  • Aug 5, 2021
    1 reply

    It’s hard to “no big deal” Joe Rogan’s influence like y’all itt have been doing when the man was paid $100million by spotify and has very high profile guests and 10s of millions of listeners.

    also, my brother listens and would do so out loud in the kitchen. For the early months of pandemic I would overhear episodes and every time without fail it would be joe’s covid skepticism, anti-lockdown, antimask, anti-homeless, and fearful trans athlete ramblings. every day! for months!

    that’s gotta have some effect on people. and i know it does! One of my friends is a big fan and this past year I’ve watched his brain break on antimask and antivax propaganda that he fwds to our big discord channel. which i then have to refute so my friends aren’t fooled. and he was all upset about that trans weightlifter in the olympics, suddenly a crusader for womens sports

    it’s anecdotal evidence but surely there are people dumber and more gullible than my friend that listen to the podcast.

  • Aug 5, 2021
    1 reply

    and it’s crazy bc i’ve been into podcasts for like 8 years and listened to the early Joe. and it was much less stupid and repetitive than now.

  • Aug 5, 2021

    and it’s crazy bc i’ve been into podcasts for like 8 years and listened to the early Joe. and it was much less stupid and repetitive than now.

    I think he's gotten too confident in the s*** he says while before he kinda knew he didn't know s*** about anything

    His podcast has definitely taken a hit in quality since the pandemic started

    I feel like Covid has turned reasonable people into nutjobs which is sad cause there was a point in time where I f***ed with Joe a lot

  • Aug 5, 2021

    I only watch if he has good guests. Yall must be having long commutes to listen to entire podcasts. Idk I can only listen and watch segments

  • Aug 5, 2021

    last one i listened to was Kanye at 2x speed

  • Aug 5, 2021
    Trash Star

    Yeah bro, this is just reactionary fear mongering. It's not like it's been well documented that Joe is a key figure in the alt right pipeline

    I'm not saying that Joe himself is in the alt right, but his content 100% has the ability and influence to send someone down that path and it does. He has one of the top 3 biggest podcasts in the world with hundreds of millions of listeners. There are few people in the world with that much reach.

    Yeah, the majority of listeners don't even notice or give a s*** about this stuff, I know. But that doesn't change the realities of the people that actually do hear this stuff and who end up falling down the rabbit hole or for the people who are already down there and think Joe is one of them.

    Also it's hilarious that you say that I'm just nitpicking evidence, but then you claim a single episode featuring Bernie is all the evidence needed to dispute the issues I brought up And thinking Joe is economically left He specifically left Cali and went to Texas because he was tired of living under a "socialist" leftist government in Cali.

    The fact you called it the “alt right pipeline” is you admitting you’re fear mongering. That’s a conservative slippery slope fallacy if there ever was one. I mean the whole idea of the alt right pipeline was propped up by tech companies to increase their control over the flow of content. It’s like fear mongering about isis recruitment videos. Why is everyone a scared little reactionary masquerading as a progressive now. This is what conservatives used to do in the 80’s and 90’s. They still do it, y’all just have cultural hegemony now and have massive billion dollar corporations behind your vapid cultural concerns. Worry about mass unemployment and lack of healthcare things that actually lead people to adopting reactionary views out of stress and resentment towards those in power rather than the Fear Factor guy talking about monkeys and UFO’s.

  • Aug 5, 2021
    frank 2022

    Funny comedians that aren’t friends w joe need to stop going on. That Shane episode was rough, and I love the guy

    I found the awkwardness of it funny

  • Aug 5, 2021

    Media content is not worth fear mongering about. People’s material circumstances have actual tangible effects on how they view the world more so than any podcast or movie. I’m tired of wasting time on this conversation, won’t be responding to any more hysterical responses. The rest of the population disagrees with any of these arguments anyway, you lost this debate in the general culture. Joe is a household name. People who like him will listen and those that don’t won’t, that’s it.

  • Aug 5, 2021

    I enjoy his podcasts with duncan trussell

  • Aug 6, 2021

    Woke America is like N.Korea': Defector Yeonmi Park reveals she was mugged in Chicago by three black women but when she restrained one she was called racist and forced by white bystanders to let her go

    This is who you believe

  • Aug 7, 2021

    for people who have malaise from rogan's bad politics episodes and want something more genuine to show the podcast is still worthwhile, i really recommend the recent podcast with Jason Wilson. really amazing guy and a more personal and motivational episode

  • Aug 12, 2021
    2 replies

    The North Korean women story is incredible. Amazing episode. Mindblowing.

  • Aug 12, 2021
    1 reply
    · edited

    The North Korean women story is incredible. Amazing episode. Mindblowing.

    and apparently fake

  • Aug 12, 2021
    1 reply

    and apparently fake


  • Aug 12, 2021
    1 reply


    they saying she's the kim k or north korea and just doing this for clout

  • Aug 12, 2021
    3 replies

    they saying she's the kim k or north korea and just doing this for clout

    but shes from there and what happens there is probably true. We dont know because they are super secret. Also, any Americans that were there in prison describe it as degrading.

  • Aug 12, 2021
    · edited

    The North Korean women story is incredible. Amazing episode. Mindblowing.

  • Aug 12, 2021

    but shes from there and what happens there is probably true. We dont know because they are super secret. Also, any Americans that were there in prison describe it as degrading.

    People just want to discredit her because she questions socialism

  • Aug 12, 2021

    but shes from there and what happens there is probably true. We dont know because they are super secret. Also, any Americans that were there in prison describe it as degrading.

    that story or stories like it are no doubt true, its just not hers

  • Aug 12, 2021
    1 reply

    but shes from there and what happens there is probably true. We dont know because they are super secret. Also, any Americans that were there in prison describe it as degrading.

    A lot of North Korean defectors like her say she’s faking for the $$

  • Aug 12, 2021

    A lot of North Korean defectors like her say she’s faking for the $$

    I mean, obviously people in this country are paying her to tell the truth about NK. Plus i'm sure the CIA and military wanna hear what shes saying. NK is f***ed up.

  • Sep 27, 2021

    his subreddit is in an open state of revolt again

  • Sep 27, 2021

    I like joe rohan but sometimes I dont

  • Oct 4, 2021
    3 replies

    Mike Baker again

    Does Joe now just reserve a spot every month for a CIA agent?

  • Oct 4, 2021

    Mike Baker again

    Does Joe now just reserve a spot every month for a CIA agent?

    Keep your eyes open
