  • Dec 21, 2024
    2 replies

    The problem is, the people who makes these sacrifices gets a low pay, while the artist gets rich and gain social power.

    SZA’s engineer is not gonna reap the fruits off the success of SOS delux, just a small paycheck

  • Dec 21, 2024

    That guy can also quit whenever

    So another guy would sleep 2 minutes a day. It just shouldnt happen to begin with

  • Dec 21, 2024
    1 reply

    dawg i expected it to be some bullshit but @op is right

    man f*** sza lol

  • Dec 21, 2024

    Al Shipley’s right

    man thats f***ed up wow this has actually bummed me out a bit

  • Dec 21, 2024

    i know SO many people will defend this too, the entire JBP about to tell us how much they hate their workers too

  • Dec 21, 2024

    you couldn’t pay me to empathize with someone paid to sit in a room with sza all day

  • Dec 21, 2024
    2 replies

    She always been a clown

    Pay close attention to who really fw her music like that

  • Dec 21, 2024

    She always been a clown

    Pay close attention to who really fw her music like that

    She sucks so much

  • Dec 21, 2024
    2 replies

    people are just finding s*** to hate on sza...that's how music production is on that level and has been that way for decades (not saying that its ok)

    ppl forget kanye held mfs hostage at mercedes benz stadium in Atlanta

  • Dec 21, 2024

    Mix literally ruins 30 for 30 whatever bruh i see why its a deluxe

  • Dec 21, 2024
    1 reply

    people are just finding s*** to hate on sza...that's how music production is on that level and has been that way for decades (not saying that its ok)

    ppl forget kanye held mfs hostage at mercedes benz stadium in Atlanta

    Its 100% up to the artist esp on sza and kanye's level.

  • Dec 21, 2024

    Its 100% up to the artist esp on sza and kanye's level.

    I agree it is

  • Dec 21, 2024



  • Dec 22, 2024
    2 replies

    Not saying this is the case. But some people overwork themselves on their own accord, even if they know its unhealthy.

    Im currently working on so e animation projects one 2 days of no sleep. Pisses ppl around me off, but i tend to do it anyway…

    dont you find that your work suffers without rest? I cant think straight if i stay up even an hour past my usual bedtime

  • Dec 22, 2024
    1 reply

    F*** SZA and f*** Kendrick

    Only Drake and Cole show respect to their engineers.

    kendrick been bigging up Ali since yall was in your daddies nutsack foh

  • Dec 22, 2024

    This ain’t new lol y’all heard about Stevie’s Songs in the Key of Life sessions?

    gettin punk'd by a blind nigga how embarrising

  • Dec 22, 2024

    dont you find that your work suffers without rest? I cant think straight if i stay up even an hour past my usual bedtime

    Sometimes. I usually just work until i passout at my desk. I find it difficult to “go to bed”

  • Dec 22, 2024
    Water Giver

    kendrick been bigging up Ali since yall was in your daddies nutsack foh

  • Dec 22, 2024

    this whole music s*** is so backwards man. for example w ye, we've BEEN at the point for close to if not more than a DECADE now where he's so lazy and washed up he doesnt even make his own music anymore. what glory does this nigga deserve exactly except on some past tense s***?

    then you get dumb ass niggas goin on about "well ye got the VISION" or "he a director" or "typical prince avi" like shut the f*** up nigga please. how much hand you really have in that vision when it's all made for you? for the most part he doesnt put a finger to a keyboard, doesnt put chords together, doesnt put his pen to paper let alone fingers to a touchscreen, and just employs niggas insane hours to do it all for him or buys songs he likes off the shelf like he at the grocery store. can you even describe this man as a producer let alone a musician anymore? what does he actually bring to the table? beyonce brings vocals, sza brings her lyrics, because lord knows she not singing without autotune and melodyne.

    when exactly did it become "elitist" to value when people actually make their own music, write their own bars, not just have their own "vision" but actually bring that to life, whether on some instrument with jazz or classical training or in a DAW making some electronic wizardy even while lacking that musical training? when did music become THIS consumerist where even in hip hop circles where niggas are supposed to care about this, they're defending niggas that do nothing except reap the spoils and get their name on the music like a mf landlord?? im like a broken record with this and not enough people question it.

