  • Apr 28, 2020
    1 reply

    It’s a a sad day. DICE and EA have announced that tomorrow’s update is the last of new content coming to the game. It’s the end.

    ‘Battle of Scarif’ Community Update


    Quick Summary:
    • OT Supremacy and Instant Action: Scarif, Yavin IV, Hoth, Tatooine & Death Star II.
    • Scarif available in Co-Op.
    • Instant Action Missions.
    • Crait available in HvV.
    • Shoretrooper appearances for the Empire.
    • Pathfinder appearances for the Rebels.
    • Rebels Maul Skin (Old Master)
    • Rey with a yellow lightsaber skin (Rey Skywalker)
    • TROS Palpatine skin (Sith Eternal)
    • Hooded TROS Kylo

    Dennis Brannvall (lead director) is moving on from working on Star Wars:

    It’s worth noting that most of the team at DICE Star Wars are moving on to work on Battlefield 2021 and with the EA and Star Wars deal expiring in 2023, chances are we will not be getting a third instalment or at least not until a new deal is struck.

  • Apr 28, 2020
    1 reply


    This is so bittersweet. On one hand, this game really picked up and realized the vision it should have been to stand next to the OG Battlefronts.

    But there was so much content to add

  • Apr 28, 2020

    It sucks we wont get Endor, Crait, or Starkiller Base in Instant Action

  • plz give Vader one big fat nerf before yall leave :word:

  • Apr 28, 2020

    Bro 5000 kills to get the Maul skin? Even on co op that's gonna be so f***ing long. Rey Skywalker skin is cool, happy they added her new saber

    Sad it's the final update even though I knew it was coming. Would make it easier if there was an indication of a BF3 coming out in 2-3 years but it doesn't seem like it

    Also they should've nerfed the FO Jet Trooper if they were gonna nerf the B2 one, but overall happy with the CT. Vader I'm 50/50 on in terms of nerfing, he's pretty realistic with the block while choking but I understand why people would say it's OP

  • Apr 28, 2020

    It’s a a sad day. DICE and EA have announced that tomorrow’s update is the last of new content coming to the game. It’s the end.

    ‘Battle of Scarif’ Community Update



    Quick Summary:
    • OT Supremacy and Instant Action: Scarif, Yavin IV, Hoth, Tatooine & Death Star II.
    • Scarif available in Co-Op.
    • Instant Action Missions.
    • Crait available in HvV.
    • Shoretrooper appearances for the Empire.
    • Pathfinder appearances for the Rebels.
    • Rebels Maul Skin (Old Master)
    • Rey with a yellow lightsaber skin (Rey Skywalker)
    • TROS Palpatine skin (Sith Eternal)
    • Hooded TROS Kylo

    Dennis Brannvall (lead director) is moving on from working on Star Wars:

    It’s worth noting that most of the team at DICE Star Wars are moving on to work on Battlefield 2021 and with the EA and Star Wars deal expiring in 2023, chances are we will not be getting a third instalment or at least not until a new deal is struck.

  • Apr 28, 2020
    1 reply


    This is so bittersweet. On one hand, this game really picked up and realized the vision it should have been to stand next to the OG Battlefronts.

    But there was so much content to add

    I knew it was coming to an end but I was hoping we had a few more months with one last hurrah with that being Coruscant with Ahsoka and Ventress as they were the most in demand.

    With no BF3, the next two Star Wars games being a flight combat game and a story game, there’ll be no experience like this for years to come which is really sad.

  • Apr 28, 2020
    3 replies

    We really ending this with no ahsoka and ventress so much pain

  • Apr 29, 2020

    I knew it was coming to an end but I was hoping we had a few more months with one last hurrah with that being Coruscant with Ahsoka and Ventress as they were the most in demand.

    With no BF3, the next two Star Wars games being a flight combat game and a story game, there’ll be no experience like this for years to come which is really sad.

    Yeah. I thought after this update there would be one more ending on a Clone Wars season. Was hoping for a prequel planet like Coruscant or Utapau

  • Apr 29, 2020

    We really ending this with no ahsoka and ventress so much pain

    What sucks is that there’s no next game for them to appear. If they’d shut down but were working on a BFIII then it wouldn’t feel as s***ty.

  • Apr 29, 2020
    1 reply

    So what time is this supposed to be released?

  • Apr 29, 2020

    We really ending this with no ahsoka and ventress so much pain

    ikr sucks
    would have been perfect with those two
    Mustafar would have been great also oh well

  • Deliveranze

    So what time is this supposed to be released?

    It's live rn

  • Looks like there's an Easter egg on takodana

  • Apr 29, 2020

    How to unlock the hooded Rey skin:

    1. Get an online match as the Resistance on Takodana.

    2. Head upstairs in Maz’s castle and locate the painting of Hondo. Shoot it and you should hear a chime and coin will appear- pick up the coin.

    3. Go to the Slave 1. Here you’ll see three containers you can interact with. Activate them in this order- left, right then middle. You’ll hear a chime if done correctly.

    4. Go to Maz’s castle. At the entrance locate the 501st flag. Go to the roof and jump onto the flag pole of the 501st. You’ll hear a chime once again.

    5. Go to the basement and open the room where Rey discovers the Skywalker lightsaber. Enter the room and you’ll unlock the hooded Rey skin.

  • Apr 29, 2020

    Offline Co-Op is so much fun

  • Apr 29, 2020
    2 replies

    I don't mind that maul is 5k kills tbh it's the last skin and it'll keep me playing

  • Apr 29, 2020
    1 reply

    I don't mind that maul is 5k kills tbh it's the last skin and it'll keep me playing

    You can earn it playing Co-op online, no? Its easy to get kills

  • Deliveranze

    You can earn it playing Co-op online, no? Its easy to get kills

    Yea. But yknow how the community likes to complain about everything.

    They're even drawing parallels to launch when heroes were locked.

    At the same time I guess it is a bit difficult to unlock him since everyone on coop is gonna be using him. I get what dice was trying to do though hopefully they scale back a little bit while still making it a worthwhile challenge.

  • Apr 29, 2020

    I don't mind that maul is 5k kills tbh it's the last skin and it'll keep me playing

    By the time I grind the hell out of co op I would be sick of playing Maul by then. Plus getting 100/150 pure kills in co op every game is not that easy with bots having aimbot skills.

    I’m just not gonna put myself through that stress tbh, a lot of people have been calling for DICE to reduce the number, otherwise I’m not gonna bother

  • Apr 30, 2020
    1 reply

    OT CS unbalanced as hell I have not seen the rebels win once

  • Apr 30, 2020

    OT CS unbalanced as hell I have not seen the rebels win once

    yeah same

    also I don't like how there is no battle on the ships tbh

  • Apr 30, 2020
    1 reply

    Getting hooded Rey skin was a cool Easter egg. Unless they change the maul skin challenge I probably won’t play this again its been a good time from pre order til now

  • Apr 30, 2020
    1 reply

    This s*** is like 7 dollars rn and I’m considering copping for some TDM

    Is the community active on the Xbox?

  • Apr 30, 2020
    1 reply

    This s*** is like 7 dollars rn and I’m considering copping for some TDM

    Is the community active on the Xbox?

    You won’t have trouble finding a game other than starfighters