bro just look at ur playlist i bet like 70% of the songs on there are made using loops
And that’s supposed to make it not lazy? Lmao
The people using loop beats are the same ones majority of people complain about in this current rap landscape
Also how do u know that they are loop beats? Not really a clear way to tell.
Idk why U keep bringing up sampling
lol never said anything about sampling, at least for that you can go back to the original song and see what the producer went thru to change the sound
These are random loops found online made by talented engineers so that other people can use
No one will know if the person pulled a Harry Fraud and didn’t touch the loop or what.
U can say it’s a tool but idk it still is super lazy that someone wouldn’t try to make their own melody
so taking an excerpt from someone elses song is okay (baring in mind you are usually doing this in advance of actually getting the artist’s permission to do so) while using a piece that was created for express purpose of music creation is where you draw the line?
im mixing up ‘loops’ and ‘samples’ here because theyre the same thing. whether you get something from another track, from youtube, record it yourself or - yes - a sample pack is completely arbitrary. its what you do with it thats important.
obviously a static loop is going to sound boring no matter what. you could say that about any musical component, including melodies you write yourself, so what is the difference?
And that’s supposed to make it not lazy? Lmao
The people using loop beats are the same ones majority of people complain about in this current rap landscape
Also how do u know that they are loop beats? Not really a clear way to tell.
If you a producer and get one semi major placement, you get DM’s from producers everyday asking if they could send you loops
Imagine how it is for the producers with one actually major placement? That’s 1000s of producers trying to send you loops, and you want them to say no? And if you do want them to say no, why? It’s called collaboration, and that’s the most vital principle of hip hop if you even know ur history
“He produces?”
“He produces, Jerry.”
“So he’s a producer?”
“A producer. I can’t compete with a producer.”
And that’s supposed to make it not lazy? Lmao
The people using loop beats are the same ones majority of people complain about in this current rap landscape
Also how do u know that they are loop beats? Not really a clear way to tell.
Who gives a f*** if its lazy (which it isnt), the end product will still be the same lmfao.
And if you want to know who produced a song just click the show credits button on spotify.
Who gives a f*** if its lazy (which it isnt), the end product will still be the same lmfao.
And if you want to know who produced a song just click the show credits button on spotify.
Bruh u answering questions I didn’t even ask lol
I’ve put enough negative energy into this thread
All in all tho to answer this thread question, You could clearly differentiate a producer and a beat maker
When I think beat maker I think of those 15 minute YouTube beats
& when I think producer I think of someone who can build a musical soundscape