Wait that sounds f***ing so cool
Was that mechanic (empty gun clicks drawing enemies) in the original TLOU or something from TLOU2 that they brought over?
Its from tlou2. Enemies didnt know when you were out of ammo in the original tlou1
My main tactic from Pt. II totally works for this too now.
Draw an enemy out of cover by switching to a weapon that’s out of ammo, point it at them and shoot so they’ll hear the click.
Doing that s*** and having them try to charge you only to switch to your shotgun and blow them away is so good.
Honestly, it’s something that I’m shocked I’ve never seen in any movie before, it’s so cool.
This is true I rarely used this you right for pointing this out
It's the little things bruh I swear they sleeping
Its from tlou2. Enemies didnt know when you were out of ammo in the original tlou1
I could have sworn when you pulled the trigger on an empty gun the enemy would hear it and comment on how they know your empty...or was that just in the e3 demo
I could have sworn when you pulled the trigger on an empty gun the enemy would hear it and comment on how they know your empty...or was that just in the e3 demo
Classic e3 demo cut content
In the e3 demo you could dodge too lol
Hell nah they retconned Ellie and made her gay 😭😭 damn libs ruining good media
Beat left behind
What a great dlc
Time to replay 2
that’s just physical sales and 80% of sales are digital now
and that’s just the UK
also saints row sold on all platforms not just one
Comparing a Multiplatform release to an exclusive release of a remake of a remaster of a 9 year old game
Replaying 2 now after beating part 1 and it’s confirming to me all the thoughts I had…
2 is better all around. Writing, Story, gameplay, animations, acting. F*** it is so good in this game. Literally improved in every single way over 1. And “pacing” isn’t really an issue on a replay since I know the story beats and how it’s gonna go, but yeah I still prefer the pacing in 1, but I like the length of 2 more I’d that makes sense. Game has WAY more to say than 1.
just speculating but imagine
2020: tlou pt2
2021: next-gen patch
2022: tlou pt1 remake
2023: tlou show
2024: factions 2
2025: tlou show season 2
2026: naughty dog new IP
2027: ps6 remaster of pt1&2
2028: tlou pt 3
2029: tlou show season 3
Glad I didn't drop 70 bucks on this just to play with spruced up graphics. I'd rather waste that 70 bucks on postmates for just lunch for me while playing part 2
Replaying part 1 it’s honestly hard for me to decide which is better now
Part 2 has better gameplay, and a more interesting plot
But part 1 has better pacing and a more realistic story with no plot holes and more realistic characters.
I always forget the sheer amount of ‘boost me up, I think I can get up there’ in ND games
Replaying part 1 it’s honestly hard for me to decide which is better now
Part 2 has better gameplay, and a more interesting plot
But part 1 has better pacing and a more realistic story with no plot holes and more realistic characters.
While I love Part 2 and think it’s one of the best games of last gen, Part 1 will always have a special place in my heart and ever so slightly takes the edge for me
I always forget the sheer amount of ‘boost me up, I think I can get up there’ in ND games
Even GoW 2018 did it
Every time I beat this game I’m left with this feeling of emptiness inside. What a f***ing game man. No games other than this and TLOU2 have evoked the types of emotions I feel playing these. I don’t regret copping this Remake one bit. I always gotta let the credits roll every time too cuz the music that plays just hits too hard. Now onto Left Behind and another TLOU2 replay.