  • Nov 22, 2019
    2 replies

  • Nov 22, 2019
    4 replies

  • Nov 22, 2019

  • OP
    Nov 22, 2019

    Kylo is king we the soldiers

  • Nov 22, 2019


  • Nov 22, 2019

    The blue and the red meet in the middle and make purple symbolizing the middle ground between two ideals. Between nazis and Jews. Tyranny and freedom. Blue lives matter and being a decent human being.

    But also notice how it looks like an upside down crucifix with Sideous or Satan being at the would be bottom which is now the top.

  • Nov 22, 2019
    1 reply

    I'm not sure on whether or not they had plans for Leia but why not just recast her

  • Nov 22, 2019
    1 reply

    I'm not sure on whether or not they had plans for Leia but why not just recast her

  • Nov 22, 2019
    1 reply

    Colin Trevorrow still talking about Star Wars

  • Nov 22, 2019
    1 reply

    Colin Trevorrow still talking about Star Wars


  • Nov 22, 2019
    2 replies


    Says bringing back Palpatine is 100% JJ's idea

  • Nov 22, 2019

    lol just recast her they'll be aight

  • Nov 22, 2019

    Says bringing back Palpatine is 100% JJ's idea

  • Adrian

    When looking at this cover I think of the wise words of the philosopher Aubrey Graham in his late work After Dark.

    ‘You can put your blaster down, you gonna need two hands (after dark)’

    Rey grasping the phallic symbol, finally emasculating Ben Solo for good!

  • Nov 22, 2019

    so so so so so so so so fire

    Rey shaking in her sand boots at the sight of Knights of Ren probably made her change sides

  • Nov 23, 2019
    1 reply

    Says bringing back Palpatine is 100% JJ's idea

    Which confirms that Kathy Kennedy straight up LIED about Palpatine being planned from the beginning of the trilogy.

  • Nov 23, 2019
    1 reply
    blasphemous magz

    Lmao you telling me with a straight face that you didn’t like Leia flying through space???

    It made zero sense

  • Nov 23, 2019
    1 reply

    Finn and Rey vs Kylo ren
    Luke saving the resistance on crait
    Yoda talking to luke about failure
    Hux's starkiller base speech
    Hyperspace ram
    Finn vs stormtrooper
    Kylo ren killing snoke
    Kylo interrogating rey

    "no memorable moments"

    Niggas just WANT to hate the new films so bad

    It was ok

    If he wasn't a force clone then It would've been a cool moment

    Cool but it was more of nostalgia grab for older audiences

    I'll give you that

    I'll give you that, it was a nice W for Finn

    Worst example, Snoke wasn't even a fleshed out villain at that point, he was just fodder for Palpatine to show up

    If Rey was a trained jedi then yeah it would've been cool scene.

    That's only 2 moments out of 2 movies that are 4 hours long combined.

  • yungcartier

    It made zero sense

    I was being facetious lol 😂

  • Nov 23, 2019
    1 reply

    Han, Leia and Luke not reuniting is such a missed iconic moment

  • Nov 23, 2019
    blasphemous magz

    Han, Leia and Luke not reuniting is such a missed iconic moment

    Biggest mistake JJ ever did with TFA besides forcing eps 8 to start immediately after 7

  • Nov 23, 2019
    green man

    Which confirms that Kathy Kennedy straight up LIED about Palpatine being planned from the beginning of the trilogy.

    That’s hilarious

  • Nov 23, 2019

    It was ok

    If he wasn't a force clone then It would've been a cool moment

    Cool but it was more of nostalgia grab for older audiences

    I'll give you that

    I'll give you that, it was a nice W for Finn

    Worst example, Snoke wasn't even a fleshed out villain at that point, he was just fodder for Palpatine to show up

    If Rey was a trained jedi then yeah it would've been cool scene.

    That's only 2 moments out of 2 movies that are 4 hours long combined.

    2. Luke would've died if he actually went on crait and he wasn't trying to hurt anyone so there's no reason for him to actually be there.

    3. so what if it's nostalgic it's still a good scene Nobody's calling the end scene of revenge of the sith bad because of the twin suns

    6. that's good he wasn't interesting anyways let's be honest if we got a backstory and it would've been a direct copy of palpatines. he's dead so now we can focus on the villain who's actually interesting ben.

    7. Why does she need to be a trained jedi to do a basic force ability?

  • Nov 23, 2019


  • Nov 23, 2019