  • Gen Z Are Hustling For Their Post-Covid Futures
    Teens and young adults are learning valuable life skills, and making some cash, by setting up online shops, freelancing and joining the gig economy.

  • Feb 27, 2021

    Secure the bag 💰

    Nah 4real

  • Feb 27, 2021
    1 reply

    I am f***ing zooming right now

  • Feb 27, 2021
    1 reply

    Overrated generation

  • Feb 27, 2021
    1 reply

    We getting money while these old niggas hating

  • plants 🌻
    Feb 27, 2021
    11 replies

    Alternate headline: Society and the free market have both failed to deliver a job market that can pay the costs related to living for huge swaths of the population causing an entire generation to monetize as many hours of their lives as possible in order to maximize profits.

  • Feb 27, 2021
    1 reply

    Don't know what they're on, my FB marketplace account has been drier than ever throughout covid

  • Feb 27, 2021
    1 reply
    Majin GoldenChild

    Overrated generation


  • Feb 27, 2021
    Mister Pfizer

    I am f***ing zooming right now

    Crazy vibes

  • Feb 27, 2021
    1 reply


    Everybody writing all these hypothetical articles bout some kids who yet to have life experience

  • Feb 27, 2021

    Also the generation that will be affected by mental health issues the most

  • Feb 27, 2021

    Alternate headline: it’s a bandemic

  • Feb 27, 2021

    Alternate headline: Society and the free market have both failed to deliver a job market that can pay the costs related to living for huge swaths of the population causing an entire generation to monetize as many hours of their lives as possible in order to maximize profits.

  • Feb 27, 2021
    10 replies

    This is baby money. Selling t shirts? Walking dogs? Lmao come on bruh this article is cap

    No 18 year old or recent college grad is capable of providing “Consulting” services. They have no experience under their belt

    This article is BS left wing propaganda

  • Feb 27, 2021


  • Feb 27, 2021

    This is baby money. Selling t shirts? Walking dogs? Lmao come on bruh this article is cap

    No 18 year old or recent college grad is capable of providing “Consulting” services. They have no experience under their belt

    This article is BS left wing propaganda

    left wing propaganda


  • Feb 27, 2021
    3 replies

    This is baby money. Selling t shirts? Walking dogs? Lmao come on bruh this article is cap

    No 18 year old or recent college grad is capable of providing “Consulting” services. They have no experience under their belt

    This article is BS left wing propaganda

    There’s lots of s*** that a 18 year old can do to make money. Smart investing and trading, content creation, online businesses, list goes on

  • Feb 27, 2021

    most people aren’t really entrepreneurs man, they have a good side hustle or something and sell it as owning their own business or being entrepreneur when really they just resell s*** on depop

  • Feb 27, 2021

    and there’s nothing wrong with that but it’s very different things lol

  • Feb 27, 2021

    Alternate headline: Society and the free market have both failed to deliver a job market that can pay the costs related to living for huge swaths of the population causing an entire generation to monetize as many hours of their lives as possible in order to maximize profits.

    All while receiving no benefits.

  • Feb 27, 2021
    2 replies

    There’s lots of s*** that a 18 year old can do to make money. Smart investing and trading, content creation, online businesses, list goes on

    Okay but we are talking about the average 18 year olds who don’t have the capital to invest in anything that provides sufficient return to live off of... the game stop s*** and Bitcoin are outliers that most people don’t understand

    Content creation? Like Tik tok or YouTube? The only ones making money are the top 1%.

    I’m not saying to not follow your dreams or create stuff, but these kinds of articles are misguided because it makes it seem easier than it actually is

  • Feb 27, 2021
    2 replies

    This is baby money. Selling t shirts? Walking dogs? Lmao come on bruh this article is cap

    No 18 year old or recent college grad is capable of providing “Consulting” services. They have no experience under their belt

    This article is BS left wing propaganda

    No left winger would ever approve of this.

  • Feb 27, 2021

    No left winger would ever approve of this.

    this is very much the opposite of that

    this is like right-wing rugged individualism propaganda

  • Feb 27, 2021

    No left winger would ever approve of this.

    I know I just threw that in there to s***post but the rest is how I really feel

  • plants

    Alternate headline: Society and the free market have both failed to deliver a job market that can pay the costs related to living for huge swaths of the population causing an entire generation to monetize as many hours of their lives as possible in order to maximize profits.