    I don’t disagree entirely, but you’re making it sound like Ye did absolutely nothing on some of those records.

    it’s not like Kanye is a DJ Khaled type figure. Even for Donda, when he had people make beats/ideas for him, it’s not like he’s not involved in the creative process of the songs.

    Kanye songs (from 2004-2021) still… idk “feel” like Kanye songs even if he’s not doing everything 100% by himself, you know?

  • Dec 22, 2024
    2 replies

    this whole music s*** is so backwards man. for example w ye, we've BEEN at the point for close to if not more than a DECADE now where he's so lazy and washed up he doesnt even make his own music anymore. what glory does this nigga deserve exactly except on some past tense s***?

    then you get dumb ass niggas goin on about "well ye got the VISION" or "he a director" or "typical prince avi" like shut the f*** up nigga please. how much hand you really have in that vision when it's all made for you? for the most part he doesnt put a finger to a keyboard, doesnt put chords together, doesnt put his pen to paper let alone fingers to a touchscreen, and just employs niggas insane hours to do it all for him or buys songs he likes off the shelf like he at the grocery store. can you even describe this man as a producer let alone a musician anymore? what does he actually bring to the table? beyonce brings vocals, sza brings her lyrics, because lord knows she not singing without autotune and melodyne.

    when exactly did it become "elitist" to value when people actually make their own music, write their own bars, not just have their own "vision" but actually bring that to life, whether on some instrument with jazz or classical training or in a DAW making some electronic wizardy even while lacking that musical training? when did music become THIS consumerist where even in hip hop circles where niggas are supposed to care about this, they're defending niggas that do nothing except reap the spoils and get their name on the music like a mf landlord?? im like a broken record with this and not enough people question it.

    typical prince avy

  • Dec 22, 2024

    No he would be replaced for another engineer forced to work unreasonable hours.

    And that would've been that. Like I said if he had any issues he would say no, it's his job and he's not the only engineer in the world.

  • Dec 22, 2024

    This true tbh

  • Dec 22, 2024
    1 reply

    dont you find that your work suffers without rest? I cant think straight if i stay up even an hour past my usual bedtime

    How old are you lmao

  • Dec 22, 2024

    this whole music s*** is so backwards man. for example w ye, we've BEEN at the point for close to if not more than a DECADE now where he's so lazy and washed up he doesnt even make his own music anymore. what glory does this nigga deserve exactly except on some past tense s***?

    then you get dumb ass niggas goin on about "well ye got the VISION" or "he a director" or "typical prince avi" like shut the f*** up nigga please. how much hand you really have in that vision when it's all made for you? for the most part he doesnt put a finger to a keyboard, doesnt put chords together, doesnt put his pen to paper let alone fingers to a touchscreen, and just employs niggas insane hours to do it all for him or buys songs he likes off the shelf like he at the grocery store. can you even describe this man as a producer let alone a musician anymore? what does he actually bring to the table? beyonce brings vocals, sza brings her lyrics, because lord knows she not singing without autotune and melodyne.

    when exactly did it become "elitist" to value when people actually make their own music, write their own bars, not just have their own "vision" but actually bring that to life, whether on some instrument with jazz or classical training or in a DAW making some electronic wizardy even while lacking that musical training? when did music become THIS consumerist where even in hip hop circles where niggas are supposed to care about this, they're defending niggas that do nothing except reap the spoils and get their name on the music like a mf landlord?? im like a broken record with this and not enough people question it.

    Absolutely agree

    It’s why I think it’s so funny when people try and defend dj khaled

    Wow you brought in 10 elite level producers and song writers. I’m sure if I could do that I’d also have a crazy “vision” lmao

    People always try and play the “you know Quincy orchestrated with other musicians!” card like the man didn’t play every f***ing instrument

  • Dec 22, 2024

    how this news

    drake kept 40 in a dungeon for years
