She's the worst I was rooting for that big animal to eat her and then i was rooting for Cut to take her away
Is it because she has New Zealand accent.
I think she is endering though I hope her arc isn’t similar to ezras
Is it because she has New Zealand accent.
I think she is endering though I hope her arc isn’t similar to ezras
I'm getting more grogu/ashoka vibes
She's the worst I was rooting for that big animal to eat her and then i was rooting for Cut to take her away
nah to me her accent and innocence about everything makes her kinda really likeable.
It’s Wrecker for me that big f***ing doofus.
“BuT iT’s BeEn A wHiLe SiNcE I bLeW SoMeThInG uP 😢😢😢”
like bro shut up you’re a grown man...
Never cared for Zeb in Rebels and found him over the top and annoying. It's been the same for Wrecker so far
Never cared for Zeb in Rebels and found him over the top and annoying. It's been the same for Wrecker so far
like I get it’s a kids TV show and you need kind of like a big good dumb “funny” character.
but Zeb and Wrecker are none of those things. Everyone else comes
off as completey believable even with simplistic dialogue cuz its a tv show
but damn lmaoo
cant wait till he gets killed
off, he’s the least important anyways
Never cared for Zeb in Rebels and found him over the top and annoying. It's been the same for Wrecker so far
His eps with kallus was easily one of the best in rebels
His eps with kallus was easily one of the best in rebels
I'll give you his storyline with Kallus where they finally gave him some depth beyond "Haha lets blow stuff up!"
But almost everything else, especially early seasons
Man how tf is it the same actor
! guy really doing all the voices talking to himself
this guy really doing all the voices talking to himself
Someone in the comments said they only cast other people so he doesnt have a breakdown
finish the mission
Man how tf is it the same actor
! a legend lol
Good soldiers... follow orders
though for cartoon designed for children that was pretty dark up there with maul slaughter
this show makes me wish they do like purge mature age show
Need that in live action
I loved the lore in this episode about stormtroopers being trained by clones, I think thats a dope concept if we'll get to see more of it
I think omega is going to be all members of the batch combined genetically since we have seen her using crosshair and hunter's abilities
Not force sensitive
I think omega is going to be all members of the batch combined genetically since we have seen her using crosshair and hunter's abilities
Not force sensitive
I had the same thought after this episode