Mike Baker again
Does Joe now just reserve a spot every month for a CIA agent?
Rehashing the same guest was the reason I stopped listening. I haven’t listened since Undertaker and Chappell tbh
It’s hard to “no big deal” Joe Rogan’s influence like y’all itt have been doing when the man was paid $100million by spotify and has very high profile guests and 10s of millions of listeners.
also, my brother listens and would do so out loud in the kitchen. For the early months of pandemic I would overhear episodes and every time without fail it would be joe’s covid skepticism, anti-lockdown, antimask, anti-homeless, and fearful trans athlete ramblings. every day! for months!
that’s gotta have some effect on people. and i know it does! One of my friends is a big fan and this past year I’ve watched his brain break on antimask and antivax propaganda that he fwds to our big discord channel. which i then have to refute so my friends aren’t fooled. and he was all upset about that trans weightlifter in the olympics, suddenly a crusader for womens sports
it’s anecdotal evidence but surely there are people dumber and more gullible than my friend that listen to the podcast.
Today we learned that impressionable people accept whatever heavily repeated opinion gives them meaning
This is why I hate talking to people too involved in politics, yall are incapable of seeing someone past political beliefs. They're not all roght wingers, most of his guests don't even care about politics. You're taking the ones you don't like to paint him as if he's with them by association like he doesn't interview everyone lmao.
Not liking rogan is perfectly fine but assuming he's right wing just because he interviews some right wingers along with left wingers and anyone else is a dumb reason to dislike them
Yall treat politics like sports teams lmao
Politics like sports teams is the most accurate s*** I’ve ever heard lmao. Liberals and Conservatives think they’re the Lakers and Celtics in 1986
Mike Baker again
Does Joe now just reserve a spot every month for a CIA agent?
Rogan is very literally an asset himself. He publicly stated his willingness, the same year Redban left.
Look at his actions and controversy these days. It's clear as day that he's allowing himself to be used.
Watch some of the little s*** he says/does during his Kill Tony appearances. He's a cornball spook. And most of the comedians in his orbit are aware of it and being steered by Rogan in some regard. Some of the interviews are downright uncomfortable now once you notice it.
Truly just a dumb little man
Mr. ‘Do your own research’ over here
Don't know how his copium addicted fans can keep denying that the dude is a conservative puppet. I saw a clip of him saying that democracy didn't exist before 1776 and every country before that was ran by an evil dictator
Today we learned that impressionable people accept whatever heavily repeated opinion gives them meaning
True. I’d say, if repeated enough, the people don’t even have to be that impressionable. Much of the Rogan audience is braindead to begin with, but the incessant covid talk by Joe is so frequent and heavy-handed that it will penetrate any person still listening through sheer brute force no matter how gullible. The guests have no choice but to nod along when the conversation inevitably reaches that week’s installment of “Joe says dumb s*** about covid for 45 minutes”. The listeners mindlessly nod along as well
True. I’d say, if repeated enough, the people don’t even have to be that impressionable. Much of the Rogan audience is braindead to begin with, but the incessant covid talk by Joe is so frequent and heavy-handed that it will penetrate any person still listening through sheer brute force no matter how gullible. The guests have no choice but to nod along when the conversation inevitably reaches that week’s installment of “Joe says dumb s*** about covid for 45 minutes”. The listeners mindlessly nod along as well
Nah I disagree. Most people in general are that way. It’s not at all exclusive to his audience imo. You find the same s*** on the other end of the spectrum
instagram.com/p/CV0jjTMFlAe boomerfication complete
True. I’d say, if repeated enough, the people don’t even have to be that impressionable. Much of the Rogan audience is braindead to begin with, but the incessant covid talk by Joe is so frequent and heavy-handed that it will penetrate any person still listening through sheer brute force no matter how gullible. The guests have no choice but to nod along when the conversation inevitably reaches that week’s installment of “Joe says dumb s*** about covid for 45 minutes”. The listeners mindlessly nod along as well
dont you get your news from twitter? Thats like the other side of the c*** spectrum
dont you get your news from twitter? Thats like the other side of the c*** spectrum
no? And I pray you aren’t implying you get your news from Rogan
no? And I pray you aren’t implying you get your news from Rogan
im not a jre head by any means. I just think the other side has their blind spots they're unable to see
Joe rogan talking about the carnivore diet intrigues me but i wonder if its safer to do for him given he hunts and raises his own chicken. Is it different for people who eat factory farmed meat?
this dude Lou hates rogan and lives in this thread lol weird
I mean I dont f*** with joe rogan either, but he's like so easy to ignore. Idk why dude is in this thread like that lol
Avy to post correlation off the charts
https://www.instagram.com/p/CV0jjTMFlAe/ boomerfication complete
Why are u here then? Go away.