lmaoooo Solo scared them into a 7 year hiatus
Thank goodness they was pumping these s***s out
lmaoooo Solo scared them into a 7 year hiatus
I know Solo underperformed but at least it was a good movie.
Rise of Skywalker is impressive with how absolutely awful of a film it is
Top 3 Star Wars ever
A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, and Revenge of the Sith is the holy trinity.
The cool thing about TLJ (amazing) and TROS (not great but has some incredible scenes and I kind of really like it) is that they combined to make people hate Star Wars again, which is where this franchise should be.
lmaoooo Solo scared them into a 7 year hiatus
Rise of skywalker was their last star wars movie if I remember correctly
The cool thing about TLJ (amazing) and TROS (not great but has some incredible scenes and I kind of really like it) is that they combined to make people hate Star Wars again, which is where this franchise should be.
People hate the sequel trilogy, not Star Wars.
insane how this movie gives luke a nuanced, challenging performance this many years later and it's been rejected in favor of a computer-generated facsimile
perfectly encapsulates star wars leaning to the safe and recognizable, for a fanbase that screams at anything remotely new
It doesn't work in the context of the entire skywalker saga but I respect what he was trying to do. He wasn't given much after JJ made the story a New Hope carbon copy so they had to explain why Luke ran away and hid for decades. I don't really understand what's so nuanced about Luke's character in TLJ though. It subverted expectations but in the grand scheme of the story, it butchers the character imo
It doesn't work in the context of the entire skywalker saga but I respect what he was trying to do. He wasn't given much after JJ made the story a New Hope carbon copy so they had to explain why Luke ran away and hid for decades. I don't really understand what's so nuanced about Luke's character in TLJ though. It subverted expectations but in the grand scheme of the story, it butchers the character imo
reduces him from this grand myth into his own version of master yoda in empire, cut off from the force and reluctant to help anyone.
by the end of the movie he accepts that these myths give people hope, and he becomes the hero of legend everyone thinks he is with the OP force ghost that distracts kylo to help the rebels escape.
he almost killed vader at palpatine's request in rotj, thought about it and stopped himself, just like with kylo. he's had thoughts about the dark side before, it's not unique to this movie
and all throughout the og trilogy half of luke's dialogue is complaints and self-doubt, same as here.
what was so well established about him before that you think tlj butchers his character?
reduces him from this grand myth into his own version of master yoda in empire, cut off from the force and reluctant to help anyone.
by the end of the movie he accepts that these myths give people hope, and he becomes the hero of legend everyone thinks he is with the OP force ghost that distracts kylo to help the rebels escape.
he almost killed vader at palpatine's request in rotj, thought about it and stopped himself, just like with kylo. he's had thoughts about the dark side before, it's not unique to this movie
and all throughout the og trilogy half of luke's dialogue is complaints and self-doubt, same as here.
what was so well established about him before that you think tlj butchers his character?
You literally just explained why this is so wack lol. Luke learned all this already. He was like 16 at the start of the old trilogy, of course he had self doubt and complaints lol. Why literally repeat the same character arc again for Luke? He already gave up the lightsaber duel and embodied the true Jedi ways in episode 6. Imagine watching all 9 of these movies in order and getting to this part, it makes no sense. Also Yoda at least had a purpose and didn't cut himself off from the force. Yoda was waiting to train Luke
You literally just explained why this is so wack lol. Luke learned all this already. He was like 16 at the start of the old trilogy, of course he had self doubt and complaints lol. Why literally repeat the same character arc again for Luke? He already gave up the lightsaber duel and embodied the true Jedi ways in episode 6. Imagine watching all 9 of these movies in order and getting to this part, it makes no sense. Also Yoda at least had a purpose and didn't cut himself off from the force. Yoda was waiting to train Luke
luke wasn't yet a master with padawans under him. completely new ground and we often re-learn the same lessons in new contexts throughout our lives. you would rather luke make no mistakes and be a perfect OP fanservice mannequin like in mando?
any perfect character who stays flat will always be boring. no human being is like that
he remarks that the jedi failed in the prequels by having so many jedi vs one sith, they didnt know that 'bringing balance to the force' meant eradicating the jedi. he learned this when it happened to him with the jedi school
too many jedi means a sith will rise and instead of embrace both sides of the force he thought to kill kylo instead, turning him against him. he would never have known about this at 16. no one in star wars then was clued into the fact that u need both the light and dark side
luke wasn't yet a master with padawans under him. completely new ground and we often re-learn the same lessons in new contexts throughout our lives. you would rather luke make no mistakes and be a perfect OP fanservice mannequin like in mando?
any perfect character who stays flat will always be boring. no human being is like that
he remarks that the jedi failed in the prequels by having so many jedi vs one sith, they didnt know that 'bringing balance to the force' meant eradicating the jedi. he learned this when it happened to him with the jedi school
too many jedi means a sith will rise and instead of embrace both sides of the force he thought to kill kylo instead, turning him against him. he would never have known about this at 16. no one in star wars then was clued into the fact that u need both the light and dark side
Luke had all of the force ghosts of literal Jedi masters to guide him. Yoda , Obi Wan, and his father. It's ok to f*** up sometimes but to go up to ur nephew and ignite ur lightsaber is wild. Makes no sense bro. You can't sell this s*** no matter how u slice it. Idk what you're talking about with the light and dark side s***. Luke died at the end of episode 8 abiding by the OG Jedi teachings of non violence. Just like he did in episode 6. What Luke pointed out with the prequel jedi was that they were supposed to be peacekeepers but they became war generals that worked for a secret sith lord during the prequels. That was their downfalls, falling from their humble beginnings.
5 years later and y'all still writing paragraphs about TLJ. Best SW movie of our era
5 years later and y'all still writing paragraphs about TLJ. Best SW movie of our era
It’s good but not much happens & the canto byte sequence was garbage
It’s good but not much happens & the canto byte sequence was garbage
quite a bit happens imo but it's whateve. I think the movie would've been better if it didn't have to start Directly after TFA.
reduces him from this grand myth into his own version of master yoda in empire, cut off from the force and reluctant to help anyone.
by the end of the movie he accepts that these myths give people hope, and he becomes the hero of legend everyone thinks he is with the OP force ghost that distracts kylo to help the rebels escape.
he almost killed vader at palpatine's request in rotj, thought about it and stopped himself, just like with kylo. he's had thoughts about the dark side before, it's not unique to this movie
and all throughout the og trilogy half of luke's dialogue is complaints and self-doubt, same as here.
what was so well established about him before that you think tlj butchers his character?
revenge of the sith really the best star wars movie no one can convince me differently
1. The Empire Strikes Back
2. The Last Jedi
3. Revenge of the Sith
4. A New Hope
5. Return of the Jedi
6. The Force Awakens
7. The Phantom Menace
8. Attack of the Clones
9. Rise of Skywalker