There wasn't no outrage for Sean C & LV when Hov & Puff had them locked in the studio making American Gangster?
Not saying this is the case. But some people overwork themselves on their own accord, even if they know its unhealthy.
Im currently working on so e animation projects one 2 days of no sleep. Pisses ppl around me off, but i tend to do it anyway…
Not saying this is the case. But some people overwork themselves on their own accord, even if they know its unhealthy.
Im currently working on so e animation projects one 2 days of no sleep. Pisses ppl around me off, but i tend to do it anyway…
Isn't it that animators and VFX artists are overworked more often than not? I mean, good for you if you prefer to push yourself of your own accord and all...
It's lowkey dumb as f*** that she said this lol. Like oblivious almost. "This person working for me hasn't slept more than 30 minutes in however many days"
This makes you look bad sza
Shes not that bright
Isn't it that animators and VFX artists are overworked more often than not? I mean, good for you if you prefer to push yourself of your own accord and all...
I wanted to be an animator/game designer before I found out the hours
Even tho its f***ed, lets be real thats the industry, and honestly you cant change it.
Its not like working at a plant where you are guaranteed a job and production honestly could move slower just a risk of losing money, no like this is thousands maybe millions of ppl fighting for one spot. Someone will outwork you if you dont outwork them
If LANA really is off the grid level artistry, i will allow it
This ain’t new lol y’all heard about Stevie’s Songs in the Key of Life sessions?
Go on, never heard about this
Isn't it that animators and VFX artists are overworked more often than not? I mean, good for you if you prefer to push yourself of your own accord and all...
Im not working for a studio. Just independently. I think its bad if someone is being forced to overwork by an employer.
Im just stating in the case of SZA’s engineer, its entirely possible that everyone working on this project is overworking themselves willingly(SZA included), and may not be a case of SZA pushing the dude herself.
Idk, i feel like if she was borderline abusing her engineer she wouldnt expose herself.
this is soooooooooo stupid idek where to begin. please decondition yourself like the lady on channel orange says
Cole probably apologises to his engineer every day for lulling him to sleep with his raps
as a person who knows a couple of people involved w this people are complaining for people who have 0 complaints themselves lmfao
I’ll be honest, in creative spaces this kinda stuff is normal and often times bought into if everyone is enthusiastic and genuine about the vision. I remember doing art direction on a few projects and probably devoting like 18 hours a day to it but because you’re passionate about it you can really feel a burst of energy and lock in if the material is that good. That’s why a lot of artists burn out.
in my current life as a civil engineer lmao, no way on earth would I do this (I still kinda do if it’s a good project)
IIRC Kendrick himself was locked in 18 hours a day working on TPAB in the final months, and it shows in the final album
Bro you gotta think of our millionares...