I've been wanting to find some legit science podcasts anyway. I'm not going out of my way for Joe's content
I've been wanting to find some legit science podcasts anyway. I'm not going out of my way for Joe's content
Listen to Lex Friedman's podcast
Don't blame him at all tbh, Youtube has been f***ing him over lol.
Glad the clips will still be going up on JREClips tho
yeah exactly I pay for youtube premium, not gonna pay for another service just cause one of my favorite podcasts switched
this is so disappointing but i can't front, i can't act like i ever thought Joe was ever a real man of the people or anything. it fits with him. it's all about money and audience. if anything, im disappointed by Joe's friends who think this is a win. Like what is? Being absorbed by another billion dollar company over another? Both platforms are garbage.
yeah true the real move of the people would be working something out with Spotify and getting it on many services as possible
obviously there is no exclusive money in that though
video on spotify also
I'm going to miss reading the comments on youtube. At least we'll get clips on YouTube..
I'm going to miss reading the comments on youtube. At least we'll get clips on YouTube..
Joe "Exclusively on Spotify" Rogan
Lately I’ve just been watching JRE Clips anyways so no biggie, sucks to know he’s a sellout tho
Lately I’ve just been watching JRE Clips anyways so no biggie, sucks to know he’s a sellout tho
He might be able to be more of himself off of YouTube though we’ll see
so can you download spotify app for free (with ads) and still watch all his videos without paying
so can you download spotify app for free (with ads) and still watch all his videos without paying
it’s not a big deal
it’s just the full pods that are exclusive the clips still gonna be on yt
Tony Hawk
Lately I’ve just been watching JRE Clips anyways so no biggie, sucks to know he’s a sellout tho
It's his victory lap. Show been done for about a year now as far as I'm concerned. S***s ran its course. The Tim Dillon ep really sold that point to me.