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  • Mar 3, 2021

    Dude really cited Dr Phil as his medical expert

    Next up he will cite Dr Dre

  • Tubig

    Dude really cited Dr Phil as his medical expert

    I ain’t even read his post yet but that’s hilarious

  • Mar 3, 2021


  • Mar 3, 2021

    Texas has 10% of all cases last week and 10% of all deaths

    1 state had 10% of 50

    These government a******s really don’t care about their people

  • Mar 3, 2021

    Whites really tryna kill everyone

  • Mar 3, 2021

    “ I realized that Im not gonna wear a mask and stay inside the rest of my life to make the 0.5% of people who are endangered feel safe.”

    Americans across the country should all enroll in therapy when this is all over. Ppl in other places would be calling you a sociopath for this.

    This “im getting mines f*** yours” mentality that we been building up for 4 centuries is gonna be the death of the nation lol


    Us Americans really selfish idiots frfr

  • Mar 3, 2021

    Dude really cited Dr Phil as his medical expert

    TeeDawg really top 10 dumbest MFs on KTT2

    How can someone be so stupid and ignorant

    He must be from texas or Oklahoma

  • Mar 3, 2021
    1 reply

    Funny cause your ugly ass would benefit the most from a mask mandate

    RT me @LastCall

    Same dude that single handedly ruined the Issey Miyake brand 😳

  • Mar 3, 2021

    Dude really cited Dr Phil as his medical expert

    He even s*** on Dr. Phil and then wrote out a whole paragraph using his opinion anyway because he has nothing else to stand on

  • Mar 3, 2021
    Gary Givenchy

    Same dude that single handedly ruined the Issey Miyake brand 😳

    Literally tanked their stock smfh

  • Mar 3, 2021

    Oh that. Yes bro, Ive seen multiple medical experts, Dr. Phil (tho that bald ass dude don't mean s*** to me but he might to you) have said once we stop wearing masks people will get sick easier, due to staying inside and letting their immune system get weak. They have had nothing but their own germs for months, so imagine how hard it is on the body going back. the longer we wait the worse it gets

    DR PHIL???? Yeah you trolling lmfao

  • Mar 3, 2021
    1 reply

    74 pages

  • I'm actually curious to see the numbers in there and see how it effects them. If they go out then so be it

  • rano 🇧🇷
    Mar 3, 2021

    yo they just killed covid like that? respect

  • Mar 3, 2021

    I don't care about getting ratio'd, but getting ratio'd by a covid denier is honestly hilarious.

  • Mar 3, 2021

    This really f***ing dumb at this phase of the vaccine rollout

    Why Americans gotta be like this man

  • Alabama football is planning to have their 101,000 seat stadium filled to the max this upcoming season as well. Lmao

  • Mar 3, 2021

    74 pages

    Waffles wins

  • Mar 3, 2021

    I can understand removing the lockdown but why no masks?

  • Mar 3, 2021

    i just learned some people still think it was created in a wuhan lab

  • Mar 3, 2021

    do they not understand how viruses are created?

    i doubt they made it as a dirty bomb, it doesn't work well enough

  • Mar 3, 2021
  • Mar 3, 2021

    this tells you all you need to know about texas/southern GOP policy other than the blatant racism

    they really don't care about the people

    I wouldn't mind people who have this view if they were at least CONSISTENT with it.

    Guys like that would have no problem if the fed govt were to give "handouts" to bailout failing banks or big business. But get upset when the less fortunate are given aid.

    Guys like that have no problem with rich f***s gaming the stock market or avoiding paying taxes, they call it being "smart" but god forbid if the lower class takes advantage of federal aid.


  • Mar 3, 2021
    2 replies

    Outside of polluting or maybe the inconviencr or having to buy masks . Who rlly gives a s*** about having to wear em? Don’t even think about it

  • Mar 3, 2021

    Outside of polluting or maybe the inconviencr or having to buy masks . Who rlly gives a s*** about having to wear em? Don’t even think about it

    The Karens and Billy Bobs who feel their rights are being infringed upon

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