  • lil neon

    just noticed

    cad bane has a plate in his head armor implying the dual with boba already happened, i hope they put out those episodes someday..

    That would be awesome to see

  • lil neon

    just noticed

    cad bane has a plate in his head armor implying the dual with boba already happened, i hope they put out those episodes someday..

    Yeah forgot to mention that tbh

  • OP
    Jul 16, 2021
    lil neon

    i noticed something seems like this episode conflicts with lords of the sith

    senator orn is still alive in that book but it takes place years after this, unless he's not dead but it seems like he got shot in the head lol.. rampart does say attempted assassination tho so maybe

    glad they were aware of this and had a line to plug that hole this week

    the attempted thing kinda foreshadowed it

  • OP
    Jul 16, 2021

    loved this episode

    makes me think this show is going to turn into the formation of the first rebel cells

    I wonder if we will see a small clone Rebellion or something after that scene with Houser 🤔

  • Jul 20, 2021
  • OP
    Jul 31, 2021
    1 reply

    I see people saying this show has a lot of filler or isn't clone wars level but every week I can say I love every episode and the way the story has been moving

    for me it could be on the level of The Clone Wars and Rebels

  • OP
    Aug 8, 2021


    rip Kamino

  • Aug 8, 2021

    I'd like to see a villain story but where they're just being a villain with no redemption arc.

  • OP
    Aug 10, 2021

    made me realize it’s the end of an era seeing it all blow up, like that’s the end of the clones home and the end of their war

  • OP
    Aug 14, 2021
    1 reply

    the ending has me wondering

    we've had so many hints in stuff about the Imperial cloning in mando and this

  • OP
    Aug 14, 2021

    hyped for Season 2

  • OP
    Aug 14, 2021

    that Clone reporting on the destruction of all the cities sounded hurt

  • OP
    Aug 14, 2021

    I don't think Crosshair got his chip out, I think the Empire melted it in or maybe he did get it removed hmm

  • Aug 14, 2021
    1 reply
    lil neon

    the ending has me wondering

    we've had so many hints in stuff about the Imperial cloning in mando and this

    All this to try and make excuses for the trash that was episode 9

  • Aug 14, 2021
    lil neon

    I see people saying this show has a lot of filler or isn't clone wars level but every week I can say I love every episode and the way the story has been moving

    for me it could be on the level of The Clone Wars and Rebels

    There were two episodes back to back early, like 3 and 4 or around there, that were bad and boring. The rest of the show was great.

  • OP
    Aug 14, 2021

    All this to try and make excuses for the trash that was episode 9

    I think they could be setting up some stuff for that like Snoke & Palps clones but part of me thinks they may do some strand casting for some project Thrawn may have like in Legends or something more interesting along with the stuff we already know about the Sequel stand casting

    like I wonder if we see Grogu in Bad Batch at the facility, like maybe they’re making some stand cast super soldiers with the force

    reminds of the Cloning lab Thawrn had in a mountain in Legends on Wayland

    like maybe this could setup the events of what happen after the Empire with Thrawn during Mando cause I think they'll focus on their own story to fill in that time instead of the new movies since those don’t happen for 30 years

  • Aug 15, 2021
    1 reply

    wonder where season 2 will go

  • Aug 17, 2021
    4 replies
  • Aug 17, 2021

    This looks f***ing amazing

  • ziggy

    looks way better than i expected i didnt watch that firstlook

  • HURRY UP sab 🧔🏻
    Aug 17, 2021

  • Aug 17, 2021

    This looks insane

  • Aug 17, 2021
    2 replies

  • Aug 17, 2021

    looks cool
