Anakin walking into that door with tbe blade out...
I hope we get to see some Order 66 s*** go down.
trailer looks amazing
kanan as a padawan is a nice touch
where does it show kanan?
So is this directly gonna end where Episode III begins?
The trailer shows it overlapping with Ep 3
The trailer shows it overlapping with Ep 3
need to peep the trailer when I get a chance
where does it show kanan?
he's the padawan at the jedi council table when windu says he" senses a plot to destroy the jedi"
he's the padawan at the jedi council table when windu says he" senses a plot to destroy the jedi"
Been binging Clone Wars, I'm obsessed with it now tbh. Just finished the Mandalore arc
I only watched a few episodes of this before and I really liked it. Gotta watch the whole thing soon.
They gonna do the weekly release again or all at once?
they def gonna do it weekly, i mean that's how they seem to be putting shows on d+ unfortunately
23 days
I hope it's 35 minute episodes
I hope it has as much content as the other seasons (besides season 6 that's half finished rip the ventress + maul arcs)
I never peeped any of the animated s*** but this trailer looks kinda hard
first season of the clone wars is pretty slow but by season 2 it gets pretty great and the last 4 seasons are mostly awesome
def a good watch if your a star wars fan