  • Feb 11, 2020
    2 replies
    huge gnocchi fan

    both Snake and Hero are fun to play

    they fit fine

    Hero is fun to play and is one of my mains but the down b spell menu + RNG does not feel like it fits in smash.

    Projectiles are one thing but I feel you have to change your style of gameplay specific for Snake and moreso than any other matchup regardless of who you are using. That would imply that Snake is an outlier and his moveset just feels weird in smash.

  • Luca

    Hero is fun to play and is one of my mains but the down b spell menu + RNG does not feel like it fits in smash.

    Projectiles are one thing but I feel you have to change your style of gameplay specific for Snake and moreso than any other matchup regardless of who you are using. That would imply that Snake is an outlier and his moveset just feels weird in smash.

    that's with everybody dude, you always have to change based on who you play against

    just try being dr mario against palutina or zelda

  • Feb 11, 2020
    1 reply

    Hero is fun to play and is one of my mains but the down b spell menu + RNG does not feel like it fits in smash.

    Projectiles are one thing but I feel you have to change your style of gameplay specific for Snake and moreso than any other matchup regardless of who you are using. That would imply that Snake is an outlier and his moveset just feels weird in smash.

    The RNG feature is probably the most Smash thing that has ever happened to Smash

  • Emery Atreides

    The RNG feature is probably the most Smash thing that has ever happened to Smash

    you ever do a 1v1 and take turns with HP?

    s*** feels like a RPG

    great drinking game too

  • Feb 12, 2020
    1 reply

    Nah. I want to sometime tho

  • Feb 12, 2020
    1 reply
    Emery Atreides

    Nah. I want to sometime tho

    lets do it

  • Feb 12, 2020
    huge gnocchi fan

    lets do it


  • Feb 13, 2020
    2 replies

    Nah, just needs to get banned.

    Be nice to Bliss, he's a necessary evil

  • Feb 13, 2020

    Be nice to Bliss, he's a necessary evil

    He's evil, period. He adds nothing to the discussion

  • Feb 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Be nice to Bliss, he's a necessary evil


  • Feb 13, 2020
    1 reply


    *necessary evil to you pal

  • Feb 13, 2020
    1 reply

    *necessary evil to you pal


  • Feb 13, 2020
    1 reply


  • Feb 14, 2020

  • Feb 15, 2020

    Man just throw us that fighter pack 2 already

  • Feb 16, 2020

    got this around xmas after my homies got me back into smash after years of not playing it

    going from not knowing what a “fair” was, to slowly mastering teching, shorthopping etc., watching pros, having intense fights where me and my homies are airdodging and spotdodging each other, hitting spikes and nasty combos, has been hella fun and addicting tbh

  • Feb 16, 2020

    favs atm:
    zss - always liked how she played, fast and has some range with some moves that hit hard, very well rounded imo, bad b**** too

    hero - was overwhelmed by the spells at first but after learning it s*** is fun as f*** lol hitting that snooze on someone
    side b is absolutely busted, recovery kinda broken

    dk/rob would be my heavy of choice, rob is better but i feel like i do more work with dk

    gonna prob move to wario/luigi/cloud/roy

    also love memeing with king k rool and jigglypuff, took 3 stocks in a match one time w her down b while they were sweating w bowser

  • comin for that ass

  • Feb 17, 2020
    1 reply
  • Feb 17, 2020

    good speech imo. Imagine how big comp smash would be if Nintendo actually backed the scene

  • i love hungrybox man... dude is just fun to watch, is the only major jigglypuff, streams and loves his mama....... good guy.

    great speech, he deserved that W

  • Feb 18, 2020
    1 reply

    I was sad for Plup since underdogs winning is always hype to see but I actually really like Jigglypuff in Melee and Hbox. Although rest is a dumb move so I get why people would be upset.

    The next best Jigglypuff is 2Saint who isn’t good enough to get top 16 at a major. What Hungrybox does is extremely impressive.

    I was busy on Sunday but I spent all of yesterday rewatching the final summit bracket spoiler free and there was so mad hype Melee. It was great

  • Feb 18, 2020

    I’m so hyped for Crossover Summit happening in December

    I’m curious what exactly it will entail since all will know is it will be summit style but both Melee and Ultimate will be present. I wonder if their will be reverse game brackets or if everyone will be forced to partake in both games simultaneously as in the bracket is half Melee half Ultimate pros for both games. Or if it will be the same as normal summits but just running two games.

    Super intriguing and I can’t wait to know more details.

    If players have to play in both brackets, Leffen and Plup will do the best because they actually get results at Ultimate majors.

    ESAM used to be ranked in Melee so he wold have the edge for Ultimate players in Melee. Maybe void since he’s been grinding a lot of Melee lately apparently and per Melee players themselves he’s been improving every time they play him.

  • Feb 18, 2020
    1 reply

    I was sad for Plup since underdogs winning is always hype to see but I actually really like Jigglypuff in Melee and Hbox. Although rest is a dumb move so I get why people would be upset.

    The next best Jigglypuff is 2Saint who isn’t good enough to get top 16 at a major. What Hungrybox does is extremely impressive.

    I was busy on Sunday but I spent all of yesterday rewatching the final summit bracket spoiler free and there was so mad hype Melee. It was great

    Plup looked unenthused the entire tourney

  • I always watch that stuff later but I like to keep up on twitter dot com