  • Dec 25, 2022
    2 replies

    My only major gripe with TLJ is how much Finn's role is reduced, I really really didn't like that decision

    the whole canto bite section seems so unneeded

    i’m very mixed on the last jedi cause it has the best moments and worst moments of the sequels, it’s probably the best movie of the sequels tho

    the other two seem bland and going for the safest choices and the last jedi does the exact opposite

    makes the whole trilogy feel like it’s in an argument with its self would have been better if they wrote all 3 at the same time and got all the writers on the same page instead of having 3 totally different teams

    the beats of the whole trilogy are obsessed with the original trilogy instead of just trying to make a new trilogy with new ideas

    the prequels definitely have their problems but they are at least cohesive and offer new ideas + settings

    yeah finn a stormtrooper having doubts and then turning against the first order was one of the only original ideas the force awakens has, same with the knights of ren and the last two movies just totally ignore these things

    the force awakens hints at there being some connection between rey and kylo and at least that was expanded on, some of the best moments of the sequels

  • Dec 25, 2022
    rise zero

    1. The Empire Strikes Back
    2. The Last Jedi
    3. Revenge of the Sith
    4. A New Hope
    5. Return of the Jedi
    6. The Force Awakens
    7. The Phantom Menace
    8. Attack of the Clones
    9. Rise of Skywalker

    1. Revenge of the Sith
    2. The Empire Strikes Back
    3. Return of the Jedi
    4. Attack of the Clones
    5. A New Hope
    6. The Last Jedi
    7. The Phantom Menace
    7. The Force Awakens
    8. Rise of Skywalker

  • Dec 25, 2022
    1 reply
    lil neon
    · edited

    the whole canto bite section seems so unneeded

    i’m very mixed on the last jedi cause it has the best moments and worst moments of the sequels, it’s probably the best movie of the sequels tho

    the other two seem bland and going for the safest choices and the last jedi does the exact opposite

    makes the whole trilogy feel like it’s in an argument with its self would have been better if they wrote all 3 at the same time and got all the writers on the same page instead of having 3 totally different teams

    the beats of the whole trilogy are obsessed with the original trilogy instead of just trying to make a new trilogy with new ideas

    the prequels definitely have their problems but they are at least cohesive and offer new ideas + settings

    yeah finn a stormtrooper having doubts and then turning against the first order was one of the only original ideas the force awakens has, same with the knights of ren and the last two movies just totally ignore these things

    the force awakens hints at there being some connection between rey and kylo and at least that was expanded on, some of the best moments of the sequels

    “WHAT GIRL!??”

  • Dec 25, 2022
    rise zero

    1. The Empire Strikes Back
    2. The Last Jedi
    3. Revenge of the Sith
    4. A New Hope
    5. Return of the Jedi
    6. The Force Awakens
    7. The Phantom Menace
    8. Attack of the Clones
    9. Rise of Skywalker

    pretty much the same for me but id put tfa over a new hope tbh

  • Dec 25, 2022
    1 reply

    one thing the last jedi does well is referencing the prequels

    that speech with luke talking about the jedis history

    the other two movies totally ignore the prequels besides palps saying the meme line about the dark side being unnatural lol

  • A new hope>

  • Dec 25, 2022

    “WHAT GIRL!??”

  • Dec 25, 2022
    1 reply
    lil neon

    one thing the last jedi does well is referencing the prequels

    that speech with luke talking about the jedis history

    the other two movies totally ignore the prequels besides palps saying the meme line about the dark side being unnatural lol

    “This will begin to make things right”

  • Dec 25, 2022

    “This will begin to make things right”

    JJ really thought he could fix Star Wars

  • Dec 25, 2022

    only complaint about TLJ is Luke's projection being well groomed. he looked way cooler as a long haired island hobo.

