Miss that user tbh. Agreed with him on legit nothing but he was willing to have long form debates without being an a****** or resorting to insults or similar. Sxn needs more people like that, currently when people disagree here they basically think the other person is their mortal enemy and resort to snide comments or acting like a d*** as opposed to discussion
I think some immature posts is what got him banned. He could do respectable non hostile long debates but I think I remember him s*** posting with the best of them. Maybe he was trying to get banned.
I think some immature posts is what got him banned. He could do respectable non hostile long debates but I think I remember him s*** posting with the best of them. Maybe he was trying to get banned.
Yeah he s***posted a lot outside of this sxn and walked a thin line so I’m not shocked he got banned. In this sxn though he was a decent contributor esp as someone from a very different pov from most posters
I think some immature posts is what got him banned. He could do respectable non hostile long debates but I think I remember him s*** posting with the best of them. Maybe he was trying to get banned.
He dropped transphobic slurs when scott was in a thread with him and celebrated afghan kids getting killed idk if he was trying to get banned but im surprised he didnt get clapped sooner
Mf pretended to black on here for years
Always pressed him for hand pics, he never came thru
Great critique of postcolonial theorists like Edward Said, really makes it clear why such a critique is important to the left, especially with regards to colonialism and thus by extension also identity politics.
Anti-racism and anti-colonialism has become essential for any political movement that claims to be leftist, but in their a***ysis of colonialist exploitation and orientalism (racism), they wrongly point to western essentializing attitudes on their future colonies as that which caused colonialism, instead of recognizing how colonial ideology changed over time from a "civilizing" mission to one which portrayed their colonies as unable to be civilized and unflexible unlike western societies. He goes more into detail in the history of how this process went and how they collaborated with local elites to make this happen.
But it's apparent that many times anti-colonial attitudes accept this notion that non-western societies are rigid and unable to change, and that thus any leftist class politics would be imposed from western theorists, and that it's not simply the case that western theorists observed this phenomenon first because capitalism developed first in the west.
I'm a lil incoherent because I'm in a rush to go to the gym but anyway, this is what motivated much of the shift of anti-racism and anti-colonialism which was overwhelmingly rooted in anti-capitalism all the way up until MLK to one which denied the importance of class in an a***ysis of colonialism. Wrongly arguing that such "crude materialism" is "class reductionist" and denies the importance of racism, or sees it as nothing more than epiphenominal to class, or even worse that class politics among non-westerners is actually imposed by westernwrs and is actually part of the colonial project
This has as a consequence the denial of a common humanity and cause of working people of all ethnic backgrounds which I think is at the center of the left's problem with identity politics. I would highly recommend watching that lecture tho, he articulated it a lot better than I did here.
The left should stop apologizng for putting class at the center. Making a materialist a***ysis of the class structure and how it shaped white supremacy is not "reducing everything to class", but what it does do is stop obfuscating the ways in which racial oppression originated and is now perpetuated through the class structure, giving us greater insight into how those issues are to be understood and resolved, instead of the hollow symbolic gesturing from western liberals or the reactionary culturalist nationalism from non-western elites like Modi that you get when you deny the material roots of racial oppression.
all of this on a Kanye West forum of all places
appreciate the links though
@S getting FBI raided for sure
Nah f*** durkio
I can only speak on my experiences with him thats f***ed up if he was doing that though. Lotta users esp in life sxn pretending to be other races though
I can only speak on my experiences with him thats f***ed up if he was doing that though. Lotta users esp in life sxn pretending to be other races though
I feel u
Also on ktt1 i got in a discussion with him about racial income inequality and he basically said yeah that's a thing bc certain groups do certain jobs which require more intelligence
I feel u
Also on ktt1 i got in a discussion with him about racial income inequality and he basically said yeah that's a thing bc certain groups do certain jobs which require more intelligence
Lmfao one of those people. i remember one dude (not aquinas)getting clapped on ktt for that. Had like 100 pages