His folks will most likely be vaccinated sometime in the next month and a half but apparently would rather risk death instead? I don't get it lmao
they dont have much to live for
they dont have much to live for
they really all got room temperature iq in that family
they really all got room temperature iq in that family
nah bro they been outside, they got that regular temperature iq
Between 25 and like late 30s is millennials that already got screwed by the government for at least a decade. Skepticism and empathy has a chance to be higher when you already feel like the world robbed you of your future and you dont want niggas to feel that same way lol.
If we reach a million before this year is over and there’s no more economic help to us besides that one time bullshit check, I aint voting in any more government related events (midterms included) ever again.
oh one last thing that vaccine was rushed. My folks and me are NOT getting it, at least until long term effects are studied
Ima exit the thread since some people can't handle the idea that me and my family don't let covid interfere with our lives, since I know that is so outlandish. Ya'll keep peekin out the window im gonna go live my life.
Don't forget to wear your mask!
oh one last thing that vaccine was rushed. My folks and me are NOT getting it, at least until long term effects are studied
man back in to certify one last time he doesn't know what hes talking about
damn he bold
nah bro they been outside, they got that regular temperature iq
oh one last thing that vaccine was rushed. My folks and me are NOT getting it, at least until long term effects are studied
Not a good argument. You still have to run tests on tests on tests just to get vaccines approved. So they aren't "rushed" in the sense that you're implying.
Not a good argument. You still have to run tests on tests on tests just to get vaccines approved. So they aren't "rushed" in the sense that you're implying.
im sure they weren't rushing it or cutting corners
man back in to certify one last time he doesn't know what hes talking about
damn he bold
And you guys still quoting him
Talk about him without quoting him, don’t give him the attention lol
You know the dude says hes leaving this thread when he is checking it every 5 seconds
im sure they weren't rushing it or cutting corners
oh my gawd they're doing the science too fast, must be bad
wait weren't you supposed to leave the thread like 6 posts ago
And you guys still quoting him
Talk about him without quoting him, don’t give him the attention lol
You know the dude says hes leaving this thread when he is checking it every 5 seconds
its whatever dawg cause end of the day hes just trolling and thas all ktt is
oh my gawd they're doing the science too fast, must be bad
wait weren't you supposed to leave the thread like 6 posts ago
he got you baited
im sure they weren't rushing it or cutting corners
Niggas: We need a vaccine to get us back to normal
Also niggas:
Hold on now yall made them s***s too damn fast
its whatever dawg cause end of the day hes just trolling and thas all ktt is
Yea you right, f*** it
Yea you right, f*** it
just postin and waiting for the next HIT singh thread in music sxn is all w/e
Oh that. Yes bro, Ive seen multiple medical experts, Dr. Phil (tho that bald ass dude don't mean s*** to me but he might to you) have said once we stop wearing masks people will get sick easier, due to staying inside and letting their immune system get weak. They have had nothing but their own germs for months, so imagine how hard it is on the body going back. the longer we wait the worse it gets
Dude really cited Dr Phil as his medical expert
state ran by goofy morons
that winter storm spectacle was all people needed to know
Nah that was the windmills :oblivious: