since cad bane is here, are we finally getting to see how Boba gets the dent in his helmet?
since cad bane is here, are we finally getting to see how Boba gets the dent in his helmet?
10000% imo
since cad bane is here, are we finally getting to see how Boba gets the dent in his helmet?
Really hope so, it’d tie into the Mandalorian / Book of Boba Fett nicely 🤞🏾
Really hope so, it’d tie into the Mandalorian / Book of Boba Fett nicely 🤞🏾
Need him on BOBF
Need him on BOBF
I wouldn’t expect him if it takes place post ROTJ but I think we might see a certain version of Dengar
I wouldn’t expect him if it takes place post ROTJ but I think we might see a certain version of Dengar
Does he die or something?
Does he die or something?
Still alive but just a cybernetic experiment gone wrong apparently, in an attempt to become immortal.
Still alive but just a cybernetic experiment gone wrong apparently, in an attempt to become immortal.
What about cad bane tho
What about cad bane tho
Well idk if Filoni is sticking to his original story but here’s what happens to Bane in this unfinished/unreleased episode of Clone Wars
Well idk if Filoni is sticking to his original story but here’s what happens to Bane in this unfinished/unreleased episode of Clone Wars
This is before where we see him next tho so he’s alive
This is before where we see him next tho so he’s alive
Well Boba is still a teenager here and the Clone Wars just ended so they take place weeks apart at most
Well Boba is still a teenager here and the Clone Wars just ended so they take place weeks apart at most
Cad Bane solo show incoming
Lowkey thought it was bullshit when he got up and walked it off but i guess he can’t die this early
yeah would be kinda dark lmao
So wait were they experimenting to create Snoke (just in case) THIS early on?
the return of Todo
So wait were they experimenting to create Snoke (just in case) THIS early on?
Palpatine always brewing plans
So wait were they experimenting to create Snoke (just in case) THIS early on?
nah the clones look like the kamimonians
Well idk if Filoni is sticking to his original story but here’s what happens to Bane in this unfinished/unreleased episode of Clone Wars
I’m pretty confident this scene or something similar ends up in this show.
honestly a great episode
seriously just watched it
great action all around
so hyped