  • Dec 25, 2022
    4 replies
    rise zero

    1. The Empire Strikes Back
    2. The Last Jedi
    3. Revenge of the Sith
    4. A New Hope
    5. Return of the Jedi
    6. The Force Awakens
    7. The Phantom Menace
    8. Attack of the Clones
    9. Rise of Skywalker

    The way some of yall d***ride the last jedi baffles me

  • Dec 25, 2022
    1 reply

    The way some of yall d***ride the last jedi baffles me

  • Dec 25, 2022
    2 replies

    The way some of yall d***ride the last jedi baffles me

    fr it's the most anti climatic star wars movie
    plot goes no where, besides the throne room scene
    no lightsaber duel
    everything is a misdirection

  • Dec 25, 2022
    2 replies
    lil neon

    fr it's the most anti climatic star wars movie
    plot goes no where, besides the throne room scene
    no lightsaber duel
    everything is a misdirection

    It's awesome. KOTOR2 vibes

  • Dec 25, 2022
    rise zero

    It's awesome. KOTOR2 vibes

    Glad you see it 2 TLJ has heavy kotor2 vibes rey's grey jedi outfit was hard as bricks

  • Dec 25, 2022
    rise zero

    It's awesome. KOTOR2 vibes

    a star wars movie with no lightsaber duel is still just crazy to me

    but yeah it definitely makes for a more interesting movie than the other sequels

  • Dec 25, 2022
    2 replies
    lil neon

    fr it's the most anti climatic star wars movie
    plot goes no where, besides the throne room scene
    no lightsaber duel
    everything is a misdirection

    never understand the no lightsaber duel complaint.
    is it really that big a deal that 2 lightsabers didn't make contact with each other? its not like we didn't get a fight at all

  • Dec 25, 2022
    1 reply

    never understand the no lightsaber duel complaint.
    is it really that big a deal that 2 lightsabers didn't make contact with each other? its not like we didn't get a fight at all


    one of my favorite parts of star wars is the duels

    all 6 of the lucas movies have classic saber fights

    them fighting the guards was cool but it isn't an epic showdown

    i'm not a big fan of the phantom menace but duel of the fates is one of the best moments in all of star wars

  • Dec 25, 2022
    1 reply
    lil neon


    one of my favorite parts of star wars is the duels

    all 6 of the lucas movies have classic saber fights

    them fighting the guards was cool but it isn't an epic showdown

    i'm not a big fan of the phantom menace but duel of the fates is one of the best moments in all of star wars

    idk about all of them having classic duels i thought all the fights in attack of the clones were awful, and the anh duel is def a lowlight nowadays even tho it's fine narratively

  • Dec 25, 2022
    rise zero

  • Dec 25, 2022
    1 reply

    idk about all of them having classic duels i thought all the fights in attack of the clones were awful, and the anh duel is def a lowlight nowadays even tho it's fine narratively


    the duel between yoda and dooku is way more climatic than the matrix slowmo dance scene with luke and kylo

    yoda slander will not be tolerated

    to each their own tho

  • Dec 25, 2022
    1 reply
    lil neon


    the duel between yoda and dooku is way more climatic than the matrix slowmo dance scene with luke and kylo

    yoda slander will not be tolerated

    to each their own tho

    I could let it slide in the fight vs Palpatine but Yoda pulling out a lightsaber against Dooku

    Totally ruined his mystique. He’s the 900 year old f***ing Jedi grandmaster he should have made Dooku his b**** with a few hand waves.

  • Dec 25, 2022
    1 reply

  • Dec 25, 2022
    2 replies
    lil neon

    Both epic in their own ways. Love Duel of the Fates obviously but Luke saving the entire Rebellion leadership while also punking Kylo Ren without using a shred of violence is the most Jedi s*** ever. Luke’s the goat

  • Dec 25, 2022
    rise zero

    I could let it slide in the fight vs Palpatine but Yoda pulling out a lightsaber against Dooku

    Totally ruined his mystique. He’s the 900 year old f***ing Jedi grandmaster he should have made Dooku his b**** with a few hand waves.

    why jedi have always used lightsabers lol, i mean besides the last jedi of course

    anakin and dooku fighting in the dark >>> the last jedi doing some corny slowmo dance

    one isn’t even a duel