  • Feb 1, 2020
    1 reply
    Bo Ceephus

    Master chief
    1st party character
    1st party character

    This is too good to be true so it probably won’t happen

  • Feb 2, 2020

    Im feeling unstoppable with Terry rn online

  • Feb 2, 2020
    Bo Ceephus

    Master chief
    1st party character
    1st party character

    All of those would be dope but there’s no way in hell Kratos joining smash

  • Feb 2, 2020
    1 reply
    Emery Atreides

    Unlike Geno
    Heihachi is a good choice

    y’all might be on to something with Heihachi

  • Feb 2, 2020
    1 reply

    People want all these outlandish characters when some s*** like a Sword/Shield character is pretty much a shoo in. After Byleth, that’s the hell that we’re living in

  • Feb 2, 2020

    Another Byleth x Cuphead crossover

    Byleth swallowing

  • Feb 2, 2020
    2 replies

    when Nintendo announces a new Paper Mario game alongside his long-overdue inclusion in Smash

  • Feb 2, 2020
    2 replies

    when Nintendo announces a new Paper Mario game alongside his long-overdue inclusion in Smash

    Super Smash Brothers is not like Dragon Ball FighterZ where half their DLC is Goku variants

  • Feb 2, 2020
    1 reply

    Super Smash Brothers is not like Dragon Ball FighterZ where half their DLC is Goku variants

    what are you implying

  • Feb 2, 2020
    1 reply

    what are you implying

    We don't need another Mario, a character in the Mario-verse, sure.

  • Feb 2, 2020
    1 reply

    We don't need another Mario, a character in the Mario-verse, sure.

    Way different tbh

    Paper mario is a distinctly diffrent style and personality than normal mario. Its night and day diffrence

    Its not even close to the same charecter not to mention how crazy diffrent he would play

    They are similar in name alone

  • Feb 2, 2020
    1 reply

    Super Smash Brothers is not like Dragon Ball FighterZ where half their DLC is Goku variants

    Yeah who cares about mario variants when you can have 7 fire emblem characters that noone cares about

  • Feb 2, 2020
    1 reply

    Way different tbh

    Paper mario is a distinctly diffrent style and personality than normal mario. Its night and day diffrence

    Its not even close to the same charecter not to mention how crazy diffrent he would play

    They are similar in name alone

    I am personally against him, that's just me.

  • Feb 2, 2020
    Bo Ceephus

    Yeah who cares about mario variants when you can have 7 fire emblem characters that noone cares about

    Where did I say more Fire Emblem characters are welcomed?

  • Feb 2, 2020
    1 reply

    I am personally against him, that's just me.

    Yeah no issue bro, who do you want in?

  • Feb 2, 2020
    1 reply

    Yeah no issue bro, who do you want in?

    Travis Touchdown and 2B are who I want most, after that it doesn't really matter to me. Maybe Joanna Dark. Who do you want in?

  • Fahim

    Travis Touchdown and 2B are who I want most, after that it doesn't really matter to me. Maybe Joanna Dark. Who do you want in?

    Lol wild enough travis and paper mario

    Doom guy would be cool but to me that's starting to seem less and less likely

  • Feb 2, 2020
    2 replies

    my wishlist:


    • Paper Mario
    • K.K. Slider
    • Akira Howard
    • Dixie Kong
    • Chibi-Robo


    • Master Chief
    • Ryu Hayabusa
    • Rayman
    • Sora
    • Travis Touchdown
    • Jill Valentine
    • Tails

    If not even ONE of these guys make it into Fighters Pass Vol. 2 then "imma kill myself before I die"

  • Feb 2, 2020
    1 reply

    People want all these outlandish characters when some s*** like a Sword/Shield character is pretty much a shoo in. After Byleth, that’s the hell that we’re living in

    Toxtricity would be Fire so I won’t hate

    Cinderace would be Fire too

  • Feb 2, 2020

    my wishlist:


    • Paper Mario
    • K.K. Slider
    • Akira Howard
    • Dixie Kong
    • Chibi-Robo


    • Master Chief
    • Ryu Hayabusa
    • Rayman
    • Sora
    • Travis Touchdown
    • Jill Valentine
    • Tails

    If not even ONE of these guys make it into Fighters Pass Vol. 2 then "imma kill myself before I die"

    Your first party wishlist is lacking and pretty obscure TBH

    Although Chibi Robo would be HYPE

  • Feb 2, 2020

    y’all might be on to something with Heihachi


    Namco retired Heihachi because the voice actor died

  • Feb 2, 2020

    Toxtricity would be Fire so I won’t hate

    Cinderace would be Fire too

    I don’t really like Pokémon but whatever. I view them more as anime characters than video game characters personally. I’ve only played Red/Blue and Snap but watched the OG anime heavily.

  • pneu
    Feb 2, 2020

    Byleth Elite Smash players are so f***ing sweaty.

  • Emery Atreides

    Unlike Geno
    Heihachi is a good choice

    ruthless. savage even. ugh

  • Feb 2, 2020
    1 reply

    This is too good to be true so it probably won’t happen

    It's just the best list of characters that could come through. It probably wont considering the first dlc pack. But it would be insane if nintendo really came through because they definitely heard the feedback before choosing these next 6 characters