pretty sure it’s the opposite
i checked the JRE subreddit comments out of curiosity on how the episode was received and holy f***ing s***
Imagine not believing her story... people are weirdos
Lmao even the other defectors who have no reason to lie about their country call her an attention seeking liar
I'm not familiar with this person but I read the article you posted, and found it curious how she responded to it, but chose to ignore some valid criticisms the journalist pointed out.
I also came across this:
Imagine making these "points" to a black athlete who chose to peacefully protest
"If she did the exact same thing at this very moment, if she was North Korean, not only herself will be executed, also eight generations of her family can be sent to political prison camp and execution."
Eight generations Theyre gonna bring back 18th century people to life just to execute them or what
i checked the JRE subreddit comments out of curiosity on how the episode was received and holy f***ing s***
F***ing monkeys getting brainwashed so easily
Tell yankees some fake story and they turn into bloodthirsty savages over night
See the fake babies in the incubator story prior to the firsr iraq war
i checked the JRE subreddit comments out of curiosity on how the episode was received and holy f***ing s***
yeah twitter rn is littered with alpha JRE bros eager to enlist and fight north koreans
when Rogan had a “retired” CIA agent on to debate the culture wars i started to see more clearly what this was all about
F***ing monkeys getting brainwashed so easily
Tell yankees some fake story and they turn into bloodthirsty savages over night
See the fake babies in the incubator story prior to the firsr iraq war
F***ing Monkeys, Yall are truly hilarious
F***ing monkeys getting brainwashed so easily
Tell yankees some fake story and they turn into bloodthirsty savages over night
See the fake babies in the incubator story prior to the firsr iraq war
people have short memories and forget that the same rhetoric was used in the middle east in the early 00s. its political revisionism that everyone was just anti-war there. all the war protests and anti-bush rhetoric didnt come until about half a decade after the wars and invasions started. prior to that we had the exact same discourse about islam and ME dictatorships - how inhumane/evil they were, how they were stripping rights of people, etc. and people had the exact same responses that "this is the one that's justified" in return. even after the "kuwaiti girl" propaganda stuff you're mentioning (which most people dont even probably know about tbh since everyone glosses over gulf war) people think that everyone was just against Iraq & Afghanistan in the 00s and that was definitely not the case
F***ing Monkeys, Yall are truly hilarious
Theres a reason this broad doesnt get booked in south korea anymore and has to shill in the USA now to keep up her lifestyle
Shes playing u morons like a fiddle saying whatever the highest bidder wants and ur buying it up like some NPC
Theres a reason this broad doesnt get booked in south korea anymore and has to shill in the USA now to keep up her lifestyle
Shes playing u morons like a fiddle saying whatever the highest bidder wants and ur buying it up like some NPC
NPC there it is
People still listen to this right wing nut?
L.A has homeless blah blah, (and Austin doesn’t), Gavin Newsom is the devil, COVID restrictions blah blah, Cameron Haynes, black rifle coffee ad, Kill Cliff CBD ad, Traeger Grills ad, Bud Light no alcohol ad, Comedians are so special and rare, they must be appreciated, whiskey ad, everyone should buy a $6,000 home sauna like me, Texas has so much freedom, (even though I can’t smoke weed)
You can call him a lot of things but right wing is bullshit. I'm pretty sure policy wise he actually supports liberals but like most Americans he's in between. Dude has bad takes at times but that don't make him right wing lol
The podcast has so many cool guests since he went to Spotify but I haven't had the urge to listen to any outside some mma fighters
You can call him a lot of things but right wing is bullshit. I'm pretty sure policy wise he actually supports liberals but like most Americans he's in between. Dude has bad takes at times but that don't make him right wing lol
yeah anyone who says he's right wing has absolutely never listened to the podcast lol
dude is extremely liberal socially
The podcast has so many cool guests since he went to Spotify but I haven't had the urge to listen to any outside some mma fighters
tarantino and ari Shaffir were good recently
don’t forget the horror of transgendered athletes
I mean it isn't fair at all, he's speaking from the perspective of his interests
when Rogan had a “retired” CIA agent on to debate the culture wars i started to see more clearly what this was all about
mike baker or whatever? yeah that guy blows ass
when Rogan had a “retired” CIA agent on to debate the culture wars i started to see more clearly what this was all about
I haven't been able to watch recent episodes with my favorite people like Tim Dillon/Yannis Pappas because it seems pretty clear to me that Joe is a very crooked figure in the comedy/podcast scene and they know it/are being forced to tow a line with him. He's almost definitely a CIA asset and he is 100% a Mason. He literally said he would become an asset the same year he fired Redban
THIS S*** is absolutely disgusting and should be a big wakeup call to anyone who still trusts Joe
And again some of the guests seem to be totally aware of what's going on and it gets uncomfortable as f*** at certain points. Because the "real" conversation they're having is so obvious once you know it's happening. They trade low-key insults and s***
You can call him a lot of things but right wing is bullshit. I'm pretty sure policy wise he actually supports liberals but like most Americans he's in between. Dude has bad takes at times but that don't make him right wing lol
BuT He SuPpOrTs GaY MaRrIaGe AnD WeEd
After having another right wing grifter on his podcast literally just yesterday
Probably Mike Baker or Jordan Peterson next
tarantino and ari Shaffir were good recently
Ari is a piece of s*** so I don't listen to any episodes he's on, I always hated that guy
BuT He SuPpOrTs GaY MaRrIaGe AnD WeEd
After having another right wing grifter on his podcast literally just yesterday
Probably Mike Baker or Jordan Peterson next
He's also endorsed Bernie and had Kyle Kulinski, does that make him left wing now? Who he talks to doesn't determine who he is lol.
He's also endorsed Bernie and had Kyle Kulinski, does that make him left wing now? Who he talks to doesn't determine who he is lol.
Yes, yes it does. His lineup of guests speaks for itself. Mostly alt right loonies and other Koch Brother type characters
Throwing in a occasional David Packman or Bernie doesn’t change the fact that the dude is a right wing funded hack
He's also endorsed Bernie and had Kyle Kulinski, does that make him left wing now? Who he talks to doesn't determine who he is lol.
for whatever reason cnn and other s*** in that genre have given him such a bad rep
Yes, yes it does. His lineup of guests speaks for itself. Mostly alt right loonies and other Koch Brother type characters
Throwing in a occasional David Packman or Bernie doesn’t change the fact that the dude is a right wing funded hack
no the lineup says nothing about it, just because Oprah has had questionable people on does that make her questionable?
It's about what he says during the convo
no the lineup says nothing about it, just because Oprah has had questionable people on does that make her questionable?
It's about what he says during the convo
Oprah doesn’t have questionable people on every other episode
And Joe is agreeing with these questionable guests, not providing any pushback whatsoever
Oprah doesn’t have questionable people on every other episode
And Joe is agreeing with these questionable guests, not providing any pushback whatsoever
that is completely inaccurate, she had plenty of questionable guests
he isn't trying to bring someone on to just butt heads with them, it's just a conversation
I'd recommend breaking your mentality because it isn't healthy lol