** who got trey out and I was pissed they didn’t support Mai on her decision

  • Dec 1, 2023

    I hate that b**** who got trey out and I was pissed they didn’t support Mai on her decision

    lmao yall really love trey that much huh?

  • Dec 1, 2023

    Trey was a lame I'm glad he got eliminated. My nigga 432 should've made it tho :/

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Dec 1, 2023
    1 reply

    I hate that b**** who got trey out and I was pissed they didn’t support Mai on her decision

    Whatsup with nobody understanding Mai? Annoyed me so f***ing much

  • Dec 1, 2023
    1 reply

    Whatsup with nobody understanding Mai? Annoyed me so f***ing much

    Fr f*** Ashley she broke the trust and teamwork first, Mai had every reason to do what she did. Do not care about that Trey guy neither just what Ashley did was a b**** move

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Dec 1, 2023
    3 replies

    Apparently red light green light took 5+ hours and they edited it in a way to make it seem like it was 30 minutes cant imagine that

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Dec 2, 2023

    Apparently red light green light took 5+ hours and they edited it in a way to make it seem like it was 30 minutes cant imagine that

    I was confused why the girl couldnt squat for 10 secs but it all made sense after learning about that lmfao

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Dec 2, 2023

    Fr f*** Ashley she broke the trust and teamwork first, Mai had every reason to do what she did. Do not care about that Trey guy neither just what Ashley did was a b**** move

    Yup. Idk if they edited the series to make a villain out of ashley for the viewers but man I hated her ass. Gaslighting ass mf talking about ‘I jumped’ lol

  • Dec 2, 2023
    Oscar Winner

    This my point...Ashley pulled the move she did, it lead to Trey (a strong player) getting out....she survived. And it had no consequences.

    I'm assuming ya'll are die hard Trey fans or something and that's why ya'll are mad? But from the perspective of the contestants, that's a smart move....the name of the game is be the last person standing by any means

    Your point makes no sense. Her actions lead to Mai headhunting her which led to the box game. Mai and Ashley’s tiff literally helped people out that game. There were plenty of consequences. All for one “strong” player?

    It was far from smart. It was reckless. And even if you would call it smart for getting Trey out, it was completely shortsighted.

    I don’t even know wtf Trey did to say he’s a strong contestant in the first place. Bro was attached to his mother’s tit the whole time

  • Nayuta 🐯
    Dec 2, 2023
    Oscar Winner

    This my point...Ashley pulled the move she did, it lead to Trey (a strong player) getting out....she survived. And it had no consequences.

    I'm assuming ya'll are die hard Trey fans or something and that's why ya'll are mad? But from the perspective of the contestants, that's a smart move....the name of the game is be the last person standing by any means

    It was a stupid move because the plan was everyone goes 50/50, next person overtakes. You hit the 50/50 you're guaranteed to make it across.

    She work in civil rights, but isn't a team player like it's basic probability. She had much better odds of lasting than hoeing anybody. Then she outright lies about it when confronted like we know full well she was being scary on that bridge.

    And Trey ain't do s*** to be a strong player, he wasn't stronger than anybody else all these games on the show are luck based essentially. It's not like the show is skill based competitions outside of the cookie maybe.

  • Nayuta 🐯
    Dec 2, 2023
    3 replies

    The s*** that pissed me off the most tho is all the dumbass kumbayah buddy buddy s***

    This a game for 5 million act like it. Dude was SELF NOMINATING THEMSELVES, like how p**** are yall.

    I hate when players wanna be some holier than thou honorable s***, eat a d***. Girl was talking about she always role sixes, then DONT NOMINATE YOURSELF TO BE ELIMINATED.

    Her whole edit was f***ing stupid too, they kept tryna big her up as some super genius when everything they did was LUCK BASED. How the f*** that make you smart?
